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in inn nonate on th HU a petttion was presented In favor of letting the people of the District of Columblu vote on the qucstion of the manufacture and sale of lntoxlcattng liquora. A blll was lntroduced to amcnil the Oleomargarlne act. The proposed amendment to the con¦tltutlon grantlng suffrago to women was defeated by a voto of 84 to 16. Several bilis for publlo buildings were passcd, and amendments to the Sundry Civil Approprlatlon and Agrlcultural bilis were introduced. Charles 1). Furwell took hls seat as Senator from Illinois In the Boom the report tealufeac vacant the seat of Mr. Prtce (Eep.), of Rhode Island, was adopted. The Agrloultural Appropriation blll was reported. HH.1.S wero reported in the Sonate on theüfith creatlng a department of the Government to be known as the Department of Agricultura, amt for the oompletion of tha monument to Mary, mother of Goorge Washington. A bilí to Investígate polltical and other outrages In Texas waspassed, and the blll to establish agricnltural experiment stations was discussed. The orcdentials of Senators Gray, of Delaware, Dawes, of Massachusotts, and Cockrell, of Missouri, were reoelved and placed on file. By a voteof 17 tosí the nomlnatlon of J. C. Matttw '-, tobe Recorder of Deeds for tho District of Columbia was rejected. In the House the conference report on the Army Appropriation bill was agreed to, the River and Harbor bill was further considerad, and several private land-claim measures were discussed. Thk Senate on the 27th passed the Asricultural Experiment Station bill and the bill for the relief of dependent parents and of honorably discharged soldlers and sailors now disabled. The Sundry Civil Appropriation bill (BI.n8n.flKI) was reported In the House the Senate bill prohlbitlng the importatlon of adulterated articles of food or drink was reported favorably, and the Joint resolution providing for the electlon of United States Senators by the people of the Unltod States was reported adversely. The Klver and Harbor bill (t7,OOO,OÜO) was passed by a vote of- yeas, 154; nays, 94. niM.s were reported in the Senate on the 88th to secure statlstlcs of the extent and value of the flshlng lnterests of the United States, and flxing the salaries of the commissioners of educatlon and labor at 15,000. Two messages trom the President were presented- one vetoIng the bill granting a pension to Benjamin Obeklah, and tho other vetoing the bill for the relief of H. K. Beldlng. The bill to prohiblt members of Congress from acting as attorneys or employés for railroad companies aided by the Government was discussed In the House the time was occupled princlpally in dlscussing the Pleuro-Pneumonia bill. DOMESTIC. Three masked men at Richmond, Tex., captured the ticket agent of the Santa Fe road on the 25th and forced him to open the safe, which contained $1,235 in cash. Figures on the 25th from the Bureau of Statistics show that the value of exporta from the United States for the twelve months ended December 81, 1886, were $885,673,000; for 1885, 1351,913,000. The total valuo of lmports for 1886 were $863,417,000; for 1885, $587,868,000. Tbb American whaling fleet has degenerated to 121 vessels, one-third of whicb are offered for sala The total catch of the year just ended was 30,000 barrels of oi] and 300,000 pounds of whalebone. A crank was arrested in Washington on the 25th. He had in his pocket a hatchet, with which he said he wanted to ügbt the French Minister. Frank Holmes, of Pentwater, Mioh., was devoured by wolves in Delta County on the 25th, but he killed flve of the brutea before he met death. By the explosión of a car-load of giant powder on the 25th near Fort Scott, Kan., a man named Scott Hooker was instantly killed, uiteen cars were blown to atoras and f10,000 worthof plate-glass was broken. The ice in the Susquehanna nver near Lock Haven, Pa., was on the 25th piled thirty feet high for a distanoe of three miles. A frkshet in the Mohawk Valley, near Utica, N. Y., did great damage on the 25th_ Thb circulation of the Standard silver dollar is steadily decreasing. The number outstandlng on the 25th was 68,64,267. Am immense coal-breaker at Plymouth, Pa., was destroyed by fire on the 25th, causing a loss of $100,000. The new live-dollar silver certifleate has portrait of President Orant on its face, and on the back a group of flve silver dollars. Spear S. Hollixgsworth, ex-county treasurer of Enox County, Ind., who is a defaulter for $80,000, and fled to Canada, returned to Vincennes on the 25th and gave himself up. w luö &)tu oqu gins, empioyeu in me Elizabeth (N. J.) cordado works struck against a reduction of wages. Their action threw nearly 600 other hand out of work. Some days since Mrs. Rosetta McAllister dled in Columbus, O., amid the most absolute squalor and poverty. On the 25th friends found in her lodglng place notes to theralue of 17,000 and overt3,000 in money. Terrible suffering exlsted on the 25th on the Colville Indian reservation, eighty miles south of Spokane Falls, small-po having broken out In the tribe with great fatall ty. A trunk diracted to "J. A. Wilson" was cpened on the 2öth at Baltlmore and found to eontain the headless body of a man. The trunk was shipped from New York, and in it were carda bearing the name of a Brooklyn butcher. It was estimated by ths Secretary of the Treasury on the 26th that on appropriation of 4,663,101 would be needed under the Mexican Pension bill for the flrst yoarly payments. All ot the three thousaad operatire tailors in Boston witfidrew from the Knights of Labor on the 26th. Owino to floods caused by lce-gorge no tralns had on the 36th departed for the West from Lock Haven, Pa., for fortyeitrht hour. The tracks of the Philadelphla & Erie road were submorgod from eight to twelre f eet. Jake Van Wokrt, a farmer living near Stokeadale Junotion, Pa., waa shot dead on the 26th by hls sixteen-year-old wlfe in a quarroL Owiko to lack of coal the Havemeyers' sugar refineries on Long Island were closed on the 28th, throwing a large number of persons out of employment. Thhek boilers in Harvey's paper-mill at Wellsburg, W. Va., exploded on the 28th. destroying a portion of the mili, kiüing two men and woundlngr three others. Durino the five day ended on the 26th flre married ladies of middle age- Mr. Ferber, Mr. Archer, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Hanscl and Mr. Powell- dropped dead from supposed aearVdisease at Uniontown, O. A. J. jKWETTfell into a burnin? Ume-kiln on the 36th at Utica, Ind., and was roaated to death. A fire on the 36th at Dallas, Tex., burned thtee of the flnest business buildinsr occupied by Wholesale grocers, whose losses aggregated $400,000. D. G. Brows, proprietor of an Iron-work Dayton, O., feil dead on the 20th in a hotel at Buffalo, N. Y., while writing a letter. Thï boller of Wolf & Kugler's oil well nearOUClty, Pa., exploded on the 86th, killing two boys. Thb polle M Wllkosbarro, Pa., on th LOth diBcovorod a regularly-organlzed gane of robbers, tho oldust ol whom is oliven and tho youngest five years of age. Six of thom wero arrested. Thoy had robbed over forty merchants. LüD Oornish shot and killed Lulu Groen on tho 2Oth at Sharpsvillo, Ky., because she refused to marry htm. The assassin was arres ted. The strike at Higgin's carpet faetory in New York ended on the 26th, and the twenty-flve hundred employés resumed work. The National Legislativo Committee of the Knights of Labor on the 28th potitioned President Cleveland to veto the Inter-State Commeree bill. The Opera-House blook and other buildings at Mercer, Pa., were dostroyed by an incondiary firo on the 27th. Loss, $75,000. Under the auspires of the Catholic Church, and for the purposo of ruising funds for thecreditorsof Archbishop Purcoll, a theatrical compauy is soon to take the road from Cincinuati. Edward Yousqek, nfty-two years old, was arrested at Now York on the 27th for the murder of tho butchered man found recently in a trunk at Baltimore. The motive of the crime was robbery. Ají ice-gorge on the 27th at Port Deposit, Md., caused a flood, the maiu street of the town being flvo or six feet under watur. There was groat destruction of propprty. Advicks of the 27th report the loss of the schooner Carthage, of üloucester, Mass., while on a voyago to tho (Jeorges, with her crew of eleven men. Forty thousand working-raon employed in connection with tho vessel interests in and around the city of New. York were on a strike on the 27th. The groat ocean steamships and all other vessels in the harbor and along shore were detainod in their docks In consequence. Tho strike grew out of tho refusal of the Old Dominion Steamship Company to pay an advance to their coal-handlers, the others striking In sympathy with thom. TnE winter in tho Yellowstono Park rogion of the far Northwest is tho severest for eight years. The snow was from six to eight feet deep in the park on the 27th. lx Chicago on tho 27th Harry Gilmore, for the murder of a man namcd McBride, in March, 1881, was sentenced to thirty years' imprisonmont, and John Baker got a sentcnce of eleven years for the murder of William Dwyer. Georoe Dai.i.a3. a farmer, was arrested at Danville, Va., on the 27th for whipping to doath William Fitzgerald, aged thirteen years. the son of his wife's brothnr. Ho said ho whipped tho lad for telling him a lio, but did not intend to kill him. The shoe manufacturers in Worcester County, Mass., posted notices in their factorios on the 27th that they had decidod to free themselves from dictation by the Knights of Labor, and that hereafter the iactories would beopen only to such operatives as would agreo to deal individually with the flrm employing them. At Paducah, Ky., two httle colored cbildren were burned to death on the 27th, their clothes taking fire (rom a stovo. The storming of the ice-palaco oecurred on the evening of the 27th at 8t. Paul, 150,000 persons wilnessing the spectacle. For half an hour the air was illled wlth rockets and flre-balls of every conceivablo color. The business failnres during the seven days ended on the 28th numbered for the United H tatos S36, for Canada 85; a total of 271, against 301 tho previousiseven days. Mart Jones (colored); was shot while burglariously entering a atoro at Baltimore on the 28th. In her dweiling were found large quantities of stolen articles. A basd of flfty British Cree Indians was on the 28th said to be starving in the mountains of Montana. The Governor of that Territory had presented the matter to the Interior Department. Mrs. Asa J. Wiltman, living with her husband near Burr Oak, Mich., drowned herself and hor two babes in a cistern on the 28th. Domestic troubles caused the crime. While a masquerade ball was in progress on the evening of the 27th at Freeport, Kan., the paper head-dress worn by Miss Cora Boulder caught flre from a bracket lamp and sho was burned to death. The wife of Frank Roth, a Bohemian merchant at Cleveland, poisoned herself and babe on the 28th with " Rough on Rats." Sho was temporaal? insane. The ton-year-old daughterof Amos Weller was shot dead on the 28th near Des Moines, Ia., by a playmate who did not know his snot-gun was loaded. An oyster schooner was capsized in the Potomac river near Baltimore on the 23th during a heavy gale, and the three men on board were drowned. William B. Wadswortü, a well-known Brooklyn politician, employed in the tax office, disappeared on the 28th with iibout $30,000 of other people's money. It was announced on the 28th that duringtheyear 1886 farmers in Indiana lost $4,000,000 by the ravages oí hog cholera. Advices oí the 2Sth say that over one thousand persons had been converted in Sedalia, Mo., in a revival conducted by Major Cole. Five of the men engaged in the recent robbery of a railroad train at Gordon, Tex., were arrested on the 28th. Natcral gas in great quantities was on the 28th iound near Bowling Green, Ky., at a depth of eight hundred feet and oil in paying quantities at six hundred feet. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!Genebal Charles P. Stone, better known as Btone Pasha, died ia New York on the 24th. He served in the Mexican and civil wars, and in 1870 held the rank of Brigadier-General in the Egyptian army. He was an ongineer, and nis last worn was the construction of the Liberty pedestal in New York harbor. Ex-Goverxor Bate was on the 24th nominated for United States Senator by tho Democrats of the Tennessee Legislatura. Frank James, the ex-bandit, on the 24th secured a position as salesman in the largest shoo-house in SU Louis. Ex-Govbrnob W. B. Batb (Dem.) was on the 26th elected United Btates Senator by the Tennesace Legisluturo. Ei-Prbsidbnt Hates was on the 25th appolnted bv Governor Foraker trustee of the Ohio State University for a term of even years. The National Woman-Suffrage Associa tion commenccd its nmeteenth annual conventioa in Washington on the iöth. How. Philbti's Sawyer was re-electcd United States Senator by the Wisconsin Legislatura on the 25th, tho voto being : Sonate- Sawyer (Rep.), 25; Winans (Dem.), 5; Coohrane (Labor), 1. House- Bawyer, 56; Winans, 81; Cochrane, 6. John M. Laird, of the Greensburg Star, one of the oldest edltors in Pennsylvanla, died on tho 25th, aged eighty-six years. William Reed, aged eighty nine years, who arrived in Chicago on tho 26th, said he had walked all the way írom California, having loft there last August, and said he wai on his way to AJbauy, N. Y., his nativa place. The Benate of Texas passed a bilí on th 26th appropriating $100,000 for the relief of the drought-sufferers. D. M. Kenduick, general passenger agent of the New York Central raad, dieü in New York on the 28th. Ths joint Rcpubllean raueui sf the Penoaylvama Legislatura voted on the 2flth in favor of a prohibltioc amcndinont to the constttution. Mks. Georoiaïja Bkuoe Kiuiiy, who was a member of the celebratod "BrookFarm" community in Massachusetto, and who was tho author of "BrookFarm Papers," died in Santa Cruz, Cal., on the 27th. A RKMoi.vTioN Bubmitting a prohibitory amondmcnt to tho constltution was passed by the Michigan Legislatura on the 27th. The quostion will bo submitted at the State election in April. Dr. C. D. Bradlet, of Chicago, who two years ago had a practico worth $10,000 per year, was on the 27th sent to tho insane asylutn as a wreek f rom cocaine. Fourtf.ex indictmonts against persons who vlolated the eloctioa law lust November were roturned at St. Louis on the SSth by the United States grand Jury. Warrants wore issucd for the arrest of the accu sed. Tuk bilí empowering women to vote at municipal eloctions passed the Kansas Sonate on the 2Sth- 25 to 13. A PROHiBiTioN amendment to the consti tution was adopted on the 28th by tho Tennossoe Sonate - 31 to 2. Commodore P. C. JOHJjsoy, oommandant of tho Portsmouth (N. H. ) navy yard, died at Portsmouth on the 2Sth, of Bright' disease, aged flfty-nine years. GovERXon Luce, of Michigan, on the 2Sth signed the joint resolution submitting to a vote of the poople In April the quostion of forbidding tho manufacture or sale of spirituous or malt liquors in the State. It was announced on tho 28th that United States Treasuror Jordán would rosign in May to accept tho prosldency of the Western National Bank of New York. Joseph L. .Mom; vn, Secretary of tho United States legation at the City of Mexico, teudered hls resignation on the Sth. FOREIGN. Advices of tho 24th from Tonquln say that Colonel Brissaud had carried the rebel position at Mikae Than-Hoa and that flve hundred insurgonts were killed. The Frcnch were pursuing the rebels. The Austro-Hungarian military preparations contlnued unabated on the ith. Ia ovent of mobilization threo great armles would be formed, cach corps having no less thaii 350,00ü men, the commanders ft which h;il already been designated. Ciioleka mado its appearanceon the asth on tho Chilian froutier, and great excitement existed in consequence. It was announced on tho 25th that throo comets had been discovered within flvo days. One discovered by the director of tho obsorvatory at Cordova, Bouth America, was going to bo very brilliant. Excitement was occasionod on the 25th among the colliers throughout Scotland by a strike of three thousand minors at Airdrio for an advance of a shilling per day. A si.n.iiT carthquake shock was feit in the City of Mexico on the 25th. The schooner C. Graham was wrecked on the 2Gth off Upper Prospect, N. 8. , and tho entire crew of six or eight men perished, Fivb persons were killed and twelve others wounded on tho 2Öth by a boiler explosión on the estáte of Señor Miguel, near Ouantanamo, Cuba. The British Parliament convened on tha 27th. Queen Victoria, in her speech, predicted that no disturbance of the peaco would adíe from the unadjusted controversies in Southeastern Europe. She said the condition of I relamí stlll required anxious attention by Parliament. Ax assignment was recorded on the 27th in Montreal by Finkerton & Turner, boot and shoe manufacturero, wbose liabillties aggegated f140,000. A conflict between Qermany and Franca was on the 27th alleged to be regarded in Berlin as imminent. The Canadian Minister of Customs on the 27th ordered the release of the American flshing-schooners Maggie Mitchell and Jeanette, soized by a cruiser off New Brunswick, on payment of flnes of $100 and $50, respectively. The Consul-General at Shanghai reported on the 28th that $1,280 was contributed by natives of that city for the ufforen by earthquake at Charles toa. LATER NEWS. Thb exclianges at twenty-slx Jeadin? clearing-houses in tho United States during the weekjended on the 29th uit BKgregatod 11,001,617,404, against 11,009,005,188 the previous week. As comparad with the corresponding week of 1S36, the decrease amounU to 13.1 percent. Edward Uxoeb, of New York, confessed on the 30th uit. the murder of August Bohle, whose mutilated body he shipped to Baltimore in a trunk. Ratmoxd Belmont, son of August Belmont, of New York City, shot htmself dead on the night of the 3Uth uit Whether the shooting was accidental or suicidal was unknown. Three of the members of the family of John Ebaugh, of Bryan, O., died recently of trichiniasis, causod by eating partlally cooked pork. Thb citizens of Springfleld, Ky., on the 30th uit. lynched Ludlow Cornish, who recently took the life of Lulu Green becauso she refused to marry him. Tehrible rioting was renewed in Belfast, Ireland, on the 30th uit Thirty persons were reported killed and over ona hundred injured. The trouble, it was sald, was caused by soldiere insulting a number of Catholic civilians. After a marriage of only three weeks A. P. Blomgren, a farmer, livini? near Chappelle, Neb., killed his wife during a quarrel on the 29th uit and then hanged himself. Tite British steamor Blalr Athal foundered in the Black Sea on the 29th uit, and twenty persons were drowned. Tue worst blizzard known for year9 prevailed in portions of Dakota and Montana on the 29th uit, and the thermometer ranijed f rom 20 to 80 degrees below zero. Two bots aged five and saven years, children of Nickerson Miliis, wera crushed to death by a rolling log on the 29th uit. near Paoli, Ind. Beven Nihilists wore hanged in tho prison at Odessa, Ru9sia, on thu 29th uit, and two hundred were banished to Siberia. The Germania Savings Bank of Jersey City, N. J., on the 2th uit. closed its door on account of the disappearance of Cashier Schroeder -with $30,000. The thirteenth ballot for United States Senator in the Indiana Legislatura on the 29th uit. resulted : Turpie (Dem.), 84; Allen (Labor), 8. Many members woro absent, and the Republicana rofrainod from voting. Advicbs of the 99th uit. say that flftyeight persons had been drowned In floods in Southern Queonsland, Australia, and much damage had been done to property. Is tho United States Sonate on the 29th uit. the Railroad Attorney bill wa dlscussed, but no action was taken. In the House a bilí appropriating f10,000 for tha distribution of seeds in tho drought-stricken section of Texas was passed. The Senato bill for tho protection of the moráis of minors' in the District of Columbia was reported, and tho Postrofflee Approprlatloú bil] was pusscd.


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