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University Hall, Frlday evening, the 18th inst., one of the flnest things ever heard before the Studenta' Lecture Associut!o:i will be given. The "Last Day of School," to be ({ven by the Cocker League Feb. 28, at M. E. (Jburch will be spicy, rejuvenating the old and delighting the young; do not forget the date. The programme for the Unity Club next Monday evening will be appropriate to Washington's Blrthday. There will be a lecture on " Political Evolution " by Rev. E. L. Rexford, D. D., of Detroit, followed by a Wasbingtoii's Birthday slipper. Co. A will jflve a grand street pageant at 1:30 p. m., next Tuesday which all the street gamins will tnke in with bigger eyes than they ever did a circus parade. The masquerade in the eveniug at the rink will also be a grand affair and can be viewed by spectators for a half-dollar each. Ladies 25 cents. The Young People's Society of the Baptist church propose to give a novel entertainment, rulled "The Spinning Wheel Days." The eood New England dame with her spinning wheel will teach us how to spin, and her sons and daughters ia the dress of "ye olden time" will dispense New Kngland hospitaljty. Do not fail to catch a glimpse of yoiir jrrand-mother's time, and taste again tfood old Xevv England cheer. Baptist parlors, Saturday evening Ftb. 19. Adinission 10 cents. At tlie grand opera house Monday evening, Feb. 21st you will have a chance to see "Over the Garden Wall," of which the N. Y. Herald remarks : Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. S. Knight opened In thelr reconstructed musical comeay, "Over tbe (arden Wall," last eveulngat tlie Kuur teDth Street Theatre, toa guod business. As clalmed upon ihe bllls, the plece wasgotten up "tot laughlng purposos oin," aud 11 mure than fllls lut mlHslon. 11 Is lmmenseiy funny. Mr. .1. Julius Hiuiz belng In splendldfunn and keeping me audleuce yellliig wlih laugbter at bis comical acllng. Uls songs were exceedlngly well recelved. Mr. Knlght repealed her charmlng bit os Nelly Wrangle, and sang and danced lo tbe dellght ui all present. Our BrlügeL was nu malí factor In tbe fu u-making. "Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight appeared at the Fourteenth Street Theatre last evening in the ausurdlty called "Over the Garden Wall," and, as usual, amused their audience. Mr. Knight acted cleverly as a diuuken Uerman, Mr. James Quinn was comical as a stupid servant girl, and Mr. Edwin Foy made a hit as a burlesque ballet girl. The Bt. Felix sisters were seen in sotne new dances. " That is what the New York Evening Post says of thisentertaining play. Jump "Over the Garden Wall" next Monday eve., at the opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight are faraous on the American fetaije for their excellent ability and spnglitly mannen, and "Over the Garden Wall," is tullot happy hits and comical ituations. Of the Ragan Illuminated Tours, to be given at the Uuiversity hall Frlday evening, Feb. 18th, The Rocky Mountaio News, of Denver, under date of May 18th, 1886, said: Aisles and corridor were tbronged with people wbo stood pallently for nearly two liours during tbe entertainment, wblle lt was esllinated that at least 500 lulled to galn admlttance. Tbe character of the auüience was fiattering In the hixhest ilegree and falrly represeuted the culmred people of Denver. It inay JuHtly he sald tuut every reasouable expectation was more than reallzed. The entertainment is properly a magnlflcently UlUHtrated lecture. and one hardly knows which toemphaslre tbe most, tbe lecture or it illustratlons. The latter are the flnest of the kind tbat Have yet been produced, and this strong statement Is snpported by tbe best arllstlc autborlty in Europe and America.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News