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NKAitLY one hundred raihvay officials hnld a mcoting iu Chicago un tho Sth and resolved to withdmw all passes except thoso issuod to oflinulrt and employos aud to give out no more. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad was sold on tbe Sth to a syndioate which now conu-ols sixteon thousand miles of track. Mrs. Alfkeu Smitu, aged cighty-six years, hauged herself at Pipestone, Minn., on the 8th. She was tired of life. A.y alleged infernal machine, addressed to the Prince of Wales, found its way to the Letter Office al Washington on the 8th. Samuel Bowsbr killed Dora Judd on the 8th at Springfleld, O., becauso she refused to marry him and then killed himself. Thi trotter Shooting Star and his driver were drowned on the Sth while crossing the river on the ico betwoeu (ijuunoque and Clayton, Can. A fiks at Walla Walla, W. T., on the 8th destroyed three blocks in the business portion of the town, causing a loss of $135,000. Two men perished in the flames. A STBiKB by 250 stove-inoldors of St. Louis on the 8th would compel the closing of founderies employing 1,5'K) men. Flames on tho 8th in the store of "Nieoll, the tailor," in New York, caused a loss of f100,000. Thb clerks of the Senate and House committees on appropriations fouud on the 8th that the suins artually set asida by tho Forty-ninth Congress aggregate $347,887,144. Under tho Mexican Pension law 7,; Ui claims had been filed. Pkisos wardfcns from all parts of the country met in Detroit on the 8tb and formed an association for the better management and for the tracing of crimináis. Joseph Nicholson, of Detroit, was elocted president. Akranobmkxts were being made at the Treasury Department in Washington on the 8th to eupply the demand for smaü notes, silver certiücutes aud United States notes which was very largo, aud was increasing daily. Nbar Hightstown, N. J., on the 8th the mailcar and passenger-car of a train were thrown from the track, and the former was burned and all the mail destroyed. One man was killed and another was fatally lnjured. Wall, Smith & Co., proprietors of the Gilbert tobáceo warehouso at Louisville, Ky., failed on the 8th fori)10,000. A laroe number of coke ovens In the Con nolis villo (Pa.) región were closed on the 8th, owing to the strike on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. A PANio occurred on, the 8th whilo a rowd of people were waiting at an elevated railway station in New York, and íour persons feil to the street below and were killed. A number of others jumped and were seriously wounded. A general strike of miners for higher wages in the Broad Top (Pa.) coal regions was inaugurated on the Sth. Tiiuee boilers in as many Michigan sawmills exploded on the SRh, killing seven men and wounding several others, two fatally. The Kansas City base-ball club on the 9th retired from the National League, and the Indianapolis club takes it.s place. Genehal BaBBT, the Chiof of Ordnance, said on the 9th that the failure of Congress to pass a Fortiflcation Apnropriation bül places the fortificatiou auJ orduance works in bad shape. Adtices of the 9th show that there were in the country 108,OU0,0O0 bushols of wheat, against 113, 000, OOJ bushels in 1888, and Ms,000,000 bushels of corn, against 812,OOü,U0J bushels last year. Thomas Pearsall and Frank Crawford, of Brownsville, Pa., were drowuod on the 9th by the upsetting of a boat. Thb strike of the freight men on the Pittsburgh división of the Baltimore & Ohio road was on the 9lh pronounced a failure, and trains were running again. L. Levenson & Co., of New York. clothing dealers, failed on the9th for 5,000. The Marión furnace at Minersville, Pa., resumed operations on the 9th after an idleness of ten years. Nkar Ripley, Pa., on the 9th Mrs. Catharine Ripley was killed and her husband fatally injured by being tossed and trampled by an infuriated cow. On the 9th Second Comptroller Maynard, In disallowing the claim of J. B. Selby for additional compensation for services rendered as pension agent at Milwaukee, said that under the law the maximum limit of compensation to pension agents is $2,000 per annum. Mks. A. L. Parsons, wife of the Chicago Anarchist, was on the 9tn placed in the lock-up at Columbus, O., for using insulting language to the mayor and disturbing the peace. TH Treasury Department at Washington was informed on the 9th that many oí the trade dollars presentad for redemption at New York had been split and filled so skillfully as to almost defy detection. Adviciu of the 9th say that four thousand out of flfteen thousand inhabitants of Vinoennes, Ind., had signed the blue-ribbon temperance pledge under the exhortatlons of Thomas E. Murphy, Francis Murphy's son. In a quarrel in Lawrence County, Ky., on the 9th Samuel Smith, aged Bisteen years, shot and killed Stephen Hammond and his wifeand wounded their two children. Willjam C. Hickmax fled to Canada on the 9th from Boston, after swindling people in the lattor city out of $40,000 by claiming to be able to mako sugar from starch at a great proüt. Thï flrst annual meeting of the National League of Musioians of the United States met in Chicago on the 9th. C. M. Currier, of Chicago, was elected president. WlLLIAM CüNNINQHAM, Of DuringO, Mex., was robbed of $(500 in gold in a house of ill-repute in Chicago on the 9th. On the 9th 1,191 Italian immigrauts arrived in New York. Official announcement was made on the lOth that the Illinois Soldiers' and Bailors' Home at Quincy was ready to receive iU guests. Preference would be given tJ disabled veterans who are inmates of poorhouses. The National Department of Agricultura reported on the lüth that thirty-six per cent. of the last corn erop and twenty-seven per cent. of the wheat yield was till in farmers' hands. Six hl'ndrkd men who struck for a ten per cent. advanee in pay at the American wlra works at Cleveland, O , were paid off on the lOth and discharged. Tns dismembered body of a woman was found on the lOth at Boston in a barrel sent from New York, and received by the Adams Express Company. It was destined for New Brunswick. Edward M. Newman, book-keeper of the Insolvent clotuine flrm of Levenson & Co., of New Vork, was on the lOth charged with the embezzlement of 1200,000. The value of cotton exports from the United States during February was $18,744,246, against $17,)1,681 in February, 1886. Dm a quarrel on the lOth at Fayette, Miss., Churchwell and his son and James Orr and his brothor were killed. Am affod negross named Fieldt and her son and daughter, agcd twenty-ono and twenty-nine, respeetively4 who were charged with petty thiering, were taken f rum their homo at Manassas, Va., on the lOth by inasked men, stripped nuked and tarrod and fcathered. Ths thirteeu-year-old daughter of John W. Niblock, of Philadelphia, having been threatened with puuishinent by hor father for stealing two handkerchiefs, committcd suicide on the iOth by hanging. Hamuei. F. Besjiii was hanged at PlymoiUh, Mass., on the IOth for the murdor of Richard N. Lawton, Decembor 23, 1885. TjiKclubi comprising the National BaseBall League for 1887 are as follows : New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis. Tha season opens April 28. Wuii.k building a fonoe on the IOth along the railway track at Independence, Mo., John Harrison and William Majors were killed by a train. E. H. Abbott, of Buffalo, N. Y., Supreme Becretary of the Royal Templars, left for Canada on the lOth with f 10,000 belonging U the order. Thk bodies of Robert and Cornelia Denmeud, two wealthy misers who lived in a bovel at New Brunswick, N. J., were discovered on the IOth. They aad been dead flve weeks. Ou the IOth a State Temperance Union was organized at Indianapolis, Ind. The platform declares that the purpose of the union is to edúcate public sentiment to total abstinence and legal prohibition, and that it is non-partisan. It was announcod on the lOth that tho overthrow of woman-suftrage by the oourta of Washington ïerritory compels the vacating of all verdiots of juries upon which woraen have acted. The flrst religious service ever held in the Montezuma (Col.) valley was conducta ed a few days since by Rev. Fathor liarner in a tent. Grasshopi'Crs made their appearance in largo numbcrs ou tho lüth at Kushvillu, Neb. A PASSEN'fiER train on the Jacksonville road was ditchod on the llth between Virden and Oirard, I1L Among the eight persons injured was Senator Southworth, of Litchfleld. Tue customs authoritios at Detroit on the llth discovered a loss to the Government of $60,(HX) by the smuggling of opium througb British Columbia and Ontario. The flrst act in the investigation of Cook County (HL) frauds was the selzure on the llth of the books and papers of the commissioners, the hospital, the insane asylum and the inflrmary. ïhb coal-miners of the Shenandoah (Pa.) valley struck on tho llth for an advanoe of ten cents per ton in the price of mining. Bix mines were idle. Naviqatioh of the Hudson riverbetween Newburgu and New York was opened on the 11 Ui. Thb business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the llth numbered 230, against 203 the previous Beven days. Four children of John Largis, living near Fife Lake, Mich., died on the llth of diphtneria. The victims were aged five, teven, nine and thirteen years, respectively. Hinht Artis (colored) was hanged t Goldsboro, N. C, on the llth for the murder of his stepdaugliter in November last. Whii.ü serving the ooffee at the break - f ast table in her home at Doe tur. I1L, on the llth Mrs. John Wentz dropped dead. Februart's exports of domestic breadstuffs amounted to $11,S,S1,446, oroverfl,000.000 more ttian for the same period in 1886. Neari.t one hundred cases of typhoid raalarial fever existed in Marseilles, O., on the llth. Three persons had died, and many other deaths were feared. For the year ended with February the only gold and silver mine worked in Michigan yielded $43,153. A violent wind and hail-storm visited Bradley County, Ark., on the llth. Houses and barns we.-e blown down, plantations were wrecked, and ceveral persons were injured- two mortally. Large tracts of timber were destroyed. Hexrt Fkaser, of Haskell Station, Ind., was robbed of 1,300 on the llth by two masked highwaymen. Olt of a total coinageof 356,471,647 standard silver dollars there was in circulation 57,214,510 on the llth. The silver certiflcates in circulation amounted to $1123,290, - 392, which left 75,966,745 net Standard dollars in the treasury. The Secretary of State at Washington was informed on the llth that the cholera was spreading rapidly in Chili. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Henrt Ward Bekcher died at hi home in Brooklyn at 9:3U o'clock on the niorning of the 8th. He never regained consciousness after the stroke of apoplexy on the morning of the 5th. Mr. Beecher wat nearly seventy-fouryear oíd, havmg been born at Litchfield, Conn, June 21, 1813. When he was twenty-four years of age he became pastor of a small Presbyterian church at Lawrenceburg, Ind., and went írom thero to Brooklyn in 1847 to take charge of the Plymouth Church, and remained there ever since. He was married in 1W in Cincinnati to Mis E. W. Bullard, and his wife and three sons and one daughter survive him. The Democrats of Rhode Island on the 8th nominated John Vf. Davis f or (overnor. Arthur MacArthur on the 8th resigne his post as Justice of the Supremo Court of the District of Columbia. He is seventytwo years oíd. A m A93 memorial meeting in honor of the late Senator John A. Logan was held in Brooklyn, N. Y., on the evening of the 8th. General Simón Camkron celebrated at Harrisburg, Pa., on the 8th the eightyeighth anniversary of his birthday. The President on the 8th appointed Matthew A. Manning, of West Virginia, chief of división in the Pension Office. Nelson Dubley, who died on the 8th near Lexington, Ky., aged eighty-seven years, was oue of the oldest and best known of the old-school Kentucky turfmen. It was stated on the 9th that the Fiftieth Congress would be caüed together in Ootober and that the fall sessiou would run along into the regular one. Ueorge H., father of General Daniel E. Sickles, died in New York on the th. Justin McCartht sailed from New York for Europe on the 9th. Joseph F. Mayes, for twenty-flve years a justiee of the peaoe at West Alexander, Pa., and who during that time had married tliree thousau1 couples, died on the 9ta, aged seventy-three years. The Womau's Suffrasre biü was defeated on the 9th in the New York Asseinbly by a vote of 68 nays to4S yeas. Altuouoh Secretary Manning's resignation as Soretary of the Treasury does uot take effect until April 1, be virtually severed his connection with the department on the 9th. Genbrai, Crook stated on the 9th that the Indian should have the f uil rights of the Aiuerican citizen, including the ballot. Chasum lt Hkisicr, an umbrella-monder in Pittsburgh, Pa., was informed on the 9th that, ho had inherited a fortune of f75,ÜÜO from a cousin who diod in Australia. Tns funeral services over the late Honry Ward Bcccher took placa on the lOth at Brooklyn at the residen ce of the family. The remains were thon taken to Plymouth Church, where publio services were held. After lying in stato in tho church for two days the remains would b transfurrod to Greenwood Cemetory. Ei-Conoressman Btbattos, of Mullica Bill, N. J., died on tho luth, aged s ventythree years. Thb Massaehusotts House of Reprosentatives on the lOth, by a vote of 97 to til, de feated tho women suffrage resolution. James B. Eads, of New York, the constructor of the St. Louis bridge and the Mississippi jetties, died at Nassau, N. P., on the 8lh, of pneumonía, in lii sixtyseventh year. Chabltos H. Wat, of Georgia, was on th lOth appointed by the President to be Consnl-General of tüe United States at St. Petersburg. Jabsz Turxer, a veteran of the war of 1812, died in Now York on the lütn, aged ninety years. Th Nebraska House on the llth defoated the bilí for submitting a prohibitory amendment to the people - yeas, 49; nays, 43 - lacking the necessary two-thirds majority. Thb Indiana Supreme Court on the llth denied Green Smith's petition fora rehearing In the LieutenantGovernorship case, holding that the Legislatura only could settle that question. Thï Dakota Legislatura concluded its seventeenth session on the llth. Public funeral services in honor of tha late Henry Ward Beecher were held in Brooklyn on the llth. Business was generally suspended throughout the city, and siecial memorial services were held in ten or more churche, which were crowded. Fred H. Whipplk, managing editor of the Toledo (O.) fiee, was publicly horsewhlpped on the llth by Mrs. Teak, who claimed that Whipple wrote objectionable letters to her daughter. William Walker, one of the pioneer of Adams County, O., died ld Franklin township on the llth. He was oue hundred and three years old. FOREIGN. Almost a panio prevailed on the 8th at St John, N. B., by reason of the failuresot the Maritime Bank, with liabilitios of $1,250,0U0, and several large lumber firms. Rome advices of the 8th were to the effect that tne triple allianoe between Austria, Germany and Italy had been signed. Thb American Consul at Ottawa, Can., announced on the 9th that there was no authority for the story that the Dominion Government had a retaliatory bill under consideration. In the Maine Legislatura on the 9th that proposition to amend the constitution so as to provide for woman suffrage was defeated. In the arsenal at Belfort, France, two personi were killed and ten injured by an explosión of meliuite on the lOtli. A cableqram on the lOth from Paris announced the marriage of Christine Nilssoa to Count Miranda. Advices of the lOth say that Governor Maia, of the Portuguese settlement on the Island of Timor, in the Malay Archipelago, had been assassinated by natives. Foürteen commissioned oflicers who participated in the recent revolt in Bulgaria were shot on the llth near Rosgrod. Qlis's cattle shed at Kiskeam, County Cork, Ircland, was set on tire by an incendiary on the llth, and tvrelve cows were burned to death. Sxvere snow-storms were raging on tha llth in the North of England and in Ireland and Kcotland. Tui Court of Queen's Bench decided at Toronto on the llth that anymarried Canadian citizen who crosses the line and marries again in the United States can not on his return be prosecuted successfully for bigamy providing he did not leare Canada with intent to commit the offense. Earthcjiake shocks were experienced on the llth at Cannes, Nice and DianoMarino, in Italy, but no damage was dona. LATER NEWS. At twenty-six leading clearinghouse In tho United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 12th aggregated f995, 574, 543, against $1,054,839,956 the previous week. As compared with the correspondas: week oí 18SÖ, the increase amounts to 13.9 per cent The Legislaturas of California and Montana adjouraed titte die on the 12th. In the Nova Srotia Legislature on the 12th strong speeches were made in favor of annexation to the United States. The remains of Henry Ward Beecher were removed from Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, on the 12th and deposited in a vault at Greenwood Cemetery. Dukino an altercation on the 12th Benjamin Leaventhal, of New York, killed hi father and then took his own life. A irb on the 13th at Memphis, Tenn., buruod thirteen hundred bales of cotton in the shed of Jacob Vorheis. A w.iNDixo snow-storm prevailed on ths I3th throughout Northern Michigan. Geokgk Simón, a thirteen-year-old boy, of Philadelphia, who was fond of reading blood-and-thundar literature, hanged himself on th 12th. Thb yachts Dauntless and Coronet sailed on the 12th from New York harbor for a race to Queenstown, Ireland, the prize to the winner being $10,000. A Fine on the 12th at Camden, N. J., detroyed Korn's Hotel, and thre childrsn, Charles, Frederick and Eddie Bearle, aged irom seven to ten years, porished in tha flamea. Thske was no change on the 12th in tho silk-dyer' strike at Paterson, N. J. Ten thousand operative were affected, and th employer refused to treat with tha stnkers except as individual. Enoch Cartbr (colored) was hanged en the 12th at Jacksonville, Fia., for a murder committed Christmas eve of 1885. Frank M. Scott, cashier ot the publishingftrm of Webster & Co., of New York, was arrested ou the 12th for embezzling Two more of the recent leaders in tb revolution at Rustchuk were on the 12th sentenced to death aud 125 others to imprisonment FREgH oarthquake shocks on the 12th in Southern Europe causad a recurrence oí the recent panio. Tiikke ruen were drowned on the 12th at New York by the upsetting of a boat which they were attempting to row across the river. A riRB on the 13th at Lumberton, N. C, swept away sevonty-five buildings, includinir stores, churches, dwelling and every hotel. Many persons were homeless. A fire on the 12th destroyed the Commercial cotton-press at New Orleans, with large ampunt of cotton, the total loss being $150,000. Thk family of William Eaton, living thlrty miles south of Springfield, Mo., was attacked on the 12th by a band of highwaymen and himself and Charles Green were killed and Mrs. Eatou was badly uijured.