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_ The daughter of General Logan married a gentleman named Tucker, whlle the daughterof Representative liandolph Tucker married a gentleman named Logan. Each couple have a son. The name of one is Tucker Logan and the other Logan Tucker. HALE'S HOfcEY is the best Cough Cure, 28, 60c., l CUENN'S SDLPHOR SOAP heaU and beautifics, 25c GERMÁN CORK REMOVER lalls Coras & Bunion-, 25c HIU.'S HAIR Je WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minute, 25c DEAH'S RHEUMATIC P1LLS art a surc cure, 60c. r.xciieinciit in Texas. Great excitement has been caused n the viclnity of Paris, Texas, by the remarkable of Mr. J. E. Corley.who was mi helpless he could not turn in bed, or rnise hls head; every body said he was dying ot Consuinptio. A trial bottle of Dr. King New Discovery was sent him. Findiiii; relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King'í New Life Pilis; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pilis and two boules of the Discovery, he was veil and had gained in flesh thirty-six pound. Trial bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Eberbach & Son's. ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATH, Hardly a week passes without the mentionbythenewspapersofsuddendeaths,and of late the alarming frequency ot the statement that death was caused by rheumaüsm or neuralgia of the heart cannot fail to have beennoticed. In allprobability many deaths attributed to heart disease are caused by these terrible discases, which are far more dangerous than is generally considered . I ¦ there any positive cure? The best answer to such a question is gi ven by those who ham been cured by the use of Athlophoros. !Mrs. C arrie Lee, Kenosha, Wis., says: "I don't believe any one ever suffered with rheumatism as I did and lived ; in bet neither I nor my people expected to see me walk about again, and at times der'red of my life. I was stricken during montli of January. I had taken a Bevere cold in the cars on my way to Chicago; I had returned home, when one evening I was taken 8o suddenly that in ¦ few minutes from its first appearance 1 was so prostrated that I had to be carrir.l to my bed-room, where I remained unlil the following May. During the interval of January and May the suilèring I bore could not be described. I was treated by the best physicians, also had different um i in consultation without any material change. My arms and limbs were drawn in such shape that I could not lie down, and was helpless to assist myself in anv way. I was in the constantcare of a Darte bath night and day. One of the nurses 1 had applied magnetism, but thaf was a failure. I commenced taking Athlophoros, and could feel its effects upon me as soon as I commenced taking it. It was certainly marvelous. I was soon able to traighten my limbs, and when I had taken five bottles I was free from rheumatism." Every druggistshould keep AthlophoroS and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co., 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. For Uver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, indigestión, weakness, nervous debillty, diseases pf nomen, constipation, headache, impuro blood, itc Athlophoros Pilla are unequaled. i Day and Night During an acute attack of Bronchitis, ceaseless tiekling In the throat, and an exhausting, dry, hacking cough, afllict the sufferer. Sleep is banished, and greut prostratlou follows. Thia disease is also attendcd with Hoarseuess, and sometimes Loss of Voice. It Is Hable to become chronic, iavolve the lungs, aad termiuate fatally. Ayer's Cherry rectonil affords spccdy relief and cure iu cases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and Induces refreshiug sleep. I have been a practicing pliysliiun for twenty-four years, and, fur the r:vl twelve, have sufl'ored from nnminl attackl of Bronchitis. Aiter exhaustiug all th usuul remedies Without Relief, I tricd Ayer's Cherry Tectoral. It helped me iinmediately, nd effecteii a ipeedy cure. - G.Stoveall,M.D.,C'arrollton,.M. Ayer's Cherry rectoral is decldedly tlio best reinedy, withiu my knowledgc, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lunc diseases. - 31. A. Kust, M. D., South Pub, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, wblch, from exposure, crew wn and finally settlod on my Linies. Ry night swe'ats I was reducid nliim?.t to il ekcleton. Jly Cougb was Inoauant, and 1 frcquently sp'it blobd. Jly phyilclan told me to gi've up busiuess, or 1 would not live a niontl). After takiuR various remtdies without relief, I was nually Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry rectoral. I him DOW in perfect health, and able to nMIB bmllieWi after having been pronouiK'ed incurable with Consumptlou. - S. I'. Bendenoo, Snuisbui-Kh, Peaa, Kor years I was iu a decline. I liad weak lung, ind Mifcred from Bronehitla aml Catarrli. Ayer' Cherrj rectoral reMored me to healili. an.l 1 lia i been íur u ion,' time eomparatlvelj vlgorou. 1" case f a lUdden cold I ahvays reíort to tlie Pectoral, hihI flnd snecily relief.- lúhvarcl K. t'urti, liullaiul, Vt. Two yi'urs mito I roflfered from a severe Bion.liitis. Tile phvlcÍHn attendlng me beeuine fearful tliat UM dtaCHC wolilil terminale in rneiiinouia. After trviiur various medicines, williniit biiietít. lie tinallv pretcrlbed Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, whicli relieved me ai once. I contlnued to tak this medicine ii ahort time. aml WM emed. - Eruest Colton, Logausport, Iud. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ' Prepred by Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., I.owell, Mm. Bold byll l)rugiU. Pric $1; ilx boul, 4.


Ann Arbor Courier
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