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Short ndvortlsements not to ezoeed tbree .lui--, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc., lnserted three weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wauted. free. FOK SALE- Resldence, 85 South Main 8t., between Liberty and Williams Streel. House contalns 8 good rooms, besldes bathi'oom, Pantry, etc., wlth cellar under entlre líenme. Barn has lurge box Btall and otber stalls. Lot has beeu set wlth raspberrles, trapes and peaches. Lnqulre on the premises. E. A. Phillips. ii) CIRL WANTED. A Good Glrl for General Housework can fiiitl permanent employmeut and good wages by applylng at the Coubikr Offioe. FÚUND- A black Shepard dog wlth white head and feet. The owner eau secure same by paylug expenses. Andreas Pfelfle, On At Antón Elsel's marble works. PENSIONS. SOLDIERS of the Mexlcan War or thelr wldows can now get pension and orticers of the late war eau get dlfference of pay whelher mustered or not. Many pensloners can get lncrease. I had slx out of seren Increase claims allowed lately. I wlll see that appllcatlon Is made properly. ThouBands of dollars have been lost turough I m proper applloatlous. Come and see me at once or wrlte me fuliy. O. L Matthews, Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ;,-,w REAL ESTÁTE FUR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,000 to Sö,000 and conlainlng from one.nfth of an acre to twenly acres- all In the city I i mi is. Houses ren tod on reasonable term In central localitles. Farms exchanged for oity property. Enqulre of J. Q,. A. desslon, Atlorney and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Kxpress Offlce, Main St., Ann Arbor. 87-tl WANTED Money to Loan on Keal Estáte. Apply to FranciH A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstract of Tille Offlce, 2nd floor of Farmers' and Mechantes' Bank, Ann Arbor. ,1385. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Col'Kiek office. LOANING- Money to loan on nrst-class Keal Estáte Mortgage at Cnrrent rates of .nterest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capltalists desirlng snch lnvestmenU). very conveyance and trausactlon In abstracts of titles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KING. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News