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All For Nothing!

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Last week Tuursday Special Agent. Newbergcr, of the postoffke departinent called upon Postmaster Duffy and infonncd liiiu lh;ii lie had come to make preliininary arrangeuients for cstablishing free delivery in Anti Arbor, and immediately proceeded to Iris tnsk. The first thing was to decide upon the number of carriers. Tliis was fixeil at five aftera long conference, and earne8t wish of Postraaster Duffy, the design being to give but three. Adrián witli not half the revenue of Ann Arbor has been aiven six carriers (Cleveland has a cousin at Adrián, it is iinderstood). Tlien the routes were establislied, over wliich carriers must trudge, through rain or shine, blizzards or sumraer lieat. The boundaries ave as follows, for the various CARRIEB'S UOUTKS. District, No. I.- Beginning at lntersectlon of Mal und Pontlacsts., thence east t smte kv. 'íortli on .Statest, to Kuiler st. eust uu Fullor to Observatory, s . .111 h 011 Observatory to Illiriin, west on tho Une of Hurón to 14lll 8t, south 011 lltli to N. Unlv, Ave. weat on Univ. Ave. to State st., north on State to Liberty, west on Liberty to Fourtu, north on Fourth to Hurón, west 011 Hurou to Main, nortl) on Miilu to place of beglunlng, exceptlng east slde of Main st, froni Hurón to Ponllac. Also exceptlng both sldes of Liberty st. District No. .- Beglnning at lnteraectlon of Main aud North, nortb 011 Main toHlgii.west 011 Hlgh toOrove, north 011 Grove to Chubb Komi, Houth on Chubb to Hamlln, east m Iliiinllo to rlver, soulbeant along raeainltrlugs of rlver to luter-ectlou of the llue t íngala st., soutli 10 Kuiler, west on Fuller to State, south on State to North, west on Nortu to place ol beglnning. Also east slde of Main Irom Hurón to North; also that part of Fiftli Ward north of rlver begluning at the Une of Washtenawst., northoily to the flrstst. south of 5th ward cemetery, tbence east to Pontlac st. south on Poutiao to Jones, east 011 Jones to Traver, north on Traver to Partrldge bornestead, thence south on Traver to Browu, üoutheaston Brown to Broadway, northeant on Broadway to Taylor homestead, and all south of Malden liane. District, No. S.- Beginning at Interseetion of Miiiu und High sts. im lo Ooti, south on Gott to t'elch, west on Feleh t Mann, south on Mann and Jewett sts., to W JefTerson, east ou W. Jefl'erson to Malne, north on Malue to beglnuing. Exceptlng west slde of Main st. from lluron to Jcfferson. District, No U.- lieginning at lntersectlon of Main and Hurón sts., soutli on Main (Inclndlng botli sldes, exceptlng east slde from Huron to Liberty) to W.Jeftersou, west on W. JefTersou to 7th, south ou 7lh to W. Madlsou, easl ou W. Madlsou to W. Thlrd, soul li ou W. Thlrd to Mosely, east on Mosely to Main, soutli ou Malu to lllll, east on HUI to Stale, north on Htate to Liberty, west on Liberty to Fourth, uorüi on Fourtu to Hurou, west on 1 1 ui ou to place of beglnntng. Excepttng west sideof Htate betweeu i.itx-rty mul Jelferson. District, No. 5.- Beginning at lntersectlon of N. Unlverslty Ave. and State st., south on State to HUI st., east on HUI to Washtennw Ave., uoriliwest ou Wtishtenaw ave. to Orlaana and Eim, uorth on Kim to Oeddes aud Cuiuetery sis , west on Cemetery to Washteuaw ave., west on Wushtehaw ave. to N. Uuiversity ave., west ou N. Universlty State, lucludlng botli sldes of State from Liberty to Jefferson, also lncludlng both sldes ol Liberty from Main to state. Also east slde Main from Hurou to Liberty. i ne nexo uiinr upou tlie list was the location, as follows, of the LETTER BOXES. Box 1- Broadway and Mili st. 2- " and Canal. 3 - 5!li ward schuol. i- Pon Mac and st. s iiith of 5th warü i-ciiieUTy. 5- Main and i hubb. V-High uud Sprluif. 7 - Felch and Bprlug. s-.VIlller ave. and (iott. 9- " " and Spriug, H - Hurón and Mnnn. 11- and Noble. 12- " and Second. 13- ¦ aud Main. 14- Main and Ctliarlue. 15- " and Nortli. I-I)etrolt. and Kifth. 1T- ' and ül visión. 18-UlvÍNÍonaad Ann. 19- Hurón and State. 20- Bovvery aad State. 21- Micu. Central Depot. '¦i- Kuiler aud Mtli. ¦ - '' I Illl'ii y (11111 .1 lili. Ï4- Lit erty aüd W. Fiftu. 85- First, and Liberty. at-Fourtliand W. Jefferson. Ti- T'lrdaud S. MadiHon. -s --Fina and JeBurson. ¦-Main and Uberty. 30- ¦ and Packsra. 31 - u and Mosley. 'W- Wiwhingtou and Fifth. ; i - I'ackard and Madlson. .)!- !vlalon and Williams. :t"- State and Unlverslty Ave. W- Thompson and Jeflerson. W- State and S. Unlverslty Ave. SS- IugallsandHtll. 89- Oor. E. and S. Unlverslty Ave. 4u- Cemetery and Washtenaw Ave. 41 - Orleaus and " 4J- Hill and " 4 - Calhanne and 12th. COI.I.EfíTION OP AtAlI. wili be made :it the foliowini boura : lst ooileoUon, 6.45 o'clock a. m. 1 " 9:4) " a m. M " 12:15 p. m. 4tn ¦' á:oo p. iu 5üi ¦ o:oo " p. in. DELIVKKY OF MAIL. lst duHvery at 7:15 o'clock a. m. ld " '¦ _ i2:4,5 " p m M(apeolal) " 6:4U " p. ra. A FEW FACTS. The 3.1 dellveiy will be only for the business part of the city, to tooommodate tiie iiuMcliaiu.s, lawyers, doctors, etc. At first a carrier will only be giveti a few blookl of liis route, and more territory added as lie Badt liimself eapabln of tiikinj: it uulil liis entire route ia BOTCKd. A carrier will travel upwards of 18 miles each day. No collection of mail nuitter is made on the ODtgoiDg trip, but all on the retiirningtrip. There are now al)out 12 applicants for each carrier's place, or 60 in all, go Postniaster Dufl'y tells us. Operations vvill be commenced about June ISth, but the whole territory will not be covered for some montlis tliereaftctr. Murried gentlemen who correspond with lady " cousins " will have to have au "uuderstanding " witli the carrier on their route, or pay well for a private box at the "lli.c undcr a nom de plume. Ladies can have certain letters delivered to theinselves only. Streets Inning no sidewalks wül berelegated to the country, and the carrier will pass them by in silent contempt, for the fjovernme-it does not recognize sucb stretts. Sensible government. Ever house must be nuinbered, and the number put up, and every street numed and the ñames placed at all intersictions beforc the government will consent to latroduee free delivery. Every house in tlie city lias been unmbered wlthin ayear past, and now resident will be obllged to put up their numbers. Besides the ílve regular carriers there will be one " extra," whose salary will be $1 per year, (the same as our mayor) but as he getsall the filling in time when regulars are sick or necessarily off, he will nmke a passable thing out of it. Eaoh carrier receives$600 per year, and Is given two weeks yacntion each year of Mrrior, witli pay running right along. Liberal einployer, Uncle Saml 'I'be rent on all postofflce boxes will be doubled as soon asthisdelivery commences. The idea is to.discourage box i-enting. Mr. Newbenrer, the official who came here to hiy out the prellminaries, is a sharp, shrewd gentleman, and rattleg off business with a whew ! He has passed tbrongh trying ordeals, too, thathas quailed manya noble Pythian knight In trylng to jiunp over. It wil] take an extremely skillful man to sort the mails now. There are but few titted for the position. This will knock the usual postofflee boom on St. Valentino' Day all out. It' jou don't fret " that letter " on time you can pulverize the carrier nstead of the poetmaster, for lie will be to blame, of course. What will become of the handsome young lady P. O. clerks? It' Coroner Clark is jriven a route will lie not be attemptinjf to hold au Inquest on all the "deail " letters that ho runs on to?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News