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Tliis weather is tough on wheat. Circuit court stands adjourned until tomorrow at 8:30. A hardware stock is to be opened in the store vacatcd by H. B. Warner. Mrs. Shewcraft bas moved her barber shop into the new Goodrich House. The new sUnal service flajs seem to be rather ambiguous - yes, that's a good word. Wallftce W. Bliss bas received notice of the favorable result of bis application for pension. Israel Hall has sold his farm of about 157 acres, lying a mile or so soutb of this city, to John Sehank for f10,172. Geo. Sutton, of Northfield is the oldest living member of Washtenavv Chapter, K. A. M., iuitiated in 1851, Jan. 27. The ladies of the Presbyterian churcb jriye a tea at their parlors at six o'clock Thursday evening. All are nvited. Mrs. Mary E. Stewart of Ypsilanli, received a pension and $2,400 back pay last week through O. L. Matthews' agency. The Ypsllanti Commercial, nader the management of the Coe Bros., is a briglit, llvely paper. It is independent politically. Philo Wines, wbo lost about f150 by the Howell fire last Saturday niglit, was formerly a resident here. He is a marble dealer. Amone the bequests of the late Dr. E. C. Rogers, are f 1,000 to his niece. Miss Katie.l. Kogers, of this city, and $1,000 to Miss Susie Clark, also of this city. Frederick Kapp, of Northtïeld, whohas been a subscriber for the Courier since the tirst number was printed, camela to renew hissubscription last Friday. The G. A. R. departmeut of Michigan will hold its nintli aniuial encampment at Redmond's opera house, in Grand Rapids, on the 16tli, 17th and lgth inst. The annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union wlll be held in Cropsey's Hall, Wednesday, March 30, at 3 o'clock p. m. A full attendaiice is rpouftRted. An extra meeting of the pomological society will be held a week from next Saturday. Topics: Full report of coramittee on fruit preserving factory, Roses, fruit aud flower exhibit. Col. H. S. Dean, Prof. C. E. Greene, and K. H. Winans, of thlscity, and Capt. E. P. Allen, of Tpsilantl, went to Grand 1Í ipids this inorning, to flirht over their old battles again at the G. R. enciunpment. Perry F. Power, tlie junior editor of the Ypsilantiau, was a pleasant caller at the Courier office daling tlie week past. Mr. Powers is one of tlie kind known as practical editors, and is ph-asing in manner. Cali aain. Last Sunday evening circuit Nb. 2 of the electric liglit refused to work, and the break 1 the liue, which was in the lower towD, could not be found by the workmen until the next day. Sn the 37 lanips in the 2cl, 31, 4th anl 5th wards did not sliine that nlghL Willie Kay, a lad about 11 years of age, was playing on the dam at Delhi Mili, with some other boys, Jast Saturday forenoon, and accidentally feil in above the dam and was drowned. The body was not recovered until Sunday forenoon. Dr. Jenklns held tlieinquest. The Milán burilare were sentenced by Judge Joslyn laat Mondiiy afternoon, all havlng plead guilty. Chailes Martin received ¦ sentence of fiye years at Jacksou, and Charles Crum four 3'ears at the same place, while E'lward Bell will pass one Ionia. Tlie justness of these sentences are generally remarked. A line programme has Deen arrangea by the Cocker League for next Momlay evening at the M. E. Church. The League thoroughly appreciates the liberal patronage since it was organized and takes pleasure in Inviting it f rienda to a a pleasant entertaiiment next Ifoudfty evening at 7-45 p. m. local time. All are Invlted. Adniission free. There will be a meeting of the Sons of Veterans in the common council room, Saturday evening, at seveu o'clock, local time, to organize a camp. All sons are requested to come prepared to join and to angwer the foliowing questions: Home, age, residenoe, place of birth, date of father's entry Into the service, and date of discharge and cause, name and number ot Post father belong9 to. Tlie Oracle of the Sophotnores is out and a good number is presented. lts pride is In the etching of Dr. Olney's kindly face accompanied by a sketch from Prof. Frieze. The prize stories are very readable nd bright, Mi.-ws J. M. Andrews and Nellie Garrigues securing the prize. Tbere ire not so many cheap personal grinds as have f requently marred the pages of former numbers and the Board may well congratúlate Ihemselves on a c red i tab Ie publication. Deputy R. K. Com. Ransom was in the city last week, looking after the business pertainiug to his office. Mr. R. was a graduate of the literary class of 1846. Speaking of the new bridge over the M. C. R. K., at the depot, he was told that a party had already brought a claim against the city, for damages caused by steam coming up through the floor of the bridge, frlghtening his horse and causing damages The deputy said he would look to that matter when he returned to Lansing. Mayor Robison, in an interview at Detroit the other day, turned the entire Germán vote over to the democratie party. The writer of tbis item knows several full-blooded Oermans who repudíate the mayor's words. They gay that they nevercan nfftliate with a party which puts free-trade in its platform, and truckles to soft-money. Furthermore they afflrai that if the Gerinans went bodily into the democratie camp, enough republicans, out of spite, if tiothing more, would go over to the prohibition camp to carry laws that are obnoxious to thera. At thenon-partisan meeting last week Rev. Mr. Earp read a letter from Bishop Vail, of Kansas, in answer to som inquirles about the working of prohibition in that state. The Bishop stated that wine for comrauiion purposes could be had any time from a druggist, althougli it was forbldden by the prohibitory act. A reader of the Coükiek wants to know if a drnggit who will perjure hiinselfand break the law to sell tetnefor church purpose, will have a,ny conscience left to prevent hira from Helling wine or liquors to anybody who wants It, law or uo law. AU thone interested in the co-operative aesociatlon are requested to meet Batorday evening, at St. George's Society hall, over Stimson & Son's store, to talk over and take action upon the scheme. Tbis society is a step in the right direction for ur workingmen. It is proposed to build "p a sw'lety by which laboring men ana otherg may, by saving even 25 cent9 a week, eventually have a home in wliich to ive. There is no city in the world that has so many house owners us bas Philauelphia, and it bas been alniost entlrely accomplished through these co-operuttve associatlons. A shooting gallery has been opened up in store lately vacated by W. E. Eldert. Tyrotoxicon explodes! Yes, wc notlced that peculiar feature soine inontlis ago- on paper. The latest democratie candidato for mayor which we have heard íuentioned is D. Cramer. There is to be an Oíd Folk's Concert at the Presbyterian church, 'l'uesday cveniug next, March OA. Geo. W. Bain will address the people on Saturday evening in regard to the present prohibitory ainendnieiit. W. Fred Schlanderer is candidato for alderman in the third ward on the republlcan ticket, and Hugh McOuire on the democratie ticket. The Congregational church of Webster, received 40 persons iuto new membership last Sunday. The result of a serles of earnest meetings. If the charter amendment passes there wlll be bilt one justice of the peaco to elect this spring, a successor to E. B. Pond, whose time expires. There is to be a banquet at the opera house in Dexter to-morrow night. given by members of St. Joseph society in honor of St. Patrick's Day. A mayor of one of our Michigan clties was reeen tly in Chicago, and it is reported that he spent soihp time trying to find the panorama of " The Battle of Shylock." George M. Tendón, of Monroe, the present judge of probate of thatcounty Í9 the democratie candldate for judge of chis circuit. The republicans, of course, hope he will Land on salt river. The trunk line railroads (Including the Michigan Central, of couríe), have decided not to abolish second class fares, hut have sworn off on all mileasre tickets, and will pay no more commissions. County Clerk Howlett is overrun just now with applicants for first papers - and what Is very peculiar ubout it they all want the papers free - for the good of the party. It takes six months before they can vote, according to law. The Young People of Unity Club, are hard at work on their pantomime whieh will be given early in April. The costaBM, etc, representing those of the 13th and 14th centuries, promise something very effective and entertaining. Full particulars will be given later. The funeral of Mrs. Emery Richardson, another one of the old-time pioneers of the city and county, occurred last Wednesday afternoon, from the residence on Packard street. Rev. J. T. Sunderland conducting the services. Mrs. Richardsos had reached the ripe old age of 83 years. John K. Robison, erandson of our mayor, and sou of Geo. F. Robison, prosecuting attorney of Wayne Co., has accepted the appointment to the Annaopoli8Ííaval Academy, the examinations for which he so credilably pasíed recently. He will leave for Ihat institution about the middle of May. There is an old programme in Wlnes & Worden's window, the property of Mr. Wines, bearing date March 4, 1846. The only person now known to be living here whose name appears on the programme is "Miss Swathel, pianist," now Mrs. H. J. BetkM, of this city. It isa valuable relie of by-gone d.ivs and Mr. Wine9 has had it handsomely framed for preservation. If every raill dam on the Huron rivea had a fish-way constructed as the law directs, tbere would be thousands of fish the entire leneth of the river. It is a question that effects the food supply of the people, and is one that ought to be dealt with In earnest. Owners of dams can he compelled to put in these chutes. See what Seth Oreen has to say about the protection of tisli on the lirst page. The programme for the Unity Club next Monday evening, nt the Unitarian Church, is as follows : Jean Ingelow, Mrs. R. O. Davis. "Songs of Seven,1' illustrated In charge of MUs Fisher and Miss Nichols. The parts are to be taken by the following young ladies: Miss Grace Serafford, Miss Mary Wood. Miss Cullings, Miss Elsie Whitman, Mis? Annie Langlev. Mnsic bv Miss Mari, ui Smith and Miss Annie Wilson. Mayor Robison received a letter from Shelby Center, N. Y., the other day, inquiring about the reliability of the Welcome Out Co., said to have an existence liere. The Mayor wrote back that we had Bohemian Oat Co's, Germán Barley Co's, etc., but no Welcome Co's and furthermore told the inquirer after kinwledge. that if they dealt much with our western sharpers they might find the thing turn iuw Un-Welcome Notes. Last Saturday, a liorse of Robert McCardy, attaehed to a carriage o wliich Mrs. McCardy and a nephew named Barnes, were riding, becanie unmanageable on Main street, and running Into G,,odyear's darkie, lipset the carriage throwing Mrs. McCardy out, bruisitig her considerabley but not seriously. The carriage and harness were conslderably smashed. By-the-way, that darkie of Goodyear" seems to be quite an objective point for runaway horses to bring up at. "I see the Courier is an advocate of the saloons now," said an ardent prohibitionistto the scribe the otherday. Let's look at the facts. Under prohlbition Ann Arbor had over 80 saloons. Under the tax law she has less than forty - 39, to be precise. Under proliibition Dexter villaje had 23 saloons. Under the tax law Dexter has seven saloons. The same proportionate reduction can be shown in every village and city in this county. The Couhier believes the tax law a better temperance ineasure than the prohibitory amendment, and gives facts and figures to prove it. Now, which one of tis advocate-: the saloon f One is the practical view the other the sentimental view. "Glimpses of Places, and People and Tliings," is the title of a neat little volume placed upon our table by its author, Geo. C. Smithe, senior editor of the Ypsiluntian. Every type in the book was set by its author, making the work doubly endearing to him. The sketches coninience with war times, añil many are the scènes depicted of the soldier boys in their weary, dreary, hard service of four years and over. Then closing up the war, many scènes in Washington are given, then glimpses of the great and mighty west, and so on. Many a pleasant hour can be spent in perusing the pages of this little book, and we believe many a pleasant hour has been spent by the author in its composition. A limited number have been printed and will be placed on Bale at 80 cents each, the only desire being to clear excuses of publication. The community was startled yesterday by the announcement of the sudden death of Lewis C. Risdon, one of the old and highly respected citizens of this city. He had been ailing for some time, but was out upon the streets last week. The cause of death is not known, some atlrihiiting it to heart disease and others to kidney troubles from which he has long been a sufferer. The deceased had lived in Ann Arbor from a very early day, being one of its lirst business men of which many of our residents of to-day can remember He was nearly 63 years of age, and was a native of Leltoy, N. Y. He leaves a wife and two married daughters. The funeral services will be held t'rom the asylum in Masonic temple, Saturday p. in., at 2 o'clock, Ann Arbor oniimandery taking charge of the same. Mr. Ui-.ilm was one of the oldest masons in the county, having been a charter membêr of Ann Arbor Commandery, as also of Ooiden Hule lodge. He took the Royal Arch degree in 1852.