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March is making a pretty fair record on the weather so far. Register of Deeds Kearns "kicks" on the dancing school in the court house. Co. A have a public inspection and hop at their armory next Monday evening. Stansell post G A. R., of South Lyon, gire their 2d annual camp flre to-day, in that place. The remains of Mrs. O. Collier have been brought to Ann Arbor for burial, from Owosso. Joel W. Hamilton, of tbts city had his garnishee suit for $5,000 in the Detroit courts decided against him. Warren E. Pray, son of Joseph Pray, of Whitmore Lake, died Tuesday, of consumption, aged about 44 years. Frank Hangsterfer bas so mucli on his hands that lie desires to dispose of his Ice business. See his "ad" on ice. We learn that the Egan Truss Co. isdcing a rusliing business. One day last week orders came In for $160 worth of trusses. A fellow who was " converted " at 7% o'clock some years since, has been trying to peddle au aileged book here a day or so. The school board will meet next Monday evening to decided npon the various plans for the new school house submitted to them. The boys have already commenced the laughter of the English sparrow. One youngster had about 40 of them in one lot Monday. The pension of Stephen Fairchild bas been ruised to $50 per month. It should have been raised to $75 per month in justice to hls case. The many friends of Chas. T. Donelly would like bis name presentid to the democratie convention as a candidato for Justice of the Peace. A new residence will be erected on S. University Ave. by Mr. Tremper, who bas bought a vacant lot of Mrs. Slockbower, for thut purpose. Tony Schiappacasse has bought the building now occupied by the Express office, and will open a fruit store there soon. Price paid $3,100. The Recorder bas received from the Fish Cummis8ion plans for the flshway adopted by the state of Michigan, and and which is opeu for the inspection of interested parties. Rev. Dr. Kamsay will give a ser 3 on next Sunday evening upon the temperance question. In the morning he will deliver the third sermón of the series upon the Lord's prayer. The tickets for Barrett last evening were speculated on considerably. It seems that sorne young men got hold of h large number, holding a corner, as it were, and sold them off at a great advance. Josephine C. Carson of this city.former widow of Chas. W. Johnson, has been gratited h pension. Also Ellen ft., the widow of Thos. Wasser, of tuis city has been allowed a pension. N. H. Winan is a hustler. He went down to Detroit a couple of weeks since, bought a grocery business, run it about ten days , sold it out at a handsome advance, and is home again for some other venture. A new piece of sidewalk on N. State st., leading from Thos. J. Sullivan's residence north to Fuller st, is one of the necesslties, now that the new M. C. station is to be used. It should be built without the least delay. The letter of Rev. E. L. Rexford in ex planation of the parugraph publi.-hed Feb. 23d, was received too late for last week's issue and is gladly inserted this week. We commend the letter to our prohibition friends. City Treasurer Sorg has settled with the county treasurer and returns $187.20 not collectable on real estáte, and $308.C8 on personal property. Of this last, $85.20 was on the Keek furniture stock, and $150.00 on the üay estáte, the latter of which will probably be paid. The return of the 44% per cent. subscription on the legislator's vlsit fund, roferred to last week, has created intense astonishment, and there is a deep feeling in this community that Mr. Mack would make an excellent successor to Secretary Manning. We believe he would too, as agood financier. Battle Creek has a man who boldly prcdxts that James ü. Blaioe nd Russell A. Alger will be the next president and vice president of the United States. He does not sajr how many dollars' worth hc believes u his prediction.- Evening News. It was not a Battle Creek man who made that prediction but an Ann Arbor man, and he ij capable of putting up on his opiniou all the News will care to cover. If you have anything to put in the Coorier don't brlnjf it in untll Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, for it would be too much of an accommodation to the printers. It doesn't take any time to set type, make up fonns, etc., a wbole paper can be got up in an uour or two, of course. The prograrume of the Unity Club, next Monday evening, March 14th, will conslst of a musical evening, in charge of Miss Marión Smith. There will be both vocal and 'Instrumental music by Mrs. Haviland, Miases Wood and Caruthers, Mesire Bilbie and Rork, and the Araphion and Glee Clubs. A most enjoyable time is anticipated. A lad holding in his hand a poor dead sparrow eame into the Recorder's office the other day and demanded one cent therefor. But the young man was too premature, as the law has not yet become a law. If this ineasure does become a law it will add still more to the dutles of the Recorder, whlch are already much too great for the pay received. The two young offleers of the navy told about on our first page, in the arMcle headed "The Sultan Ap..logized," were R. N. Hollis, Rssistant enxlneer U. S. N., and Will C. Eaton, son of the venerable Dr. Eaton, of Madison Ualversity. By the way, Mr. Hollis is expectedat the university next college year, as an instructor In marine engineering, so Prof. Cooley intorms us. The story related is strictlv true. J Editor Sinithe, of the Ypsilantlan was in the city last Saturday looking up the question of water works. He found quite a unanimous sentiment here in lavor of allowing a privnte company to put in the works instead of the ci(y ltself. A fine well of water, gushing up forty feet above the surface, has been struck at Ypsilanti, and the water works craze is spreadinij il would be a good move in the right direction. In January O. M. Martin had 18 burláis and 16 in February. Go. M. Bleeker and Win A. Clark were admitted to the bar Monday. The 8tyle of stil! tuis spring tends to a lower crown. Prices keep up all right. Tpsilanti City returns $148.27 to the county treasurer as uncollectable on real estáte. The store of Blilz & Langsdorf is beinsr painted, papered nnd frescoed, much to thelr joy. Michael Schaible, keeper of Diehl's hotel on Detroit st.( died Ibis a. m., of consumption. The Baptist chuich ladies have a grea treat in store for the people on the 28t and 29th, at the opera house. Oh! dear! Oh! dear! The Monro Commercial calis him "J. William Bab bltt.'' What is fume, anyway ? The Co-op's here had to succumb at las after having done immense datnage to the book and stationery trade of the city The city band orchestra was presented by nn unknown friend, with a large selee tion - about 200 pieces - of music, last FjI day. Over which the boys greatly rejolce Policeman Campion having, resigned i Is altogether probable that no one will be appointed in his place, but that the salar of fCOO wlll be converted into more electric lights. J. B. Finch, of Nebraska, is to speal upon the prohlbitory amendment, at the opera house, Saturday evening. Oen Geo. W. Bain, of Kentucky speaks the Saturday following. Rev. 8. Earp, of St. Andrew's church will repeat b)' request of a large number of young gentlemen studente of the University, a sermón (upon "The bearings oí Christianity on our Modern Civilization.' Will some one please tell us where that 500 acres of land in the vicinity of Ann Arbor is which a cotnpany is about to prospect on for gas, oil, salt or other wealtli, that appeared in the Detroit Journal last week ? Mr. Stiles, formerly merchant of Whitmore Lake, now of Vennontville, was in the city last week. Mr. S. said there was no new maple sugar yet on that market. And his town is probably the best maple sugar n.arkct in the state. Those interested in labor and laborers i re request ed to meet at the K. of L. hall next Sunday p. m., at 2 u'clock, to listen to Representatives Grennell and Ogg. Beiug practical men and members of the legislature, tüey will be listened to with interest. Alderman A. V. Robieon has recelved the contract for carryizg the mails to and from the trains to the postofflee in Detroit, the position being known as mail messenger. The governraent furnishes the wagons and he furnishes the horses. It aniouuts to about $6,000 per year. Francis M. Baker, of the township of Sharon, was found drowned Mn the river liaisin last Sunday morning. He had been missing since the Saturday previous. having wandered away in a fit of temporary insanity. He had been in poor health for some time. He was highly re spected as a gentleman. And still Battle Creek hungers after our capsule factor)', and already bas one tinger hold of it. Where is our business association? One great objection to this city is said to be that no rates can be securetl from the Expre?s Company here, wh at Battle Creek the inducement is quite aii incentive for removal. It was hoped by station agent Hayes that he might be selling tickets in the new station house to-day. Everything is nearly completed, and before the week is out, the M. C. R. R. will no longer disgrace our city as it has for the past halfcentury, by landing visitors here in one of the worst passenger depots in the United States. Apropos to the boring for natural gas, (whoever heard of unnatural gas?) the following will be of interest: "Natural gas has been discovered in paying quantities in nineteen states and territories in the Union. In western Pennsylvania alone sixty-six natural gis companies have been organized, and nearly $21,000,000 of capital is invested." At the conference of the f riends of the prohibltory amendment, held Friday p. m. last, at the court house, a committee of five, consisting of Benj. F. Brown, Rob't Campbell Proft. J. B. Steere. W. W. Beinau, and J. Q. a. Sessions were appointed to lay out a plan of campaign and to recommend ofticers and ward coinmittees. They will report at a meeting tomorrow, Tliursday, svening at Fireman's hall. The Monrou Commercial errs in one one thing. The Wasütenaw republican convention did not instruct its delegates for Mr. K in rif, or any other man. Such a resolution was offered bnt withdrawn. Mr. Kinne, however, would make a most excellent judge. Could he be induced to accept it would be a strong nomination for ttie republican party to make. nd could tlie people be induced to elect hiin they would be pleased over their own wise aclion. Tlie pastora of all the English Evangelical churches of Ann Arbor have agreed upon a union service next Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Congregational church. Subject: "Medical Missions and Medical Mis-sionaries." The meeting will be addressed by Rev. Dr. McKillop, of Chicago, Oen. Agent of the American Medical Miasionary Society, and by the pastors and representatives of the University. The meeting promises to be one of great interest. Dexter held her charter election Monday with two tickets in the Üeld, Citizen's and Workingmen's. The Citizens' ticket was elected entire except Recorder, Jay Keith, on the Workingmen's ticket being Buceessfui for that posltion by 49 majority. The following are the successful candidates with majorities: President- H. CL Oregory, 18 maj. Recorder - Jy Kelth,49. Treiwurer- Herben Williams, 47. TruHtes- Ü. L.. Jenney, ai ; I). M. Litchfield, U; Peter Relder, 23: John Costello, 'ii. AseH8ors- John C'roarkin, 13; H. F. Copeland. There were fifteen or twenty of our best citizens down at the new station house the other day, and it was anaalmously agreed that the allowiag of several slaughter Iiousps, nglit in the city, and withln twenty rods of a ward school building at that, was a sad commentary upon our boasted clvillzition. lf the butchers want the nuUunce of foreign meat pediere removed, they should bc willing to remove this terrible nuisance, beyond the sight and the smull of the at least. Ia the death of Samuel P. Foster, of this place, which occurred on the 24th uit., the city lost one of its most respected citizens and the county one of its oldest pioneer residents. Mr. Foster had been for many years a devout member of the M. E. church, and for a long Unie offleiated na a trustee of the society. He had reached the advanced age of 78 years and leaves n family of live children all arrived at mini and womanhood. One by one the old pioneers are leaving us, their raoks are thinning rapidly.