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The following is the programme for the entertainment to he held in the lecture room of the M. E. Church, Monday evening, commencing at 7:45, local timo. Teacher - Levi Disraeli Wines: f Wlllle Whedon, Charlle Worden, Readtug Class Alfred Bourns. Helen Clough, L Hattle Crabb. Examination of brtghtest scholars In school : Emma Royera, WallleSmlth, J .mi Randolph, Herb Krost, Mattle Boiighton, Genie Mutsohel. Press Hickey, Georgië Hughey. Soiig - "Star .Spangled Banner." - By best slnger In schoot led by Tommy l'lillllps (the best boy singer In school). Debate - U liar II e ötowell aud Jimmle Martin. Declaratlon- "The Funuy Boy,"- Jay Goodyear. Essay. Musical Dialogue- "What are the Wild Waves Saylng?"- Flora Hall and Nellie Loving. 3eclainat1on- Junte Beal. Lella Goodyear and Jeddle Lee. Song- Mlllle Knowlton. Presenlation of Presenta to Teacher- Eddle Gay Speech byChalrman ofSchool Board- Henry Hogers. Song by all of the scholars- "Scholars' Farwelt," composed by the leader, - May Whedon. Admission, 10 cent?. The New Orleang Tlmes-Democrat gives thisexellent notlce of Monroe and Rlce'8 great hit "My Aunt Bridget," which appears at the grand opera house on Thursday evening Feb. 24th: As a musical comedy "My Aunt Bridget" Is the bi'st American production It heen our lot to wlmess. Georgo Monroe's delineatlonofthe good-natured uncouth Irlsh wo:nau trylng to be (a nlcelady" unparalleled in brllltant eccentrlc characler patntlng. Brldget's studylng ettlquette from a look to avold lmproprietles wlnle entertalnlng some guests, wliom she Invlted especialy to "show 1" before, and awkwardly stumbllng lnto the blunders she studies to avold, glves opportiintties of delicate bits of huraorous satire whlch Monroe's quick, keen perceptlon takes advantage of and keeps hls auditor in aconotanl roar. Nature glftod Monroe wit 11 wonderful versattlity of facial expressiou. He pantomimes hls Batiré and comedy wlth a breadib and depth of facial gesture that needs no words lo impress even the most obI u-r. Klce Is a comedian ol the airy. sllky nature. He touches us wlth a feather and we roar. He slngs and dances cxquisltely, and, llke Scanlan, iils gracefulnesa has made hlm a favorlte wlth divine women." Both Monroe and Rice are brlghtyoung men, and while thelr talunts entltli' tliem to tlie big bOOMi they played to here, thelr success Is largely due to the faot that they have done what few actor-raanagers do, surrounded themselvs wlth a company oi recognlzed ablllly.