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irSufferers From Consiiinption, Srrofula...

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irSufferers From Consiiinption, Srrofula, Bronchitis, and General DebtlttT will try Scott's Emulsión of Cod Livcr Oll with IIypophospliite!, they will tind immediate relief permanent henotit. The medical profession universally declare it a remedy of the greateat value and very palat.ible. Iii'iul: "I have used Scott's Enuil sion in severa] cuses ot Scrofula and De bility in children. Üesults most gntlfying. Mv little patientslake it with pieaa ure." - V. A. Hui.hkkt, M. D., Sali.-bury, in. A man isn't liable to nrrest for íisriuiU and baitery if he " beats" his cijditois. - Exobange. The Lick glass cost $50,000. A liq-uor rliis is often t i 1 1 1 - - more expensivi?. - Boston Transcript. The Pain and IHisory sutl'crci! by tlicse who are Kfflleted with ilv-pc]i-i:i ai4 inilescribablc. 'l'lic dtttTMI of tlie body ig eqnalled or gurpaased by the confusión and tortures of the mimi, Huis inakinf; its vlctim sulfer iloulile al Ilidion. The relict thattotflven by Hood's .Sius.ipurilla has caused tliciusauds tobe thankful for this yreut medicine. It dispela ihe onuei of (ivspepi'i. and tiui's up the digi'stive organsi 'l'ry Hood'vSaraapa lilla. Itci, l'ratrii Mange, aml Scratclien of ¦very kind cured in tbirty minutes by Wondford' 8 Snnüary lAitiun. Use no other. This never fails. Solil by II. .1. Brown, ilruggist, Aun Arbor. 1288-1H40


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News