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Bn.ia wcro reported In tho Senate on tho lst (or a homo for disabled voluntcor soldlers west of tho Rocky Mountnins; to reimburso tho sufferers by tho fallurc of the Froedmon's Savlngs & Trust Company ; to encouraRii thn holding of a National Industrial Expositlon In 1888 of tho arts and producís of the oolored race. Tho credontlals of Algornon S. l'uddock as Senator from Nebraska were recetvi l and flled. Tho Sundry-Civil blll ni furthor considerad In tho House tho blll penslonlng Mrs. John A. Logan and the bill Increasing the pension of Mrs. Frank P. Blalr wero reportod adversely. and the blll to allow W'ult Whitman 125 per month for Ufo for hls Mrvtoea as a volunteer nursc among the soldlers was reported favorably. At the evenlng m several military bilis were passed. The Sundry-Clvil Approprtation bill and the biU approprtating 110,000 for seeds to bo dlstrlbuted among destltute Texas farmers wero passed In the Sonate on the id, and the Imium Approprlatton blll was reported .... In the House the Senato blll to establlsh agricultural stations was reported. A measure calllng for an approprlation of 880,000,000 for the niiinufacture by Amerlcans of flrst-class modern guns for tho navy and sea-coast defenses ums lntroduced. An attempt to pass over the Preêident's veto a bilí grantlng a pension to Cartor W. Tiller was defoated, and the blll to prohlbit the appolntment of Congressional funeral commlttees was laid on the table. A bii.l was lntroduced In the Sennte on the 3d by Senator Evarts approprluttng 1112,000 for tho purchaso of Ericsson's Destróyer and fê,000,000 for ten enlarged steel vessels. The credentlals of s.nator Sawyer, of Wlsconsin, and Senator Whltthorne of Tonnessee, were received and flled. A long debate took place on the Beek Attorney blll.... In tho Houso tho LiOgislative, Executlve and Judicial Approprlation bill (te0,288,900) was reported. The blll to enable the people to name thelr own postmasters was adversely reported, and the PleuroPneumonla bill was dlsoussed. Bills were passed in the Senate on the 4th to pay back to the sevoral States and Territories all moneys collected under the direct tux of 1861, and to prohibit members of Congress from serving as attorneys for rallroads In the House messages from the President vetolng two pension bllls wore recetved and the private tllimflw was consldered In committeo of the whole. At the evening sesslon thlrty pension btlls were Dassed. DOMESTIC. The blizzard continuad in Montana on the lst, and cattle wore reportod perishing in largo numbofs. The public-debt statement on tho lst shows the total debt to be $1,731,183,783; cash in treasury, (27,780,050; debt less cash in treasury, 11,332,468,809. Decrease during January, $9,515,686. Charles Talbott, night clerk at tho Gayoso Hotel at Memphis, Tenn., disappeared on the lst, taking with him a jewel casket belonging to Fanny Davenport, the actress, containing valuables worth 35,000. Thb freight handlers joined the 'longshoremen's strike in New York on the lst, and nearly all the great railway piers in the city wero closed to comnieico. Ocean vessels were tied up at their docks and factories were shutting down for lack of coal. Archbishop Klder on the lst denied that the Uatholic Church had sanctiüned tho organization of a theatrical troupe to raise funds to pay off the debts of the late Archbishop Purcell. At Galloway, Ark., William Galloway, owner of a general store, and one of his clerks were shot and fatally woundod by burglars on the lst. Rebecca Bcck, aged thirty-flve years, who had been sufforing from melancholy, hanged herself on the lst at her home near East Hasover, Pa. Her inother, sevenlytwo years of age, was rendered insaue by the act, and a few hours later hanged herself in the same place where herdaughter's body had been found. William G. Lee, a florist at Upper Alton, HL, was killed by lightning on the lst. Anotiiek of the boodle aldermen of New York, named O'Neill, was on the lst convicted of bribery in connection with the Broadway railroad franchise. Dr. Matt Alexaxdeh, a leading physician of Knoxville, Tenn., committed suicide on the lst with morphine. He left a note, two of the sentonces being : "I go to heil. Teil my son to go to Heaven." Shakp thunder and vivid lightning accompamed a heavy sleet-storm on the lst in the vicinity of Moweaqua, 111. John D. Lisle, discount clerk in the First National Bank of Baltimore, was on the lst reportad to be a defaulter for $S0,000. Harry M. Getty, aged twonty-one years, a member of a prominent and wealthy family at Moriches, L. L, committed suicide on his mother's grave on the lst. He had been despondent since hor recent death. The Chadwick öleachery at Newburg, N. Y., was destroyed by fire on the lst, entailing a loss of 185,000. Joseph Tillotson, aged twenty-one years, perished in the ñames, and many others were severely burned. An unknown man went to Judgo Fitzgerald's residence at Cincinnati on the lst and shot at the Judge, who answered tho bell. The bullet grazed the Judge's right side. Immediately after flring his revolver the assassin tied. Thb business seotion of Minooka, 111., was destroyed by fire Tuesday night, fourteen buildings being reduced to ruins. Focr buildings wero destroyed by flre on the 2d at Helena, M. T., ono man being burned to death and another badly injured. The mercury at the time of tho fire registered 40 below zero. Hüoh Trainbr, James Smith, Jr. and Petor Mack were killed by a train at Hyde Park, Mass., on tho 2d, while walking on the track. Major Nel left St Louis for Washington on the 2d with a delegation of eightyfive Mokoho Indians, who desire the restoration of the Kansas lands from which they were removed to Indian Territory twenty years ago. Dubino the month of January the losses by flre in the United BtateB amounted to 110,324,840. In Canada the losses aggregated $261,000. Dlrino a snow-storm on the 2d at Tiffln, O., vivid flashes of lightning occurred, and the thunder was so terrific that looso articles in houses were shaken. A severe thunder and liehtning storm raged at Cincinnati on the 2d. Tho city was enveloped in a dense fog, which compelled the burning of gas in all the businoss houses. Two men named Leo and Leferege woro killed by an explosión of gumt powder on the 2d near Cedarville, Kan. The blizzard in Dakota reached its fourth day on the 2d. The snow was piled as high as the railroad coaches, and trains had all been abandoned. Tho wind was blowing flfty miles an hour. It was announced on the 2d that the American Cotton-Oil Trust had secured control of four-fifths of the milis of tho country. Tub National House Committeo on Territorios on the 2d favorably considered the bill for the organization of the Territory of Alaska. The bilí provides for tho establishment of a civil government under the nania of Alaska, and designatos towu of Bltka tho soat of govornmont. It also próvidos for tho election by tho pooplo of a delogato in tho National Houso of Representativos. Tue fomale department of tho Stato Industrial Homo at Kochostor, N. Y., was rulnod by üro on tho 2d. All tho inmatcs cscaped. It was reported on tho 2d that glandora had brokon out on twonty farms in Marshall County, 111. Johx Da Leox, of Now York, who stylos himsolf an astrologor, rocontly convicted of kidnaping young girls to ship to Panama, was on tho 3d sontenced to flfteon yoars' imprisonmont at Sing Sing at hard labor. Henky Shipmax shot doad his landlady, Mrs. Josephine Mason, at New York on tho 3d for rofusing to marry him. A . in of maskcd mon attackod tho jail at Seguin, Tex., on the 8d, overpowered tho juiler and dragged out and lynchod throo negroos who wero held for murdcr. The prioe of window-glass has been advan from Uve to seven and one-half por cent. The Ohio rivor at Cincinnati roso four feet in twelve hours on the 3d, the anniversary of tho great flood of 1883. At nino o'clock in tho evening the water stood three foet abovo tho danger line, having floodod tho collars in "tho bottom." Tns rlver fronts at Now York wero on tho 3d still practically in a stato of siego, and one thousand policemen wero massed at four point9 with patrol-wagons roady to act should thero bo trouble with the strikers. Gkeat destruction of proporty was caused on the 3d by a water-spout at Carthage, Tenn., and viclnity. Housea were swept away, lands tiooded, and one boy was drownod. lx tho Delawaro river near Shawnee, Pa., ico was püod flfty feet high on tho 3d and the lowlands woro overflowed. ¦ Trustwortht roports on tho 3d from tho ranges of Dakota and Wyomlng wore to the effect that thero had this winter been no un usual loss of cattlo. Beven niNDBKD mon employed at tho fivo blast-furnaces at Sharpsville, Pa., struek on the 3d for an advuneo of twentyfive cents a day. An offer of a ten por eent. advuneo was refused. The Drummond Tobacco Company's extensivo warehouso at St. Louis, with a largo quantity of tobáceo, was destroyed by flro en tho 3d. Tha loss was placed at 8250,000. The remains of a man and woman, who had beon murderod, wore found on the 3d In a house near Breslau, I ,. I. r In a üt of jealousy at San Francisco on tho 3d Andrew Fotts killed his wife and committed suicide. The woman. who kopt a saloon, was living apart from her husband. AxTnoxr Behme, an old merchant of Evansville, Ind., was killed in his back yard by a stroke of lightning on tho 3d. Fifteen nuxiBED peoplo in Stephen County, Tex., were on tho 8d sufferlng from want of tho actual nece9saries of lifo, and thoro was suffering in several other counties in tho drouth-stricken district. Ax overflow in tho Cumberland river on tha 4th had deluged tho lowlands adjacent to Nashvillo, Tenn., and many families had been run out of their homes. Wn. i. hm Kaah, a Ufe convict Ín the Joliot (111.) prison,was on tho 4th given his liborty for saving tho life of Deputy Warden McDonald when assaulted by Frank Charles Talbott, the Memphis hotel clerk who decamped reoently with Fanny Davenport's jewels, valued at 135,000, was arrested on the 4th at Kansas City. and all the valuablcs wero recovered. Twenty-one cars on a Wabash freight train, laden with merchandise and grocerles, were wrecked near Fort Wayne, Ind., on the 4th. At Lyme, N. H., Mrs. Mark Donaldson was shot dead by Stephen Lamphier on the 4th, who then blew out his own brains. A fire on the 4th destroyed a block of seven stores at Hurley, Wis., and the postoffice and three bu iness places at Hastings, Neb. 0I8ASTROU8 floods were reported on the 4th in the Big Sandy, the Little Miami and the Licking rivera. At Falmouth, O., distilleries and saw-mllls and other manuíactories had been submerged and had suffered much loss. Durinq a tire on the 4th in the residenco of John Ziinmerman, in Chicago, hls two children, aged four and six years, respectively, were suffocated by smoke. Harrt McMbxx, charged with the robbery of a fur store in Cloveland, was arrested in Pittsburgh on the 4th and handod over to Captain Hoehn and Detective Hulligan, of the former city. At Alliance five men entered the smoking-car, and at Ravenna they commenced a murderous assault on the offlcers, in which the latter were probably fatally injured. The thief and his friends leaped from the train and had not been captured. The gas-works at Lynn. Mass., exploded on the evening of the 4th, causing great damage, leaving the on tira city In darkncss and killing two men. There were 229 business failure9 in the Unltcd States during the seven days ended on the 4th, against 238 the previous seven days. The failures in Canada numbered 32. The revival in progress in Dr. Talmage's church at Brooklyn on the 4th resulted in two thousand conversions. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. It was announced on tho lst that at a justice's ofüce in tho township of Jefferson, adjacent to Chicago, Nina Van Zandt and August Spies, the condemned Anarchist, woro married by proxy on the 29th uit., tho latter boing represented by his brother, holding a power of attorney. Leonard Swett, counsel for the Anarchists, said the proceeding was illegal and void. Conohesxman Reaoax was on the lst elected to the United States Senate by tho Texas Legislatura on the thirty-first ballot. Francis S. Smith, ono of tho proprietors of the New York Weekly, died in New York on the lst of apoplexy. Ho was sevontyeight years old. Tne Alabama Houso passed a bilí on the lst to punish keepers of gambiing-housos by connneinent in the penitentiary as felons. Tiie Senate of New Jersey was organized by the Ropublicans on the lst, who elected Frederick T. Fish president. President Cleveland on the lst accepted the resignation of Governor Pierce, of Dakota Territory. John A. Logan, Jr., is about to remove to Youngstown, O., where he has been given an interest in the extensivo irou business of C. B. Andrews, his prospectivo law. In the Indiana joint convention on tho 2d Robinson voted for Turpie, and the ballot stood: Turpie (Dem.), 76; Hairison (Rep.), 74. Speaker Sayre declared there was no election, while Smith, acting President of tho Senate, announced the election of Turpio as United States Senator. George Godfret, a veteran journalist of Milwaukce, the leader of the Greonback party in VVisconsin, died on tho 2d. Tub resignation of General P. M. B. Young as Consul General at SL Petersburg was ou the 3d accepted by President Cleveland. TnB olnt RepubUcan osuout of tbe Peno, gylvania Log islaturo votod on tho 2f)th In favor of a prohlbition amendniont to the constitution. Mbs. Georgiana Brüoe Kiubt, who was a member of the celebratod " Brook Farm" community In Massachusotts, and who was theauthorof "Brook Farm Papors," diod ín Santa Cruz, Cal., on tho 27th. A resolution submitting a prohibitory amendment to tho constitution was pasBed by the Michigan Legislatura on the 27tb_ The quostlon will bo submitted at the Stato election In April. Dk. C. D. Bradley, oí Chicago, who two years ago had a practico worth $10,000 per year, was on the 27th sent to tho insano asylum as a wreek from cocaine. Fourteen indictments against persons who violated tho olection law last November were returned at St Louis on tho 2Sth by the United Statos grand jury. Warrants were issuod for the arrest of the accu sed. The bilí ompowerinc women to voto at municipal elections passed tho Kansas Sonate on the 28th- 25 to 13. A prohibition amondment to the constij tutlon was adopted on the 23th by the Tunnossee Sonnto- 31 to 2. Commodorb F. C. Jons9os, oommandsnt of the Portsmouth (N. H. ) navy yard, died at Portsmouth on the 2Sth, of Bright's disoase, aged flfty-nine yoars. Governor Ldce, of Michigan, on tho 28th signed tho joint resolution submitting to a vote of the pooplo in April the questlon of forbldding tho manufacturo or salo of spirituous ormalt liquors in tho State. It was announced on tho 28th that Unitod States Treasurer Jordán would reslgn in May to accept tho prosidency of tho Western National Bank of New York. Joseph L. Morqan, Socretary of tho United States legation at the City of Mexico, tendered his resignation on the 23th. FOREIGN. Advices of the 24th from Tonquin say that Colonel Bnssaud had carriod the rebel position at Mikae Than-Hoa and that flve hundrod insurgonts were killod. Tho Fronch were pursuing the rebels. The Austro-Hungarian military preparations continued unabatod on the 24th. In event of mobilization throe great armies would be formed, each corps having no less than 250,000 men, the commanders of which had already boen dosignatod. Cholera made lts appearanco on tho 25th on tho Chilian frontier, and great excitement existed in consequence. It was announcod on the 25th that three comets had boen discovered within five days. One discovered by the director of the observatory at Cordova, South America, was going to bo vory hrilliant Excitemext was occa8ionod on tho 25th among tho colliers throughout Scotland by a strike of three thousand mlners at Airdrie for an advance of a shilling per day. A 8LIGIIT earthquake shock was folt in tho City of Mexico on the 25th. The schooner C. Graham was wrecked on the 26th off Upper Prospect, N. S., and tho entiro crew of six or eight men porished. Five persons were killed and twelva others wounded on the 26th by a boller cxplosion on the estáte of Señor Miguel, near Guantanamo, Cuba. The Brltish Parliament convened on tho 27th. Queen Victoria, In her speech, predicted that no disturbance of tho peaco would arise from tho unadjusted coutroversies in Southeastern Europo. She said the condition of Ireland still requirod anxious attention by Parliament. An assignment was recerded on the 27th in Montreal by Pinkerton & Turner, boot and shoe manufacturera, whose liabillties aggogated f140,000. A conflict between Germany and Franca was on the 27th alleged to be regardod in Berlín as imminent. TnE Canadian Minister of Customs on the 27th ordered the release of the American flshing-schooners Maggle Mltchell and Jeanette, seized by a cruiser off New Brunswick, on payment of fines of $100 and $50, respectively. The Consul-General at Shanghai reported on the 28th that $1,200 was contributed by natives of that city for the ut fereri by earthquake at Charleston. LATER NEWS. Thb exchangO3 at twenty-six leading clearing-housos in tho United States duriag the woek,'ended on the 29th uit aggregated $1,001,617,494, against $1,009,005,188 the provious week. As compared with tho corresponding woek of 1SS0, tho decreaso amounts to 13.1 per cent. Edward Usoer, of New York, confessed on the SOth uit. the murder of August Bohle, whoso mutilated body he shipped to Baltimore in a trunk. Ratmojjd Belmont, son of August Belmont, of New York City, shot himself dead on tho night of the 30th uit. Whether the shooting was accidental or suicidal was unknown. Three of the members of the family of John Ebaugh, of Bryan, O., diod recently of trichiniasis, caused by eating partially cooked pork. The citizens of Springfiold, Ky., on tho 30th uit. lynched Ludlow Cornlsh, who recently took the life of Lulu Greon becauso sho refused to marry him. Tbrrible rloting was renewod in Bolfast, Ireland, on tho 30th uit Thirty porsons wero reported killod and over one hundred injured. Tho troublo, it was said, was caused by soldiers insulting a number of Catholic civilians. After a marriage of only threo weeks A. P. Blomgren, a farmer, living near Chappelle, Neb., killed his wife duringaquarrel on tho 29th uit and then hanged himself. The British steamor Blair Athal foundered in the Black Soa on the 29th uit, and twenty persons were drowned. The worst blizzard known for yoars provailed in portions of Dakota and Montana on the 29th uit, and tho thermometer ransed from 20 to 80 degrees below zero. Two bots aged five and seven years, children of Nickerson Millis, wera crushed to death by a rolling log on the 29th uit near Paoli, Ind. Seven Nihiligts wero hanged in tho prison at Odessa, Russia, on tho 29th uit, and two hundrod were banishod to Slberia. The Germania Savings Bank of Jersey City, N. J., on the 29th uit closed its doors on account of the disappearance of Cashier Schroeder with $30,000. The thirtoenth ballot for United Statos Senator in tho Indiana Legislature on tho 29th uit. resulted : Turpio (Dom.), 84; Allen (Labor), 3. Many mombers were absent, and tho Republicans rofrained from votlng. Advices of the 29th uit say that flftyeight persons had boen drowned In floods in Southern Quecnsland, Australia, and much damage had been done to property. In the United Statos Senato on the 29th uit. tho Railroad Attornoy bill was discussed, but no action was taken. In tho House a bill appropriating $10,000 for tho dlstribution of seeds in tho drought-stricken section of Texas was passed. The Seuate bill for the protection of the moráis of minors' in tho District of Columbia was reported, and tho Post-offlco Approprlatlod bill was pussed.


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