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Bressier of 85 isa lieutenant in the German cuvalry at Berlín. Dr. Lam takes Dr. Sewull's work in the lic department during ti is absence. Howard G. Hftzler, lit. "8(5, dropped in iipon hit niany old trii-uds hcre yesterday. Remembef Prof. C. K. Adams' lecture before the assocmtion on March 18th, Friday evening. Dean VVorceoter, "88, will accotnpany Prof. Steere on his trip to the Phillipine Islands. He will collect bird's eggs. In their plueky ti-ílit for a gymnasium the boys liare tbfl argument all on their side. It is simply and solely prejudiee that oppose tlieui. Pres C. K. Adams. president of Oornell liiiverMty, takes the place of the Rajfan lecture in the students' lecture association course, on March 18th. Dr. Amos, of St. Paul, Minn., medie "85, and for sonie time studying with Dr. Breakey, has been viciting old friends here for the past few days. The senior laws are in a quandary asto how to get their pictures taken by a Det : oit ai tist, sotne of the boys refusing to go down to the city therefor. The medical and dental students are eniU'iivoi inji to raise $300 wlth which to purchase that most excellent picture of Dr. Ford, now In the art gallery. The Argonaut refere to the Palladium board, in !ls last issue. We had not heard from that body for eo long that we had concluded it had disbanded or something. The Goethe library has been augmented bv the arrival of 8G new volumes, niaking 625 to date. There is $200 now ready to exend for this collection, and more to come. The Delta Tau Delta's will venture in-to the summer cottage business thls season, having (Mirchased ,i?e acres of land between Bay View and Peteskey for that purpose. A summer term of lx weeks of the National School of Elocution and Oratory will be held in Ann Arbor this summer. Six continuous weeks of oratory ! Tough on the natives. The collection of old and rare books giv.-n by the late Wm W. Murphy to the untversity, proves to be of much value. Some of the maps accompunying the collection date back several centuries. Pre. C. K Adams, of Cornell Uuiverslty, will lecture In university hall Friday evening, March 18th. Subject: "Drift of Civilization." This lecture takes the place of Ihat of Mr. Rigan, on the regular course. Prizes are offered by the American Protective Tariff Leagu to seulors in universities and colleges, for three essays on the advantages of a protective tariff in this country. First prize, $250; second, $100; thlrd, $f 0. Henry George is to lecture before the i-tiidcnts' lecture associiition, in University hall, March 24th. If Henry doesn't have a houseful, we shall be mistaken, for there are quite a number of people In this vicinity who swear by George. The Lansing Iron Works have presented the University with castings for a twenty-flve horsepower engine, which is to be 'placed in the basement of the main building and used for experimental purposes. The engine will be constructed from the castings by the students- Argonaut. Prof. T. B. Stowell Ph, D. of Cortland, N. Y., and a brother to Dr. Stowell of this city, has recently purchased a paleutological collection of over 10,000 specimens. The collection Is valued at $5,500, aDd is one of the most complete of its kind; this added to hia prior collection, inakes Prof. Stowell'sin all probability, the flnest and largest private collection of lts kind in this country. We notice by the papers of yesterday a. m. tlmt the univorsity committees have unanimously reported in favor of appro priating $20,000 forthe gymnasium at the university. We hope that the two houses may look wlth favor upon thia propcsition. ABOUT TUE GYM. Last Sunday's Tribune had thU from Laustng: Tüe University Glee Club capturad their hearers wlth thelr part of the musical pro Kruin at the governor's reception, and stlrred them wlth the pathetlo song of the young student who dled for want of exercis.e Tbeu they stug the monrnful chorus, Poor old gymnasium, Pass the hat around ; Smallest favors are accepted ; Ratse it from the cold, cold ground. Tlicn they left a flyer contalntng an appeal forthe gymnasium, and themsel ves left for Ann Arbor. The boys wlll hardly be more successful insecurlng an appropriation fora gymnasium, than they have been wlth other legtslatures from whom they nave n-kcil lt during the past ten years. There are.perhaps, too many membersof the house who took exerclse In their younger days with the ax and plow to warrant the expectation that they will make an appropriation for the trapeze, rowlng machine and parallel bars, but fiere Is a good opportunlty for some or the wealthy aluinol of the University to show thelr liberality. No good Boston lan who has grnduated at Cambridge expeets to go to lieaven unless he leaves somelhlng to Harvard. Yale, after laboring under stress of poverty for a long time, has been remembered to the extent of several hundred thousand dollars wlthln the past thlrty years, but the glfts to Mlchigau University by 1U alumni have been pitlfully small. The few gift of valué that lt has had, llke the Parsons llbrary, the McMUlan llbrary and the Lewis art collectlon have come from men who did not recolve thelr educatlon at Ann Arbor. There Is a fine opportunlly for a few of the gradúate to Uve In the memory of many generattons of Rtudents (by donatlng the funds for a well-equlpped gymnasium. We are sorry to see the Tribune f;ill into the nousèusical argument(?) about uaing the axe, and plow mul gawbuck for ezercise. It miirht be well to remember that there is no opportunity for that sort of exercise here, and studente who are inclined to be over-studious can easily ruin their health for want of the heulthgiving exercise a gymnasium would supply. The farmers of the legislature would do well to remember also that over a tliird of the students here are children of farmers, the very class above all others that need the exercise. Itisuot lainess thatdemands this gymnasium, but health. Lazy students fight as shy of the gym as a tramp does of a wood pile. The Tribune should either revise its argumente?) or turn in and help the boys.


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