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Celebrated Uk w hl The best shoe yet for...

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Celebrated Uk w hl The best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Seamless Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. W. TRIMAINES riRB AND T,IFE IIURAMUGllT ! No. 16 East Huron Street, Opposite Cook House. Ten Flrst-Class Companles represen ted. Assatts Over $25,000,000. 1319-1369. ' iffllTTITT to '"de. Int tote uut uoa reI hl L V tllr" to us and Wl' wi" unendyou I IV V I fru' sui'ethiiig or treat va Ine III Uil J. i and lmporlance to yon, thsi wil] tart you in business which will bring yon In more money rlg. t away than anythins elsein this world. Anyone Bcan do the work nnd live at home. EIther aex ; all agee. Suuu-ihiiii; new, that Jast coins money for all worker. Y will start you ; capital no' necded. This Ie one of the genaine, Important chances of a ':ru:ime. who are arabltioua and enterprieing will not dclay. Address Tbck 4 Co., Augusta, Maino. ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, Next door to the Farmer' and.Mechanic's Bauk. HAIR CÜTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOONING AND DYEING. rhe b of Workmen and Batlsfnction UuaranU'CMl. MINNESOTA. NORfH DAKOTA. ANTELOPE, MOUSE, AND RED EI7ER VALLEYS, TURTLE MOUNTAIN DISTRICT (Vith 201) miles New Rallroad, Uood Marki'ts, S'unicroiis New Towns (including Kuxby, an raportant Juactlon. and Htnol, lnvlsloD rleadquarters, TWO MILLION ACRES excellent [overnment land, DIRECTLY ON THE LINE OF "HE RAILROADatford excellent opportuuiltes ór Stocktiien, Farmers, Medíanlas aud Mrr¦tinTits. Corne early and Investígate, or for urllier partlculars write to O. H. WARRK. G. P. A. 8t. P. M. & M Ky. St. Paul, tolun. ISSOLLTION OF PAKTSERSHIP. J"OTICE is hereby given that the partnerLl snip lately subslsllng betweu Nlleg H. Viiiiins and Jame M. Stafford under the irm name of Wlnans A Statrord was disolved by mutual consent on the seventh ay of Kebruary, 18.X7. All debu due to tiit ald partnership aud those due by them will settled wllh and by .Iuiui'k M. statl'urd 'lio will continué the business at the old tand. N. II. WINAXS, J. M. 81'AFKORD innArbor, Mlch., February 7lh, 1SS?. The Greatest BloodPurifier]& KNOWN. Il I Tilla Grcat Gorman Is the#. I fchoaiicstan.l best. HSdoaeaof V.-W I PHraBITTKKSforl.U0,le39than#S II onc cent a dose. It vrlll euro thc# t? I j worst cases of skin dleeaso, tromW tri ja common pimple on the facc# M Ito that iiwfui dfaeate Scrotobu# 9 Hl ' IgüLPHÜB BITTKE8 ís tlu-# Ibest medicino to use In all# " ¦ leMM of such stubborn andVnnr IM II b;,;ke- SyII BLUE PILLS #sl i lui i;Q Iormpirury,theynrecloarl#Hn'1'l':'iS' lfil ly. Plaoayourtnut inï'0"llR1 r" -k.iiol I 8DLPHUBBITTBES #"1:""''h:it allsl I tho jmrest nnl bost#" Us0 f ver made. # %},!,,. Ttittr ' II jwithaycllowstlcky#non'twnlt untll yon Q I robgtance? isyourWaro unahlotowalk', or ¦ bri'.itli fuul amlJraiv tlat on yonr lu'k,ll ¦ offeuslve? Vourwut Rct sonie' at once, it III Istoniarh is out# III cure you. Miiiihurlll lof order. CaeLBitMnK !SlV:m-KKsThe Inralid's Frlend.S lmim-,!Iat,-ly#rr,oyounp,thonfrol Bn, t.,t-SH li ïSH i r-#t'rln are oon made well by 11 line thlck.iu uso. i;t-iin-mln'r w liat youlll Iropy, rlo.n.,,,1 nerOi lt K.,vt, v,ml.l I ludy, vrMwfe, it ha suve.1 hmi.lmU. 1 1 L WDuu't wait until to-inori't , II Xïry a Bottle To-day! l S" M Are you lowptrlMd au.) .ak.l 3 Mor Hiiflerlnir Hom oxressea III .-#.iuth? If so, 8ULPHUB BlTl'EKsl II Wwlll cure you. Scii.l 3 i cent :-tnniis t.. A. 1'. nlway ('o., ostou.Masa., for bM ¦Mfloüwork pablWMdr


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