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ANN ARBOR Small Fruit Nursery ! AU Kinds of BERRY PLANTS. Fine Planta of the SHARPLESS, The liest Strawberry Grown. m unmiira teees From ELL WANGERA BARRY, Rochester, N, Y. Orders must be ent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sweet Home-made W!ne for Invalide and the Eucharist. Sour Wlne, Kaspberry 8rup, !Shrul i'ear Syrup, imd Plymouth Koek Kicga. EMIL BAUR, W. HURONIST. 12S9-tf JIOL A6ENTS WANTED f5ft% AUTHORIZED .jBSf LIFE of LOGAN AsHnirs. locan. This Blography has boen mnre that two years in preparation. (ien. Logan himself furnlshed the data to the author, Oeo. Francia IIhuioh, bis intímate friend and assoclate: and before hls death be read all but the closiiiK chapters of the Work and g jve It bis unqualltied endoraement. Mrs. Loiian state this fn the Introductlon. A mllllon admli-.T ot the dead Chteftaln want this thrllllnc !t?ry.,V,r h,', rat ""f in peace and war. Splendldly lllntrated wlth portrait and battle toenes. Send quli-k 11 for outfit and net cholee of errltory. Addrcss C. II. BEACR CO., Chlearo, IIIH jÍm_LJM Ê H iH Br FLORAL GUIDE FOR 188T Now ready, enntainü 2 Colorid Flates, hundmls of Hlustratiuns, and nearly 200 pafreü- 32 pi'rtnininc to üardeninK and Flower Culture, and over l-ro rontaininij an I Illustrated List of nearly all the FLOWERS and VEOETABLÍ3 grown, with directions huw to grow tlicm where the best SKEDS, PI.ANTS, and BI'I.HS can beprocured.with pricesof eacb. This book mailcd f ree on receipt of 10 cents, and the 10 cents may be deducted from the first order sent us. Every one interested In a ganlen. or who desires good.fresh seeds. hould bare tbis work. We refer to the millions who have used our seeds. Buy only Vlck's Seeds at Hetulquutett. JAMES V KR, SKI HUV Kocbeater, N. Y. It has been a greut wonder to many where all the odoriferous oniooa went tu that were raised In 'his country, wht use tliey weie put to.and so forth. Ex-Mayor Clymer, of Reading, pa., solves the tery panially. In a circular he layas "Onions inhaled cause sleep, rest umi repose. The soldier on his raaich, and the tzhaastod ron vrorker k1' gttt (brenffth trom .¦iuiiii;tl ilion. Tic' a r'resli on Ion arountl the neck and bruise it (the onlon, Dot tlie neck) to makc lis ndcw tliorouxh, Hud yo secure sound sleep from its iiijrlitly ir.hiilation." Three Peculiarities Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier and refolsttng medicine, Is characterized by ! three peeuliarities, namely : I e+ ¦ Tll cc"nlination of the various 1 w 1 ¦ remedial agents used. n ft m Thc proportion in wliiih the roots, U ¦ licrlis, barks, etc, are mixed. O J a Th(1 proecssby whlch the notire 3 Cl ¦ medicinal properties are secured. The result is a medicine of umisual strength j and curative power, which cffects cures heretofore unequalled. These peculiarities belonR excluslrely to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and are Unknown to Others Ilood's R.irsaparilla is prepared with the greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of education and long expcrlence. Henee it is a medicine worthy of entire confldence. If you suffer from serofula, salt rlieum, or any dlsease of thc blood, dyspepsla, blllousness, sick headache, or kidney and liver complalnts, catarrh or rheumatlsm, do net fall to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all my friends as the best blood purifier on earth." W. Gaff, drugglst, Hamilton, O. " Hood's SarRaparilla has cured me of scrofnlous humor, and dono me worlds of good ' otberwise." C. A. Abnold, Arnold, Me. A book containlng many ;uldiiional statements ot cures wlll be sent to all who desire. f Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. f 1 ; slx for 5. Made ! only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. , IOO Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News