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Uñkñl NO FEE! I í estiblishíd íssi. ) Morril UNTH BETTER ƒ DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block S LZpir The Regular, Old-Establisned LjwE PUYSICIAJÍ & SCRGEOI 8KILLAND 8UCCE8Í YOUNGMEN,M!DDIE-AGEDMEN and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudenceor Follyat any period of lifc have bmuhi upon themsclves, thc evil effeets followine dosel) upon thc heels of tTan sgressíon of the laws oí nature, should consult tm cclcWated ïr.Cïark at once. Rmmber!NervouB disenes(with oí without dreams) or debilitjr and loss of nerrc power treated scientifically by new methoris with never failing sucaess. jfflt malees no difference tvlutt yuu have taken or who has failed to cure you. lyj-Tl.e terrible polsonn oí Syphllis and all bad blood and skin diaense, complctclv er:idicated without mercury, Rcniember that tiüsona horrible diseaae, if ncglected or fmproperly véate d .curses the present and coming genei utions 3AI1 unnatnral disch argfes cured promptly Without hindrance to businrrs. No experttnents. Koth sexes consult eoiifWl ntlally. Apc and experience Important. A writton (cunrantco of cure given in evory cave undertaken, jf3-SufTerer from any chronlc dlseasewrite Ilihiory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. jTSend two stamps for celebratd works on Chronic. Nervous and Dellrat Distases. You have ;m exhaustiva ymptomatology by which to study your own case. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousuiuls cured. Offices and parlors private You sec no one but the Doctor. Before confidinjr your case consult I)K. ('L.AKKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future sufferingand shame and add golden vears to life. Medicines ient everywhere secure trom exposure. Hours, btoS; Sundayst9to 12. Addrcs. F, D. CLARKE, M. O. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MJch CURES Coughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling In the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy, Sora Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. ICO u g H DuTllU.MIch. At% 1 Howell, Mlch , Alm. 10, Iri4 fcJJ JOct. K, 1874- I I urn ntlHcki'ii I _-m have tried Dr. E. wlth a severo' m t A.YounjTs Cough oold and tlireiit-J and Lun Syrup encd wlth Iumki _ _ Jfnr more than a rever whilo un n I vtf % year, as I had ocvislt to Hadion. I r a reme Kich., bout n, ! dj for Cold and ni'inth ago, so j ¦ . iCoueIib. and ranch ( thtit l! t found Itarellable' t.. til] ajam 'medicine. I have an Hpiioiiitim-iit 1 m uteil hls Ague to preach un I BK and Llver Syrup account of ray IB ! in my famllv wlth severe cmitihlnu. ¦ ¦ the bent of sucbut mintiirii tol jcess, curlnu my f.fe'dteTy""1! II ea1 ?ÜS5i. Si-V ¦ je%l'i KïSirapYh.2 U on.e "' th8 hirdIn the hoaie. and Jl ! e" attacks of ruy coimh left me ¦ __ J ever and Aguo, ai non as I 1 m , nfter the necond nierjrt'ii taklog it, f BJ chili and fever. a:id I tinrl j ¦" il take pleasure iicnt rüllef when ' I in recommendlng 1 ftm attnckeil , ¦ the above reme by couith on ! dies to all who lunit coinplHlnt. - J need them HEV. KOBT. CUPÏ. KEV. S. B. KlMHELL. Sold by all drueuist. Prlce, 25c., 50e. and tl.CO. I.urxc bottlos sent free on rucetpt of priie (t W. JOHNSTON 4. CO., Oetroit, michicaw. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We k'ep conetaotly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por mmlMrii and Retail Tr-de. We hall aleo keep a eopply of 8WIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! nelliiTFIoiir, Flour, Knok whcill l'lour. CarB Tïul. IVed, EU-., At Wholesale and Kctai). A general stock oí GROCERIES anl FBOYISIÜNS CoDetantly on band, which uil] be snld on aa reaeonahlc terms ac at any other hon-e in the cit: . l'ash paid lor BUTTKR, K(iU, and C'üL'NTKY PRODUCE (tenerally oo1 d'liverrd to any part of the city witbont extra charge. RINSEY SEA BOLT. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT lia vinü ht-cii made 1" the oonclitiona of a certitlii .Mninniji' (whereby the puwer thereln contalnfü to nll Iiius bcoomeoparailve) axeeatad by James H Hopkliis. of Lyndou, Waslileniiw cotinty, Mlchl na, to Jnhn SArgtpoD, of Uniulilla. LlTlngsiini Coiinty, Mlobljno, dKted the flritt day of December, A. D. 18"8, mul recorded on the llltii diiy of May. A. 1) 1ST9 In the office of Itie Hegisteroi Deeds for sald county of Wn.MiIenaw In Ubsr rlitv-iii' oi morigACM on pHge one boudrad and slxty thereot.whlcli morttjatge was on the lourteenth day of December, A. ü. lUNKluly uslgDed by Iba saut John Burglson, mortiiagee. to Sarah Sarijlson.of Una tlilla. hlvlnst1n eonnty, Michigan andwhicu atuilgninent was reconled In the oflice of sald Kegi.ster of ded, on the twelfth day of July. A. l. istjt in Lioer ntne of asstgnment of morljaues on pag sixtj - me tlkcreuf, and whloh rnorlgage was afterward on the elhlh du of July, A. D. 188, duly ai 1 ly the sal. 1 Sarah Sarglstm to Williain Sarglson, of Marton, Livingston County, Mlchlgon, and whleh Msignmenl was ret-orded In the office of sald KeglKttT of Deeds, on the twelfth ity of July, A. D. IK8U In i.iIht nloe of ansian - iiuMiisof morttíages, on pgesixty-two thereof; upon which mortgage there is rlalmed lo be due at the date t t his nottce the sum ot three hunilied and lli e dollars aud forty-flve cents f$8n6.46), and noiolt or proceedlngs at law having let'ii nislltuted to recover the debt DOW reinninhiK st-ourcil by suld inortgHgn or any part thereof: N'otlcuis iherefure Tiureby flven, that on Thursday, the Hecund day of .lune, A. D. 1887, al one o'clock In thealteruoou of ml day, at the front door of the l'ourt House in the city of Aun Albor, In aal I countv of VVashtenaw, ¦ t hat being the place O bolding the circuit i-ourl withlli thecounty In which the mortyaged preinlses to be mu are ttltuatiHl', thesaid moitgage wlll be foreOloaed by sle at public veuduelo the hlghetit bidder, or the prumlses cootalned In sald mortgaga r ao mueu thereof as may be neceaaary u satlsfy the amouut due on satd mortgage wlth InteresU aud legal costa) that la to say : AU ihal rerlnin and plece and t.arcel of land slluitted In tlie townshlp of LyadOD, In the county of W'ashtenaw and siate of Michigan knowu and deacrlbeü as (bllowa, to-wlt : The east part of the southt-ast fraclional quarter of sectlon number one (I) In township nuinber one (1), eouth of range number three (8) east, and bounded on thr iraat by the oatlet ot ïtiind i,ke. and oontalnlna Vlv acres of land more or less. Dated MaTch I, A. D Isn. WILLIAM SARGISON, Asslgnee ol Mortgage.Jï LUKK 8. MONTAOÜE, Attoruey for Asslguee of Mortgage. Mean Mvo at home. and make more moncy at wnrk Tor we, ihan at anythlng elte In thl. world. Capital not needed ; you are eianedfree. both exie ; all aees. Any one can do the work. Lare earntngi snrp from tlrst tart. (Nwtly outfit and terms Tree. Bitter ' notdeliiy. CobIs yon nothing to send us yonr ' drc6 and flrd ont; if yon are wie yon wil! do 60 ' at ouce. II. II Ai.i.Kn &, Co.. Portland, Halne. O The lll'YKKS' taiUK U , iaannl K and March, (ch j-rr. a - 319 page, H ' ., X 1 1 ¦ , I nr Ik h, v I tli over ' 3,SOO lUnatrmtlona - whiilr Fleture iollrry. tilïKS -V h.ilrmlr Friera direct to consumen on all gooda for , peraonal or famlly nae. Telia how to order, and frtvea exact coat of tïfrjtlitng you uae, eat, drink, war, or . have fan iTith. TneM ISVALl'ABI.K ' BOOK.S contatn Information l trom Ule marlceta of the vrorld. "We 111 iiiull a copy FREE to any ad t dresa upon recelpt of 10 cta. to defray I expenac of lt ua lit ar Crum yon. KrHM-ctfuIly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 dl 929 Wabaah Avcaue, Calcac, 111. ( BaV JAMKS a. III.MVK'S W (JHEAT lll-KIHt ' OntAclI all other bock. IIn WBr - -J Wlaeof Va.,s;iys: " Hiuiur ! VK.jAWW '''' ';',miirrrr .! lAïrA ¦ & , W oeMr.Blamc'tnrtulorenrmu I i ByaBjf rUI nererput ir liotcn ui.Hl l.c ' flrHHkU ' hole." Hou. Allen I ' ÜkSBIï"? ! T'ir:nan, s.hvb: -.1 ,inio Sijat '¦' "'; M1'i.'nífcí.iíor ¦." 5 ' -¦¦¦ Brul ', rS ' '


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