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Saline elects city offkers next Monday. The old depot building at Dexter has been moved away. E. E House, of Saline, has retunied from a trip po Wiseonsin. And til! tliat enterprising wood thief get.s in his work up at Chel-ea. Joe Reidel, of Bridgewater, was quite badly injured by a runaway last week. Remeinber the county pofnologieal society meeting at the court house, Mi rch 5th. TheSharon milis grind, bilt notslow.the cnstoiu woik averagiug 150 busliel-i nr day. Manchester brasrs wonderfiilly over the new roller nillls' iiour manufacturad there. C. E. Glenn, an Albion college student is home at North Ltike, because of ill health. Frank L. Mallory, of Ann Arbor, is teaching a very successful singing school at Wordens. School closed at Dexter last Friday for the year. Next September it will open up in a new building. The Washtenaw Farmers' Club meets, Marcli llth, at the Maple Grove farm of Richard Green, Manchester. The York flouringmill has been rented to a gentleman frorn Indiana, who will retit it with roller maehinery. The water is still high, but not so high but that it is within reach of the poorest of iiv - Manchester Enterprise. J. O. Bnyt and family ha vb Icft Saline fur tiieir new home In Spokane Falls, Wash. Ter., says the Observer. Win. H. Arnold'sold white lior8e"O!d Made," familiar on Dexter's streets for a century past lias given up the ghost. A dog-killer wanted at Dexter, .ays the Leader, IIow would it do to have soine of our medies make a raid up that way. Next Monday (Jhelsea will elect village offieers, the trustees whose term expires beinK H. 8. Holmes, L. D. Loomis and Jacob Schumacher. Married on the 23d of Feb. at tlie M. E. parsonage in Lima, by Bev. H. Palmer, Leander Eaton of Lima and Miss Minta C'anfleld of Lyndon. The direotion of Ann Arbor from Chelsea, is easily determined at nlght by the reflection of Ann Arbor's electric lijjhts upon the heavens. - Chelsea Herald. Messrs. J. V. Huil, S. Josenhans, B. P. Davenport and Wm. Larzelere are a committee to procure plans and estimates for .1 new village hall, to be erected in that place. Life nsurance men - five in numbor - have been worklng the town for all it's worth during the last few days - making life a burilen for the uuiasured, etc. - Dex ter Leader. If water was made to run at the sides of he road, and larger sluices put in, the roads would not so often be damaged by floods as at present. - North Lake cor Dexter Leader. Randy June, of thls county, received. $250 recently for procurlnga wife for one John Autcliff, of Jackson county. But Autcliit" (lidn't pay until he wasobliged lo ijy the courts. Miss Laura Green has purchased Sam Davls' photograph gallery at M mchester. The new proprietor isn't so green as her name would iudicate, and will take your pli ïz , whether you ire green or blue. The Hodge brothers of Ann Arbor assisted by Messrs. Wilsey and Mallory, gave a very satisractory concert at tue linptistchurch on Tuesday night toan apro ciative audieuoe. - Salem cor. So. Lyon Picket. The Dexter high school scholars gave the drama "Out in the Street," to a large audience, and then repeated the perfonntnoe, last Tuesdav evening, making about 2U out of the altair. The peMttrmsn are Kiven much praise. Capt. Allen, congressman elect, departmI Monday erenlu for Washington, in:ending to spend two or tliree weeks at ;he capital, lie will not select his seat, liowever, until the blindfolded page drawliis name from the box at the beginning of the next session. - Ypsilantian. An amusing sight was that of a lady in one of our stores last Saturday ifternoon Knbbllng around attcr her' falte teeth tliat flew out of her moutli on to the floor, whlle shc was periortnlng tlie act of sneezing. - Manchester Enterprise. Il is quite vilfiit her teeth are not to be Bneezea at. The North Lake lyceum had this question for discussion : "Jtesoloed, 'l'lial a strik er is justitieel iu strikinji." Thai ileprmls. [f the suiker happens to be the fellciw with a club loóking " for tlie editor wuo wrotrthat item." then the negativo sbould win, but if the striker is the editor liiinself, uud he lays out the other fellow, then theafflrmative should triuuiph uuanïniously. The Washtenaw board of supervijors, are niaking a move cleiiiiuidiiig that the legislatme reduce the rates ol legil a4vertising. lleiitleinen of tlie qttill driving fraternity it Ann Arhor, and BVeryone In the Iatc toi Lliat matter, noiv is the time todUtUgujsh yourself as kicken, and let [t be a united and snecessful k:ek, one that this body of penny-wise men will liever iorget.- Soutli Lyon Picket. The editor of the Kalamazoo Herald is feeling very badly over the fact that the ( a.etic, of that city, and others of the state press hae dared to mentiou the encampmeut of the state troops as tlie "anntlal ilrunk," and liclicyes it to te a libel on tlie state militia. If tlie editor of the Herald was as well posted as the people of this vicinity he would not think itso DlUOb of a slander. - Brlgbton Citizen. At Ypdlantl Mondayevenhigtlia Boyal Arcan urn initiaU-d M Dew momWl. Drm't foret to remember thal thcic to be a spring fair on the oouiity agricultura] society's frrounds, May 81. Eri L Brainard, om: of Bailue'l old.-st an.l best kuown citiz.ns died K.U r,. aged 60 years. He had llved D Saline township since 1840. , One of the most fotárestlng eveota that oecurred in Sylvan fora lonj: time, wac.the in irriage, on Tburaday, Feb. lOtb, "l Mi-s Kuinirt Scliriic-k. dauKhtef of Miliael Bcbenak, ol Syiwm. to Wilbai Laren, sou of Ji-. McLareu, of Lima,. Gtiests witc numeróos and presente plentiful and beautiful. The Commercial very honestly and innocently, belped to siddle one tax upon the city, and received a good deal of censure therefor. There is still due on tbat mattfiPOTBT $70,000. If it ever aids in saddling another oppressive burdeo, may the editor rigUtfuily stand accursed, ,Mu hls " rljtht hand forjfet its cunnlnp, and his tonjjue cleave to tlie roof of liis niontli." - Ypsilanti Commercial. That'a rleht! Goodboy! Goud boy! Chas. Kwrcher induled too freely of the ardeut on Monday and imagined ih-.a lie as rich enougli to da wliat lie pleased, but the niurslial jatheredliini in and Justico Perkins taxed liim f 13.50, xvliicli lic naJd with the n-niiirk that be wonkl have it put in the Washtenaw lot. The Enterprise won't jet "scooped" cm tbb item. - Manchester Enterprise. Charles, you shouldnt Kisr-cher nose off to spite your face; you should alsn remember that the EuturprUe is a well Pust ed paper. Soine little interest is beiug niiinifested here at present iu the matter Of ataoMMOT to Judge Joslyn. It is U'iderstood that Mr. Joslyn 3 rilling to siuveed liiniself, if the democratie hosts of Washtenaw and Monroe so desire, but as .Mr. .). Vr. Bubbitt of this city, Qeo. W. 'liiiiiliiill of Chelsea, and Geo. M. Lutdon ol Moumc, are also candldatM tur the bonor and $2,500 salaiyuf the position, the matter of succession is yet an open one, with the chances frotn this point of sci mingly infayorof the YpsiluntiouHÜdiite. - Vp.-ilantian. Some trees are vulmible, not only for their tiuiber, but will yield au income whiie rowini; The stijrar mnplc is one of these. IU timber ranks very high for both fuel and lombar. The sap taken froni it during the brief season of sugar making makes no perceptible rednetion in is vitality, or check in its growth, and tlic otwl ot syrup or sugar, made trom itissmall. The necessary fuel is inpplled bv lullen branobea, or branches whlch lUould bc cut out, and the work coinés at a leason when very little else can be done on the farm. Tliere is ho expense for planting or cultivation. Expensire appUnceaar not required. and the wotk can all be done at home, Maple syrup or logar knbwri to bc nure ahvavs flniïs a readv aale at a (rood


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