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Celebrated The best shoe yet for the money Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. W. TREMAÏNITS FIRE AM) UFE IIURAMBJF ! No. 16 East Huron Street, Opposite Cook House. Ten First-Class Companles represente!. Assetts Over $25,000,000. irniTTn7to te made. Cntthisoutandre1 1 Ij V turn to us, nd : wiil uendyoa I 11 P. I lree' somcthlng of tmt v Ine I nnrt importance to you, tlmt will r-Mrt von in hasinetui which will brine you in more money rlg, t away than uythina elseln Ihis worlfl. Anyone "can do the work and live at home. Elther (ex ; all flfje!. Someihing uew, thatjust ciiius m iney all workers. We will start you ; capita) no' needed. Ttais Ie one of the penulne, important chuucee of a 'Ifetime. Those wbo are ambltiou- and enterprising wtll not delay. Address Trüb & Co., Augusta, Muine. ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, üuieoasr stbebt, Next door to the Farmer's ima.Mechanic's Bank. flAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPÜONING AND DYEING. Vhe h of Workraen and Sutlsfaction Uuaranteed. NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby glven that the uoderslgned has leen duly appolnted and quallfled ty tne Probate Court of ('uvalioga Ooanty, Ohlo, os Trustee of the Estáte of Cbarles Winchester and W. R. Monroe copartner8, dolng business under the flrm nameand styleof Monroe Bros. & Company ¦ Painesville, Lumber Company ; Malem Lumber Company; All lance Lu mier Company : Clinton Lumber Company; lde, Frerichs Company, aud Ann Arhur Lombar Company. In place of V. B. SaunderH, Asslgnee, resigned, in trust lor the benefit of the creditors of Kitnl flrm. All persons in debt losald estáte will make ji:i in , and crrdltors will present thelr Itnmedlate claims, dnly authentlcated, to the underslgned for allowance. Dated ut Ci.kvki.ani), oiiio this ï.'itli day of Jaiiuary, 1887, BARNKTT K. BULLOCK, Trustee. No. 1B1 Séneca street.. You will pay my Agent. A. K Hart In BARNET E. BULLOCK. January 18, '97. fl rt T Tl n'Mi r " t thom wbo wrtt to I I SüMfonACo ,Porll.nd,Mlne,wi!lrecWT. I y I I I I frM fal' lnformhon bout work which I il I ""T cm do. nd liel bom.,lhil will ,,, JJLI ibem from U to f25 pr dy. Son h. earned otr $5(1 In k dmj Elther pex, joanic or old. Capital Dot Yoa ara ilarted fre ThoM wbo ttart at uuc mn aUolaulj ture of lou Unit fortune. Ml il in, SJhe Best and Purest Medicine [11 EVER MADE. I -i csirm, and make your'skinlll III 4„ y C?.clt'an and smooth. Ttio8e II # 'p ? jJL Pimplos and BlotrhesU m % n'i ' vkúv mar your lx-nutycra tal i f, ,4 '"ik.are caused by lmpuréul Hl -.ƒ¦ ' , -ij 'ibloiMl, anil oan 1' III "' 'Vrtiuovivtlnashortl II III )?f V"Öfe 5%l' iilKl Uscll UI ¦., V '' .'i!fíloollPU-al n The Dow lsV-V: i.'iVo-4S II mail- onlj a tcV,V n J-% Hl ¦ pooiiful. 'n Is thu V. ¦% % ¦ II II best and cheauesta e ,y, vlll Illiiieillcliic. Try ft, andJ,, A c „ I I [I . ti Hl !¦!¦ Kifl-iiieil. W ejL s II liet lt of your Drugglst. ÁrS IïJdon'tWait. Getitatonce J " If vou are Bufferinfif from Kld ' II ney Diseasc, and w Wi to Uvi tik oíd age, use BULPHDB BlTrEKS I They uever lall to cure. III Siml 3 2-cent stainps to A. I'. Ordway ft Co.. Bostou.Maaa.i for bent mcilUal wwk publUheU'r


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