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Will Hatch has been home o the sick list for a few days. Miss Nellie Stilson of Whitmore Lakc, is vii-iting friends in tliis city. It will not be necessary for Geo. MUlen to go to Concord next Sunday. Misses Lulu and Ella Hangsterfer were in Detroit a few days last week. Mrs. EL V. Belser is very ill, with pulmonary troubles, we understand. C. F. Collier, law '79, of Holly, was the guest of Dr. McLachlan, Monday. Arthur Wood, the new deputy county clerk coinmenced business Monday moming. Maj. Wm. C. Stevens will ittetul the G' A. K. encampment ut Graiul Rupids tbis week. Miss Ada Latson, of Webster, bas been Tisiting her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Fall for the past week. Mrs. I. Giles Lewis of Hyde Park, 111., Is spetuling a few days with her brother, C. ö. MUlen. F red Henion whs given a very pleas;int surprise party on his birth day, Friday evening last. W. W. Wines and wife are In Detroit for a day or two visiting Mrs. W's sister, Mrs. Andrews. Kepresentative Grennell, of Detroit, was a pleasant caller at the Courikr ofüce Monday niorning. County Treasurer Belser doesn't say raue.h over that new boy, but he looks imillas just the sitme. E. E. Royer left yesterday for Delaware, for a short stay with friends, and in the hope of improving his lieaith. Frederick Kapp, of Northfield left yesterday for Ottawa, Kansas, on a three week's visit to his brother George. Elmer B. McCullough aDd Duncan Frazier, of Ypsilanti, are in the city for a couple of weeks, being treated for an affection of the eyes. F. N. Monroe, in whose store the great fire at Howell startei!, and who lost so heavily thereby, is a brother of Mrs. B B. Morgan, of this city. Mrs. Williams of N. Fifth street has gone to join her husband at St. Johns, where he has secured a permanent position as telegraph operator. President Ledyard, Attorney Russell, Engineer Ilawks, and other officials of the M. C. R. R., were in the city Monday and Tuesliiy, fixing up the bridge business. Joseph Newman, who 25 years ago whs a clerk in the old Farmer's Store, then dointr business where E. Duffy's store now is, was a pleasant caller at the Courier ortlce Monday. He is now traveling for a Boston house. Judge Edward F. Colborn, law '77, of Gunnison, Col., has been in the city during the week past. Mrs. Colborn, who has been visiting her pareuts Mr. and Mrs. Dygert, on William st., for the winter, will retara home next week aoooatpnied by her sister. Milford N. Wells, of Lvwrence, Kun., is home for a few day's visit with his mother. Mr. Wells is a staunch temperance miin, but after viewing the workings of proliihition in his own state unhrsitatingly pronounces it a failure, and says that il' he was in Michigan lie shonld vote against the amendini-nt. JamefE. Field and wite of Alpena, have been in town the past few days on a visit. They are on tbeir retur;i from a trip to California. They had a narrow escape in Minnesota by having their sleeper run off the track and rol! down i lic bank, overturning and throwing them out into the snow where the thermometer was 18' below zero, but they were luckily unhurt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News