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Consnmption Cured. An oíd phygician, retired trom piactice, havlng liad placed in Ii is Iiands by an East India missionary the formula 'of a simple vegetable remedy fnr Ühc ipeed; and permanent "cure of Consumption, Bronchitis (Jatarrh, Aatlima, and all throat and lung AfFeotions, nlso a positive and radica! core for Nervoii9 DeHlity and and all Nervous Complalnts, afterhaying tested irs wonderfiil curative powen in thousands of casec, has feit it his duty to make ir known to hls sull'ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a deslre to relieve human sufi'ering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, tliis recipe in Germán, Frenen or English, with full directious for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addrosslni; with stamp, n:imInjt thispaier, W. A. Noye, 14!) Power1 Block, Kochester, N. Y. The latest word for the Parlslan BWell Is copenchlc. Buckleu'.s Árnica Salvo. The Best Salve in the world for ('nts, Bralaec, Bont, (Jksen, Balt Rbeum, Fever Sores, ïettt-r, Cliappcil Hands, Chllhlalns, Ooms, and all Skin Eniptions, and positively cureg Piles, or no pay requircd. It ligrúranteed to give perfect iatlsfitotion, or money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberb.ich & Son. Itrh, Prairie Mange, and Scratcies of evi-ry kind cured in thirty mlnutea by Woodforil 's Snnitary iMion. Use no other. rii is never fails. Sold by II. .1. Brown, dniggist, Ann Arbor. 1388 1840


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News