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' NO FEE! I ( STiBtisHïD i5i. ( Merrill...

' NO FEE! I ( STiBtisHïD i5i. ( Merrill... image
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' NO FEE! I ( STiBtisHïD i5i. ( Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. X S The Bogular, Old-Established L i, 'j PHYSICIAX L SURUEON U8KILLAND SUCCESS YOUNGMEN;MID0LE-AGEDMEN J nnd all persons who by theirown acts of ImpraI dencp or Kolly at any period of life have hrnught ! upon thcmselvcs, the cvil effects followimj closely i upon the heels of tTansgression of the laws of nature, should consult the celehrated Ir."Inrke kt once. RomemberlNervoui dlseaet(with or without dreams) or debility and loss f norve power treated scientiñcally by ncw methods with never fniling success. Jïflt makes no diffcrencc tv hut you have taken orwho has f ai led tocure you. 0S"T".ie terrible po i non of Syphili and all bad blood and skin itíseanes, completelv cradi cated without mrrciiry, K'menirT that trtisone horrible fliseans if neglccted or improperly ireatcd, cursen the present and coming kuis OA11 unnntnrnl discharges cured promptly Vtiihout htndrance to bnsinrss. No experimunts. Itoth sexes consult conliil ntially. Affeand experience important. A w i -itten rnnrnntee oí cure K'ivfii in every case umïerUiken. -SulTrrers frnm any chronlc dldease writc Ilintciry and Symptoins of your case - plainly. Cases soücitcd which others have failed to cure. JT-Scnd two stamps for clrbratod wnrkii on Clironic. NfrvouM and Delicate Diseascs. You have an exhaufitive ymptomatoloffy by which to study your own oase. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old loctor. Thousands cured. Offices and purlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. lïcfore cnnfidinif your case consult 1U. CLAKKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future sufienng and chame and add golden vears to lifc. Medicines Bent everywhere secure from ex po ure. liours, 6to 8; Sundays, 9 to ia. Addrcs, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mica C U it E-S Coughs,Colds,Asihma,Tickling in the Throat, Whocp; g Cough, Quinzy,Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonar Diseases. YOUNG'S [Co u GHJ Dansvllli-Miili. 't Howall, mTcÏi Au. 15, 1874. - j Oct. 3H, 174 -1 I wat attacked i _ ! have trled Dr. E with a severej J A.Younif Cough cold and torent-! J and Luna Syrup ened with hing i _ _ ! for more than a fever whlle on a) # j ear. an I had ocvlslt to Huddon.! W caslon.aa a remeMlch., abiiut a 1 ! dy for (iolds and month ago, so Conihi, nd much no thnt I' I found Itarpllable was unable tolill ap 'medicine. 1 havian appnlntiuent MB ! used hls Ague to preach on' BK land Ijver Syrup account of my In my family with evere coughlriK, ¦ ¦ ! the best of ancbot nianaited tol I ces, curtnif my get home.und im¦ ¦ motlier twhose LÚn'KS r„' ,"1Bh„Ai U "" "„the1, h"rdIntSe bonw, nd ! IS? ttark of mjmuiih leftniH ' _ I tever nd Ame, as oon as 1 .-i ir, i IB ' after tlu Meood menend takitJKlt. J chili and fever. and 1 lind ' 11 take pleasure relief when J; m raoomoMnllIlg 1 am attiicked , ¦ the above remeby couiih ..r J dien to all who 1 i ' tint. - . m-ed them HKV. KOBT. COI'K KKV. S. B. KIMMILL. Sold by all druïiilsts. Prlce, 25c., 50c. and I1.C0. Liirne bottlo.H 8fnt free on receipt of price ƒ W. JOHNSTON &CO., ETIOIT, MICHICAW. RINSEY & SEAFOLT'S SAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. At: kep ootiptautly on hndt BREAl, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For vThiilMtla and Retall Trndc. We ahall also keep a xnpply of SWIKT & DICUBKL'S BB8T White Wheat Flour! Delhi riour, Rjr Flour, Biifktvhoal l'lour. ('om ITIval, P-ed, Klo., At Wholesali' aod Uetail. A ('neral stock of GEOCERIES M PROYISIüNS ('oustantly on bami, whjcli wil) Im xohl on ae reanoniihlc teraiB at at any other hfflIM 'n thi' cit . ('aah paid lor BUTTBR, B(i(l-, and COfINTKY ntODDOl sciK'rally (oodn di'livercd tn any part of thf -ii y wlthnut extra charge. RIXSEV k SE. ROLT. new imiriiBiii. ln] TIIK NBWfMl WKKKTV Tlil III . ÍK s the most expensive public.ltion oí its chiss in the United States, nevertheless lts price is now fixed at $i a year, the Semi-Weelily at 82; in both cases ;in extra hopy with a cJub of 10. The campalyn jus: cloéed found the country in the trough of the politica! waves, The Republican inaiKigers hn c made the bt-st strug'c they could air;iinst a state of general apathy In a few St-Ues tht y have bcea uded by the inspirin presence of a urcilt leader, whose spee hes have iwik ened almost the only cntluibiasin anywhere shown. The resullof the campaign ia gratifying; iu gains are an inspiration; the Democratie losses are a f.laïn guidc to the popular dr. ft. Krom this time : orvftrd the country will leel ttie lift of the advanclog wave of 18S8 which, if we all do our duty. wilJ sweep out irom Washington tbc masqueraders now in pobsession, the foes of protection, cqunJit .nul ( patnotic government It is now the duty of all earnesl and experjenced workers to bend thcir ! gfoatOWWd imitcil vxd ln.Mrtv work lor 1888. The ' Iarty Is to CQnaalid&tcd, cfaeered nnd rallied To ' thil work THE TRIBUNE pledges its zealous 1 ertortH. I TUK TKlnimff offert for 1887 several i cellcnt premiums, includiu HêTrital Kook of OiM'ii Air Sports. ! A work compikd by THE TKIKUNE. especially 1 for the youi)L men of the United St tes It is a A thorongh statement t' the prese a tatu-.of Open 1 Air athletic amuseinents in Amt'rica, with I tions to beginners, the rules of every important I trame, the records ol DOted contesta and tlie achievrments of American Champions. The book will y contato about 150 illustrations. Chapters are provlded on Archer ; Hase-ball, with the r cord of woadwful pl.iviiiM nnd the League and Association contests, and Inatroctiona liow t curve a hall ; Lawn Tennte, Conrt Tennti Koot hall. Cricket. Racket, I-jicrosse, Horsemunsliip, Cross Country Hunting; J Yachting, with a discussion of Sloop and Cutter and instructions How to Design, Build and Sail a Boat; Howing, Canoeinjr, Kishing, Trapping, m Iluntíng with Shot-gun and Ritle, CftmpinjF-oñt Winter Sports. Bicycling, Amateur Photography and a few minor sports. Among the writers who have contributed are William Blaikie Maurice Thompson, Captain Jacob A. Augur. Cavalry instructor at West Point. David Kirby, Thomas Clapham. General Gor W. Wingate. FrnfrMnr ,, George Goldie, Director of Athletics of the Ncw ï' Yor Athletic Club; and a large number of private M gentleman throughout the cmintry have furnished L facta eoBCernlng the wild game and hanting sports of theïr seveml localities. No book of this character has ever been put into print in America. It is siirticiuntly elemental to le a ' Boya Own Book." and answer all the purposes of our manly youth. and yet will also meet the demands of adults. Wili be ready for delivery December ist. Octavo, 500 , pagts. Hetail price. 3a 50. Terms, postage paid with Weekly. 1 year. ía.50. with Semi-we-kiy 1 ' ycar f,150; with Daily. Sio 50. On y to be had in n connection with yearly subscriptions to THE TRIBUN IL Also "BluntN Rifle Practice' a book for evcry hunter. and National (ïuardsman; a riñe Wattliim Watch; the I,ow-priced Waterbury Watch ; the V two Unabridged Dictionarlcs; Wood's Medicine u Hygieae and Surgery. IUustrated; and Younij's " Concordance of the lïilile. Sample copy. triving terms in full, sent free. Order by postal card. A Club Agent wantod wherever there is none, THE TRIBUNE, New York. O The lüïl-.llS' CTIIIK la Ij lurard Sit. and Mur.-li. y ¦iwli ynr. - 3ia pagr, By, X 11'. tllr ll-, It II over '' ' 3,500 UliutnUont-a f'1 Mliole Picture Uallery. ,' .i l-.s Wholeutle I-i I. . ', direct to connumeré on all goods for ik personal or family iwr. Telia bow to ni order, and glvea exact cOHt of ricrjCliliiff you nse, rut, drink, car, or htn fnn with. Tbese l.VïAUtm.K UOOKJS contaln Information gleaned „, from tlie iiiurktit of the world. We 111 mail a copy FKK.K to any w dresa pon receipt of 10 et, to defray expenae of mallins;. It ua bear froui you. Reapectfnlly, K MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. f K7 de 2 Wakaab Aveane, Caicaco, 111. l.


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