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Croyal fsajíj J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlapowdernever viirles. A marvel of puIty, strengt h mul wholcsomenesK. More ¦- nomical tliuii the orrilnnry kinds, and eannot .¦ Hold lu corapetltlon wlth the multltude of ow tesl, Munt welKht, alum or phosplinte owderx. Sold only In cans. Royal Balling 'der ('o. 106 Wall st.. N. Y. V1TIATED BLOOD, SCROFl'LAS, IHHEBITES AM CONTAGIOÜS HUMORS CURED BY CUriCUJU. rTWIROUGIl the medium ol one of yoar booka JL ri'Ci'ived througb Mr. Frank T. Wray, Druggist, Apollo, Pa., 1 becume acqiwiDted with yoar i;uticuka Kemidies, and lake tul opiionuuity to testify to yo i thit ttieir use h: permancutiv ciind me Of Me "1 the vont ia es of blood polsonin. In conneciion wltn BrytApetÊMt thát 1 hv evar tottB, and tlilfl aller liavin been prouoanced Incurable by BOiue ol In--t phyftlcluu in our county. I lake grem pleanire in lorwardlng to ym tliis teitim ui.l, uueollcited af lt Is by you, in order t bat others sutlerlnr from similar muladie may be eu-. couraced U ive your 'utii'iiia Kemedien a trial 1'. s. Vui 1 UNUBEt, Laaehbargi Ha. Reference : Krank 1'. Wray, Druag'st, Ap illo Pa SCKOFüLOls DLCEB8. James E. Kichardson, Oustom House, New O - leaus, on oatti eaye : 'In 1H70 Öcroiuia Ulcan bro&e out on my body until 1 was a massof corruption. Kveryihing known lo the medical faculty was tried in vain. 1 bKUN a mere wreek. At times could uot lift my h;tudr to uiy bead, could nut tam in bud ; In coMtant INÜD, and lookad upon Jlfe as a cur?t'. Nu relief or cure in ttn years. Iu 18S0 I heard of the Ui tiluka Kemkuies used theui, and wa períecl y cured" Sworn to beforu O. S. O'om. J. D. Crawtord. OXK OF THE WOltSÏ CASES. We have bt:en Mfflng your Cuticura Remedies or yeare, and lia e Ihe tirat cumplamt yet to re:elve irom apurcua?er. One of the worei HUM of scrofula I evT saw wae cuted by the use ol' üve xwlesot Vuticura Jienotvenl, C'utUura, Cuticura Soap. The Suup lakcs tue "cake" nere as a meiiciaal erap. IAYLOK.S TAYLOH, Drugglst, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFULOIS, IMIEKITEl), fVnd Cunta jiouiï Humor?, with Losa of Hiir, and ïriiptioiiB of the hkio, ure poMtvely cnred by Cuticura and Cuticura Soap exlurnally, auü Om Hesolvent iniernully, wbeu all otber mud i fan. ÖL-ud tur Pamphlet. DRÜGOISTS USE THEM. We have obtaiDed satlsfactory resalta from ihe aee of ihe Cancura Remedies la our own laaiily, and recummcnd them beyoud uny uther reraedied lor dfoeases of the skin and bloud. The duuians lur ihem prowi a their mont Ix-come Itnowu. MaCMILLAN & CO., UruKijisie, Latrobe, Pa. CUTICURA KI Ml 1)11 are sold everywhere. Prlce: Cüticuk. the Oreat skin Cure, 50 CeDtg; Cut cura Soap, an Exqolslte Beauilflor, 2."jcts; Cutici-ra Kbsolvhnt, toe uew liluo 1 Panier, il.00. t'repsred Ijy PotTKK LtKDU AND CHKXICAL Co.. BoSlou. ¦nTTTPLliS, Bluckheads, Skiu Blemlshea, and X ll'i Baljy llumurn, iií.' Codeara oap. CHOKING CATAEHH. Ha - you awakened frtim a dic-tarbed sleep with all the horrible sensatioos of au af-assin cluichiutr your thruat and pressln the lile-breath from jour tlghtened chet f llave you nollced tUe langour and debllltythatsucceed the effjrt lo rlear your throat ai.d head of thia catarrhal matter ? Wliat a depresf'Dg lnilut'iici it exeric upon the mind, cloading the memory a:d fllllng the head witl" painn and ntrauge hoícb ! Hov diñicult lt ie to rld the nasal pascase, throa and )uni?s of ibis poisonous mucut alt can testify who are afllictt d wltli catarrh. How ditHcult to protect the eytem againet lts furtner progNM lowurds the lung, liv r und kidni-vö, all physidans wlll admit. Il lea terrible disease, and cries out for relief and c1 re. The remarknble curative powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of Sandford's, Radical Cure, are attected by thousand- who gralefully n-conimend lt to fellownun"er.T8. No etatmen' Is made reicarding it that canuot hu substóntiaied by the most resprctable and rellable referente. Kach packatíe coDtftin one butilo of the Hadicai. ( i b' of Catarrhal Kksoi.vest, and one Impkovkk Iniiu,i;ii, with treatisi' aud directon, and is eold by all druggists tor 1.'O Po tïr Drub ahd Chimicai. Co., Boston. HOW MY SIDE AC HES From the bench aud the couutc r, Inirn the loom aud sewiug machine g'ien up the cry of pain aud wtftkHM. Acblng SIdes and Back, Kldmy and l'turiu Palns, Strairm and Weakness, Coaghs Colde and Chest Pains, and i-very Paii and Ache of ilaily tiil relU'vrd in one inlu nte by the Cutlcnra Antl-Paln Plater New, elegagant anu intallibh;. At druüielt. !'. Sve for il.Oti, or of Potter Drug aud Chemical C . BoMou. C. H. MULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Simt li Main SI., Anu Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of acentury ago. Reprew-ntin the fotlowing flrst-class compaulas, with over S0, 000,000 i ipjtul and A i HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA, INS. CO., of New York. OIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON KIRE and MARINE of Bostou. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Líber ally Adjusted aud iiromptly Taid. C. H. MILLEN. TRAVEL VIA ÏZSSSSSêSSSS Through Traína with Dlnfn IbIHTI Cars, Pullman Palace Sleep II 1 1 I IlL'J [I II 'f:9 ars Modern Coaches. iLLaUllrOaam Sure connections in Unlo H THBI Depots at its terminal potnts I 1 1 1 1 II rHI Wlth traius from and to th tJBll East West' "orth afid South HjBBBBHI Cheapest, Best and Quichei II Route from Chicago, Peori XSSSSSSSSSSS or i-ouis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAP0L1S, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets, Ratea, Maps, Ac, apply to Ticket Agen of connecting Unes, or aüdress 7. J. POTTER, rf. B. STONE, PAUL MORTON, Ist V. P. Q. M. Q. P. & T. A. Fora Pronoumliik' IMctumary containintc 32,000 wordi, Wü ïk(ft8, Bend ,6c-. In ntauip U l'nul Morlón, ' liicatíu.


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