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Fnuik O. H:mcock, of Hillsdale, w.u tn the city Monday. Tlios. J. Keech went to E ist Saginaw yesterday on business. Miss Clara Hodges, of Detroit is visitmg fricnds in the city. Miss May Whedou retumed Monday froai a visit at Lansing. Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Steere liad a boy for a New Year's preseut. Geo. S. Wheeler, of Salem, was at the county capital yesterday. Miss Mdbel Randolph of Toledo, is viaitino; her sister at A. L. Noble's. W. A. Potter, of Rochester, N. Y., vitited friends in the city during the week past. J. A. Keith, of the Caro Jeffersonian was a ealler upon Ann Arbor friends last Saturday. A. 8. Petit and John Chase are doing good work in a Chinese mission school In Denver, Col. Gregory Dibble, of Flint, a former Washtenaw county-ite was in the city Monday on business. B. F. Wutts was chnsen deputy jrnind high priest at the grand chapter R. A. M., at Detroit last week. J. N. Bailey, of the East Saginaw Telegram, was in the city on hls semi-occasional visit home this week. Acrowd of jolly folks went to Walter Lathrop's on the 8. Ypsilauti road, last Thursday cvening and liad a good time. D. L. White of Savonla, X. Y., Is visitisg the latnily of W. II. Freuman of this city for a few weeks. Alderman Keating, of the 4th ward, has been quite 11 for some day?, but is on the road to recove ry now. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, was about the court house, on business yesterday. Mr. Freeman has just returned from the south. John Clair, who has been spendlng the sunimer in Grand Rapids, returned to t! e city last week, accompanied by nis niece, Miss Alice Doyle. Bert Thompson and wlfe, of Ann Arbor, visited their únele, W. E. Thompson and family, of near this place, Saturday and S.inday last. - Pinckney Dispatvh. Miss May Whedon of Atin Arbor, sang In the Firet Presbyterian church yesterday, and delightcd the congregation with her voice. - Lansinsr Renublican, Jun. 24. E J. Morton representing Fraternity lodge F. Je A. M., and Will VV. Watts reprfsenting Golden Kule lodge, are in Detroit atlending a meeting of the grand loilge. Miss Kittle Dnüy, of Séneca Falls, wlio has been visiting at Sherift" Walsh's for several days, returned to her home Monday, being accompanied as far as Detroit by Mrs. Walsh. We are pleased to notice tliat Mr. J. A. C.ise, formerly of this city, now in the office of the 2d auditor at Washington, has been promoted again. He is evidently climbing, and we are jjlu'1 to Ne him locceed. The N. Y. C. train on which Miss Mary Scott and Miss Lois Angelí were journeying eastward last Fridav, had a collision ncar Pouglikeepsie, N. V. The engineer and liremmi were küled, but none ot the passengers were injiired. J. C. Knowltoii, wife, and sister Millie, Prof. J. G. Piittengill and wife, and Prof. A. H. l'nltpiigill wuut ovor to Adrián last Friday, In a sleigh, and wlien they carne to return tliey found the sleigbing rather muddy. lieaching Saline they were oblijred to taku passage f rom thji;ci in a democrat wagon.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News