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THE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE i m'mm m, Use Your Brains and Make Money. o, mm, mui imnm, The Jvdge proposos toante! the Grant Monument ín ad ly organlzing a grácil competltlon ou word-bnlldiDg (makinK th largeat numberof Jtnelib words irom s Rlven hy transpoglne ihe theme the entence "Wbo wlU be oni I resident .' nd offarlog (Vb pi nimpeutors, eacli ut whn will liavc to pn ],iu (80; cents ou pregentatioo of hN competltlrt par money i-L-ceivi-d will hc applli 1 cents is at oucc credlt.-.l to 'th.lirani rand. The remaining twenty-flve Centg, alter dertnclini; toe leglusuit tzpi otm oí advertininu ¦ ¦ tln-ir íespectiveanswiTí. etc . etc, will bc placed in a rnnmmn finid to be equallj divlded amou.' the the lx gncceMful eompaUtorg, . ., the lix perKOding in tbe luyeat lista of EDL'li.-h words (proper oonu incladed) made from tbc gsntence ,'vho will be onr next Pri The magnitude of the prigwwill depend on tbc amountoi motiey received, Br iu Olhei worda op the number or compeiltom. üommanlcatlom open BBlll Fsbriurj 16, W87, 18 o'dock. Ibis 18 not a oew thln. Iu lare sumo of money have been rúted tor ruarlty by ttda mcihodand who have partldpated :md in, cideutally lelped a wortby oij.-ct have won a ji Ize : au high as S1U.0U0 as a reward for mental acffyiij. t The nainee of camDMlton will be publiphrd from week to ww k in ,udtje ad they may come iu TIn will imtonly serve as an acknowledgemeM of the recelpt of tbe money, etc, but will ilaa serve to ebow tbe weekly progresa f tiie fund. Governing mies iu thla eek - .ludgi. Adclrt. "CRANT FUND," The Judg'e Piiblisliiiisr Commny, Potter - ew York Ottjr. -THE- l887DETROIT JRIBUNE. TIip Metropolitan Repnblican Journal of Michigan. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscrlption list of the Detroit Trihnne ha been .-ry Itugely tncreased ander It new raanavëment, and its politica! intluence made itfielf strikinly feit in the cainpain which has just cln.-oL Asa HterlinK Faniil.v cvn;ht itwill not merely maintain its hiffh standing durini' tbc coming year but itwill be stren thened and im' THE TRIBUXE ontnin All the tirxv, Forei-n Tor st;itc imd Local, n üie most rcadable luim. U tontaina the latest and raoM readabk Marl.a Rcports. It contains able. viorous Euitorials and puneent pararaphs, candid and timcly COmment m current issues and important qucstiVins of the d;iy. In short it is a BRIGI1T, LIVKLY. AOGRES SIVB RKl'UBLICAN NEWSPAPER - A MICHIGAN PATER FOR MICHIGAN READERS. The i I 'E E KL Y TB IB UNE Is 8 Lirue ci;ht-paje paper of 64 columns, containiag editorial discussion of ciirront issuea fi-oai the itandpojnts nf accurate in torn at ion and tUicrenc to correct political und econoniic priri estini and valuablc miPLellaneous rra ori.'inal and quoti'd poems and s tions fmm the best nterature of the tl aj F -pocin? attention will bc puid to tópica "i intírcsts to the rural community. und to discussion of questions of Interest in practical auricultural, letten on faini and home topics, receipts, etc. In lef, ncither, pains nor expense il! be I pared in kecriag 'I he Tribune a firat-rlaM Family E iaHr, stront in ali dep;irtments, anti in ¦ of tht1 treal state withwhosu iiitff wSEovbM it has been so lonL and so TEBMS: Per Six Thtee Aiiniim Mos. Moa, DAILY, except Sundav $5.00 $2.50 $1.25 DAILY, includiiii biindjy... 6.00 3.3Ü 1.50 WEEKLY i.CO .50 .30 For Si 50 we will send t!ir WeeVhf Trflyune for one few and 1 copy or "Onr KHiuily;Hlij - Mielan."' a vahublc household oMdlcal wrttof B, well printed :i'i I bai ui - .1 hottk tli:ii retails :it l'lio Weekly Tribuno will bi' sent oii trial 1o Kew Snliscribers tliree inonllis iir 2 tenis. AU postale prepauL Specimen copit-s free Kemlttancea m.iv I-e vL.nt ut our iik lv flniin n Dt-troit banks. oioney ortleis ir in rr'ileiad L : Liberal tcrins 10 B - .ts. Send lor p.irticuLirs. Aililrc-1; THE TRIBl'XE, Prtroit, The bftt Uistory nf the War t!utt has ¦t a peared. - Boston Traveller. riio plu pi i's Woekly ilnrlnit til V;ir liiiing bt't'U i.cbt royeil, HAHPER'S Pictorial History cfthe Rebellion [s the only oneans of nbtalnlng luvnluable rilstoftoal IIIURtrattona. [11 :w spleiulld ["hi volunit's. saine si.c pagp n tin1 weekly, ml onntalnlDK I.ihki of lts rinious War plc[nrrs. PrlcO for Rel cari lage pald, in h.vil-tl jlottj, l(i 00; Iu llulf Ttukiv Morocpo. hm l-¦(ilne ullt lamp on sidt .ml nwirMni ¦ ¦ ai. TO AVOID l'Fil I'II"N, KK TIIAT IIOIIKS I!K.H HAKPKR'S N A M K. s,,!lliy. íubscrliuiuti only, Scml fnr lllualrntod clrouMeDONNELL BRO'S, 15 Deai boni SI., ('lilmgo, 111. Of Priodes value fr Pretcn Boston Advertiser, 17-S6,


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