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THE HISTORY OF' THE PACIKIC STATES. By II ulier i Howe Bancroft Vol, XXVII. British Columlila 1792-1887 The Hlstory Compaay, pubiisbers, Sun Francisco, Cal. We have so often ealled attention to this great historical publication of Mr. Itancrnii, tliat t seems a repetition to again 8peaW of the grand work tbis author lias done and is dolog not only for tlie American people, but for the people of the whole civilized world, now and lor generations to come. Each voliunt' liring? new ideas, fresh f acts, all told in au enter taining manner. It is a work stupendous ?or one man to master, and one tliat will be more and more appreoiated as the rears roll on. Of tbe present volume the San Francisco Weekly Star says: "Contr.isting the hirtory of BrltUh Cumbii with the admirable volume mi California, we gain a just sen-e of the uoportion and syinmetry of the whole leries. But all Californians who wish to thoroughly understand the future destiny, as we II as the past history of their own State, will do well to look uto tliat of iritish Columbia, and see that destiny Dtrrored as In glaM,wulcn shows the same )bject but in a different position. Of the ndian question, so much bas been said in crltlcimn of our owu wretehed poliey, by ourselves, that we are well preparad to o üud that of our Engltth oousln preferable. The secret of the Eogltlh Meoew is artly owing to a better civil service nul artl; to the easier condltionsof the probem. Mr. Bancroft has inuch to say on nis point and says it clearly and iuterestingly." The author speaks hijrhly of the treatment of tbe Indians by the British, considering their niethods both humane and ust. Tlie land question 3 reviewrd md lie foolUh poliey of the Hudson Bay Co. vhich at one time was given all of Vancouver's Island shown up. The volume ends witb soine facts and thoughts about he Canada Pacilic railway, and the Chinese Quetion. TEN DOLLARS ENOUQH-Keeping House well on Ten Uollarsa week; Huw It has been How it may be Done again. Hy c.uliii mi' imvn. Boston: HouglUon, Mil'fltn & Co.; The Klverslile Press, Cambridge. Price, 1.0U. Forsiileby Ueo. L. Moore, Auu Arbor. This book is made up of aseries of leters upon the subject of keepin; house upon $10 per week, and gives directions "¦"' -"ines telling how that thinir niav be accomplished (pioviding the family is ¦malt enoujdi.) There are inany very valuable recipes, and the book is written ii au entertaining manner. Could the ook have a general circulution amonjí tlie nlilille classes, it might serve inany a new leginnev, and perhaps soine older ones, as a great friend. COI.LKGE SONGS. We havereceiveil a copyof tbe new, revised edition of Unit popular book Unown s "College Songs," edited by Henry Raulall Waite. It is a capital collectlon of lew and popular songs of tbe American colleges; eontaining, also, the best of the old-thne favorites. Mnny of the songs are of real solid beauty ; others are of the juilee order; and there are trifles from all Borts of meny sources. College songs are ïow great favorites, not only within colege walls, but in social circles alíB. This collectlou is haviug a large sale, and the neny songs seem to please all who try ihem. It is the best of the late books of tg class anc' size. This revised edition contains several new sel"ctions which lave never before appeared in any college sing-book. All who desire the best colection of college songs, new and old, hould sénd to Oliver Ditson & Co., Bos;on. Mass., for a copyof "College Songs," by Waite. Price, 50 cents; mailod to any a ldress. The U. B, Geological Survey. W. Powell, director, for the year 18S." issues a handsome volume upon the "Mineral Resources of the United States," whieh lias been received by the Courier with the compliments of David T. Day, of the U. S. Geological Survey. The book is a valuable one, giviug Information undstatistics that many are interested in. If any of our readers desire the book thev can obtain it by sending 40 cents, (postal note, not stampg) to tbeDIreotor U. 9. Geological Survey, Washington, ü. C.


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