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l'. iv. uuitttin; ui nxamsLCU mis ielurned to college. Go to university Uall Friday evening, and heartlie wai'blirs warble. Prof. Knowiton will poon begin bis quizzes, nnd seniora are preparing therefor. In the University of Vermont a ladles' cooking class li-ts been establishcd. Sinall pntatcx-s, eli 'i A gradúate of Williams college recently guve bis alma mater f10,000 in akl of a new recltation hall. The Glee Club portion of the the Helen Potler entertainment, was pronoiinced by (ar tlie betl portion. The univiTsity hall I the fifth Iirri_-st Hudlence room in tin? worlil, of whicli tliere i noy record to-i:iy. Prof. M. K. Cooley will read a p.ipir befbre Ihe Engineering Society, Snturda; rveiiing, on " Heat entines." Corncll is after more of onr professors. Tliis time from the law departinent. Have none tofpare, gentlemen. A good education oonalstl In givin; to the body and the soul all the perfection of whlch they in susceptible - Pinto The followinx have been chosen as the iipw editora of the Chronkie : J. il. Powell. J. L Diifly, S Parka, (J.8. Williams. Friday evening, at university hall, the Alpine choir and Tyrolese warblers. Everybody will desire to go and bear tlu in. One of the pleasant events of the legislutive visit was the uppearanee of "Walla" Williams, of E:iton connty, wbo is a member ol' the house. He was wiirmly greeted by man; oíd triends. Dr. Putterson, Imving been appointi-d as surgeon to the Calumet and Ilccla mine in the opper península, will resign bll politlón as wnrd matter in the uiiivi'ifiity hospital The Dr. is a general favorite. Tiic ü. of M. lead the way and other universitles have fallen in line, gradually mltnitting women on the snme footlng as men. The latest convertó are the universities in Swit.erland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Ex-President White is credited with the intention of giving to Cornell University bis magniticent historieal lilrary consistng of 30,000 volumes, and 10,000 pamphlets, the original roet to tiim of whicb was upwards of $100,000. A grand gift. The lesiislative comraittees of the senate and house, consisting of Senators Wisner tad V. J BabOOCk ami Kepresentatives W.itson, (Ireen and Show have been inpeetlnR tlie university this week and consUlering lts needs. The committee appear to be quite unanimous In their oiinions as to the needi of the university. It is hoped that aside from the following list of appropriations asked that the committee will recommend one of $60,000 for the new hygenie, physical, physiological and histological laboratory: fok 1887. Repairs Contingent expense S'Som ltook for librarles J'.'ííi I! gomceopatble college ,',í 2 ll'inicüopiUhlo hospital ï'iïï Í?, liiiveisUy hospital J.' Dental Collene 8,000 UO 'l'ransportttUou and -placlnis Kogers collectlon 1,97301 Tranaportatlon nnJ plnuutR Ch laese ezblblt 1-:'1-'J Vaal t for Chemicals i H AppaniUis-natural plilliwophy 4,000 U0 l.iilaiKeuieut of dental college and uciulpment 5,000 00 Fore and foundry rooms and cqulpiiniil 4,'0 UU Machlnery 'for "eiiBlneerlng laboratory ; 0,750 00 Sclentltlc laboratsrlea aud equlpnit-nt 40,00000 l;m Ier lioiise and team heutlngconoeoUona ls.oouoo Adillllouul Halarles and teaching foroe s.ootiiio Plaña lor art museum 2.000 00 f 120 ,803 UI kok 1888. For npparatus In natural plillosophy ? ií.000 l'.,i wcleotlflo labo ratorlen and "'P'"6111 -137,000 00 Total fortwo years l!,8fti9 Prof. Vauglian has a caso of oyster or milk poisoning to investígate. The poiasoning occured at Clarkesville, Mich. on Jan. lOtli. According toa letter of Prof. Winclall n the Detroit papers, the univejsitj' is a bout to lose the Rominger collection of fossils, which lias lor several years been placed in tho tiniversity museum, the owner, Dr. C. Kotninger of this city, having received a very ndvantageous attn from a western university. It will be a sad 1098 to the museum, to the university, and to the state if this invaluable collection is allowed to go, not to a more wealtby, but perhaps a more active and liberal state. Alpha Xu program Satunlay cvening, Feb. 12th : Ml'Sir. Piano Solo Miss Blanche K. Barney DECI.AMATION. "How he Saved St. Mlcliaels" E. 8. 8haw ESSAY. "Federal Eduoatlon" G. K. Taylor SKI.KCT KIADINO. "Frora Helon llunt Jacksou" Miss E. M. Haveus MUS IC. PlauoSolo Miss Barney ORATION. "From Boston Bay to the Golden Gate".. Wm. H. Walker. DEBATE. liefolvtd, That the HUI now In the legislature provldlng for a Unlformlty of Text Books In the schools of Michigan should become a law. AMrma'ive, J. W. Matthcws. Negatlve, F. B. Walker.


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