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A Common Cc!d Is often the begioning ! a...

A Common Cc!d Is often the begioning ! a... image
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A Common Cc!d Is often the begioning ! acrtoia tflcctioits of tbc Tliroat, Iironolii:il Tul-, and Luns. Thercfore, tlic Importaoca of early aml efleetlve tieatmcnt casnol ba overestlmated. Ayer's ( liorry Pectoral n::iy : 1 1 w a y s be relied lipón íor thr peedy cure of a Cold or Cougli. I.:it January I vas attacked wilh a nevere Cold, wnteh, ly negtect aud fn1ciirnt axpeaure. becuna worm, ttnallv siMilinir on iny lun. A terrible oough soon followèd, accompiinlpd bv paIdh in '. iln-t . ínun wliirtí 1 RUJfered Intensely. Afín' tryiog vftriou remedien, without obtalnlnx reHef, I eommenced taktag Ayer1 ( berry Pectoral, aml wat Speedily Cu red. I am pnti-ificil tlmt tlii rrmrdTMved my liiv.- Jiio. Webiter, Pawtuckêt, U. I. I contracted :v tereré eoM, whleh smi(lrnly developed inio PoeutnoDla, present inu' dsngeroB and obstinate svmptomft. .My phynclan at once ordered i!' uis ' Ayers Cherry Pectorsl. His inítructiom were followea, aml the remití tu :i rapld aml permsnenl cinc1. - 11. E. Simpaos, Kogen Prairie, Texas. Two ycnrs acó T PnfTerrd froni a devore Cold wblch Ktttod on niy Lunn, 1 con¦ulted vaiious pbyaiuluns, aml tonk tbe medicine they prereribea, but recehred only temporary relief. A frlend iuduced me to iry Ayern Cherrr Pectorsli After tuking two lidiilcx of thls medicine I wi cured. Slnce then 1 hnve gfven t lio IV-cIorul lo niy ebildren, aml coióaldet it The Best Remedy for CMls, Coiv_rli=. nii'l all Tlimnt nd Iung dlxettnes, ever Ued ii my fuuiily. - Hobert Vauderpool, i udi lile, I'.i. Sonic time a?o I took slL-lit Col,). whlcb, being neglected, (frow norte, and f--t 1 1 ti ou 1 1 1 v Iuiik. 1 liad t liackinu; -¦ ¦ 1 1 .ii. nml was vi tv weak. Tliose wlio kmw me bi al coiulden my Ufe to be in Krent (l:iniror. 1 controued to MiflVr iintil I oommeneed uln Ayert Cherry Pertoral. l.'¦ tban one bottle of tiiis valualili' medicine eured me, aud 1 íeel tliat I owo tbe preaervatton of iny life to it s caratlve power. - .Mis. Aun Luckwood, Akron, Xi-iv York. Ayer's Cliorry Pocforal U comldered, Inri', tba om f;n:it remedy lor all rilaciaam of the tliroat and luns, aml h more in deinand llian ny other medicine OÍ its class. - J. Y. Bobarta, Magnolia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prcpared hj Pr. J. C. Ayer & Oo., I.owcll. Min, buiil by lruggisu. l'ric $1 ; aix botUM, $..


Ann Arbor Courier
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