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Entertaining The Solons

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The IllTttation extended by President Angelí ol' the l'niveisity, and joined by the cninnion conncil of the city of Ann Arbor, tothe legUlatare of the State of Michigan to visit the l'niversity was unanlmoiiily accepted by both the senatc and the house last week, and tbe date of the visit fixed for Tlmrsday, Febinary 3d. Ex-Gov. Alger tenders Gov. Lnce and the legislature a bunquct on Frida evening, and the legislature will visit this city the day previous. l'pon the announecment of the acceptance of this invltation, Mayor Hobison and President Angelí hastily called together a few citizens at the council room, last Friday p. in., to discuss the best ceurse to pursue in entertaining thsir guests. It was finally decided to serve quite an elabórate lunch at the University, ïtnmediately npon the arrival of the train at 5:."S0 Tlmrsday evening, and to ask citizens to entertain them from then to the following aftèrnoon when they take the train for Detroit. At this meeting Hon. Chas. H. Richmond ireíided, Gco. II. Pond aeted as secretary, and the following committees werc appointed: On finance-To raise funds and have general charge of all expendltures- (J. Muck. E. 1!. Abel, H . J. Browu, G. Krank Allraendlnger iiinl Professor M. 15. Cooley. On Enltttainment- Mayor John J Robison, K. I). Klnne, E, B. Pond. On lianmortation-Kvnrt H. Scott, J. E Mimin-Miinl A. V. Kobison. H. J. Hrown and E. B. Ahl were appointed a committee to eo-operate with the committee of arrangemeuts of the University. The committee on entertainment was empowered to add one person from each wrd to assi9t them. The comniittees then went to work with a will and have been woiking ever since. The prayer of the people here now is for pleasant weatlier in which to entertain their guests, for the arrangement?, thougli hastily made, are thought to be quite perft-ct for the purpose. Upon the nrrival of the train carriages will be in waiting to take the legislaiive to Hangsterfer's Hall, where a supper will be seryed. From there carriages will take them, to the University where an opportunity will be given the legislators to meet the citizens who are to entertain them. After this the followlog rogram wili beobserved: Program for tlie vlsit of the leglelature to the City of Arm Arbor and the University, Kebruary 3 and 4, 1887. All hours are glven In standard time. Thursday Eventng. 6:15. Supper served at Hangsterfer's Hall. After the supper KuestH will be taken dtrectly to tlie University where they will be recelved by the Facullles nnd Cltlznns. There will be muslc by the Glee Club. 7:30. Ijecture by Prof. J. W. Langley 8:30. Vlstt to General Llbrary and Art Gallery. 9:30. CarrlaKes will be In waiting front of of Unlverstty Hall to take guests to their lodglngs. Friday Morninq. 9:00. Guests will assemble at the Presldent's Office and proceed at once to the Kn glueeilng Laboratory. 9:45. Guest may attend as they prefer : (a) Lecture on Anatorav by Dr. Ford in the Medical BuildÏDg; (b) Ijecture on Law in the Law building; (c) Lecture In the Homoeopathic College ; (d) Lectnre by Dr. Taft In the Dental College. The classes In the Academie Department are a!soopen to visltors. 10:4ö Guesta will return to the President1 Omce whence theywlll be conducted to the large Hall to meet studenls of all Departmeuts who will Ije ass.inbied there. 12,4.). Dlnner Hour. Afternoon. 1:30. Vlslls to the Dental College; Chemleal Laboratory. Hospltals, Law Library, and the Museum. 4:00. Carriages will be In waltlng In front of University Hall to take guests to train whicb. lea ves for Detroit at 4:80. People who entertain giiests are especially urged to meet them at the University, after the supper at Hangsterfer's. The Legislative excursión will leave Lansing to-morrow at 1 p. m. by special train. After a stop at the state prison all who get out will come to the university, arriving liere at 5:30 p. m. About 200 perfois including ladies are expected.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News