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No sidewalks no fice delivery. Take your dioico. Dr. Runsay preached in the 5th ward M. E. church last öuiulay etening. The Detroit Breniag MWI continúes to Lave the eolio over the University. August Tessmer is building a new brick house, corner W. Third and Madison sheet. The local assembly K of L. will tender Henry Gooide a reception next Thursday eveuin-:. Prol". DsnatioD m the tn-t man who b mylit a ticket frotn ÜM uow depot Monday morning. There were only 19 children in one of the 4th ward school rooms Monday, out of aboutüO. Measles. Bliss's wholesale harness factory, now doing business at Jackson, contemplates removing to Ann Arbor soon. One of the things most needed just now is an accurate map of this city. Such au one could liiul a ready sule. The March vacation of schools commences Friday. The youngsters all tliink they eau stand it without trouble. The members of the masonic fraternlty coiinected with the university, either as sttulents or liMtructon, ban orgnnhsed ¦ society. Judge Cheever and Dr. Palmer addressed Cbe brethern ct' the colored M. E. church lest evening on tho amendmeot qiiL'Stion. Black birJs, blue birds, robins and other eyidences of spring have appeared. But walt till election day, and see the "birds" then. The Chicago Mali of March 18th, has a column article, omving a laudatory sketch of Hon. Thos. M. Cooley. It is a very readable article. The committee to look up the propriety of converting the old cemetery into a park are at work, and hope to bring about favorable resulte. On April lltli Dr. Ramtay 11 deliver his bunotu lecture on "Sky Wonden," for the benefit oí the Cocker League, In the M. E. Church. The measles have settled down on this community with great succes, and consequently there are many "speckled beautiea" around towou Isaac Terry, of Webster came to Ann Arbor July -Itli, lH88,od put iii at Cook's Hotel. He h is leen many woaderfal cbange8 in this city and county since then. Boring for gasorofl ill be cnrarnenced as soon as contracta f.r sufficient land in and about the citv ihall have been weawd to mnke it an objeet In the event of striking gas or oil. Il is understood that T. V. Powderly Grand Master Workman'of the Knights of Labor will give an adilres9 here sorae day ïifxt week. in the interest of the prohibitoiy amendmenti The state dental association fs holding ts animal MMloo at the dental college with Pr. L. L. Dvis, of Eaton Rapids, in Uie rhair. .t wrUing tliere are about 100 vory extracten iircsent. The Detroit Evening NeWl thinks that tftbeHnroa rtnrwM plentifully 111 led with fisii tbey woulil lin vc to be crooked ones to keep par.' with the many curves of the stream. Th iVl i soaly joke. A ical Mtate transfer comea up from Yilanti n which the eonstderatlon is 12 bbla. of p'irk, for i bouw nd lot, then the fellow who got the poik claims Jie lias gut by fur the best. end of the irguin. Dr. Darlinir being obllsed to keep another borM b BM of IiU juatly merlted Inenaaed practloe, h is purchaseila hanil8ome dappleil-ifray of Vm. Burke. He lias also a line family carriage ab'ut ready for use. The question of tlif; riüiic of the Begifter of Deeds to make abstracts of Ütle will be tected In the coarta, Francis A. Slattery baring cited Register of Deeds Kennis to appenr and frire answer to the inquiry. Some very drlightfal entcrtaimnentare beln? given under the auspices of the Coeker Leagae, at Uw M. E. ebnreb, from tune to time. Their progrnm on last Monday evening was a good one, and was well carried out, the attendance was large. Mis. liov. II F. Belser died last Mon day evening, after a protracted sickness of consumption. She was the mother of County Treasurer Belser, and very much nqwcted n the community. She had reached about 50 years. Funeral services to-inorrow at 2 o'clock ]. m., from Zion's church. This iwrttm that the republican alone voted to submit the proliibitory amendment is not true, though it would be nothliijr to their di-credit if it was true. Out of 32 domorrats in the house 10 voted for lubmiwlon or about one-third of them. Pa-ite those ftgareí lu yourhat, Mr. fault liader. The Vpsilanti lodge F. & A. M. will visit Oolda Rule lodüe and work the 3d degree to-mor'-ow evening, to which the members of Fraternity lodge are cordially invited. All masons are requested to meet at tlie temple at 0:30 o'clock p. m. sharp, to MOOrt tli. ir Vpsihinti l)rtheren from the depot, who will arrive ou special train. Boys who kill pparrows must remember two thiitgs. Every time they fire off a gun or other fire arm wlthln the city limits thcy lay themselves liable to prosecution. And every time they kill a little "chippie" or other blrd than a sparrow, they ean ba dnd ." f.r eanfa blro killed or be pnt In jail ten days. Ho be o:: your Kuard, boya. A camp of Snn-i of VeteniM ni nrganIzed at the eonndl room Haturday evenir.;; last liy the electton of Horton Iïryan captain, C. K. Mhan lat lientenant, Frank Qardoer 2.1 liflatcnant Tlie eamp wlll probably ba named aft tba brT6 md tamentwj Cáptala Wendell D. Wiiti", .'Co. II MthMloh. who was killed durlnR the llene of Enorvllle, 'IVun. ne muierlng in wlll probnbty occur in April. A Kik u It ¦ relio of by-one times has Wn prewnted to the county pioneer Kotrty by B F. ArksT. It is piano, and ww brought to tliia city in 1:5. tor uso in Mi" Page'l KtlOoL rt is in a good state of prMemtlon. The maker's card rndSj -'Made by Jobn Kcarsiní; (rom London, for John J. Rickw 187 Broadway, N. y,„k" n. u n Plain of goud rosewood, and ni '¦' pianos were mannfactared ín thls country, probably. Ueinember now, no sidewalk no free delivery. Dog daysf No 011I3' a dog show, that's all. John Zahn, an old resident of Lodi, died last week Thursday. Mrs. Haebnie is erecting a new residence on W. First street. Dr. MacLaclilan is now cnmfortably settled in his new olllce in DUUOafe temple. The Chequamegon full orchestra will plry for the high school junior ex. Friday evening. J. L. Stone had as guests over the Sabhath the entire minstrel troupe of Wilson & l.'ankin. Chas. Baxter took the first passenger from the new depot and Jack Loney got the next 011e. Henry Geor;e on "Land and Libor" at the university hall to-morrow, Thui-sday evening. Dr. E. H. Pyle, of Milan, luis been takiiif; the Srottish rite masonic degrees at Detroit tliis week. The Old Folk's concert at the Presbyterúin church last evening was a grand success every way. The little twelve year old daughter of T. McKone, of Chelsea, died Monday night of diphtlieria. All passes on railroads expire April 4th, so the núlmad managers say, under the inter-state coinmerce bill. Dr. Jenkins held the inquest on the body of Mrs. Warner, of Dexter, who was killed Sunday by the cars. John Lindenschmidt, Wra. Hauck, Gus. Sotse, Louis Wurth and Henry Kothe have been admitted to full citizenship. All the other birds are singin praises to the Michigan legislatura for having tlicir mortal enmniee, the sp:irrows, killed off The State Fish and Game Warden is allowed three deputies in each couoty. Hand in your application. Salary 110 object. Rev. Mr. Fairfield, of Manistee, occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church Sunday forenoon, and the Presbyterian cUurch in the evening. Geo. W. Hawes, of Ohio, has rented the Arlington house of B. Green, for a period of ten years, takiug possession April lst. Mr. Goodrich goes back to Saline. W. W. Thompson one of Ypsilanti's old rj.-hlcnts, died early Monday moruInf of paralysis. He had retired fro:n ;ictive businesi. The gutter tile running under the corner crossinjfs at Hangsterfer's were tliawed out Monday with steam from a poitable engine. The Ann Arbor oflBeial weather reporter doesn't fret bis work into the official report any more. It hus been blank for a number of monttu. Krozen up probably. Andrew Birk, proprittor of the soap works here, died Monday evening, after a long illness. He was about 75 years of asie and was well-known n the coinunity. liarle Ilubble, the infant daughter of J. A. nul Allee M. Wilson, nee Chapín, formerly of this city, aged 9 inonths, died at the home of Itt paren ts in Chicajo, Marcb 15. Tlie republlcan judicial cominittee for thi9 district consists of J. F. Lawrence, A. W. BfttnlKoB, Ann Arbor; Win. M. Osband, Ypsilanti; H. A. Lockwood and O. A. Critcliett, Monroe. Supposine prohibition could beenforced in Ann Arbor, how many additional druj; stores would bprinjr up here, do you suppose? It would siuiply be a rose by soine otlier mime, and norevenue. The Detroit K:iighte of Labor have secured special ratea to Ann Arbor and a larg imber of "ihe boys" will come out to be:ir Henry Georie's lecture tomorrow eveninjí, at (Jnlrenity hall. The public recital of the school of music will be held on Friday at 4 o'clock p. m., local time, instead of Thursday as previously announced. In room 24 imiversity. There was an entliusinatlc mnetlnjf of thoae opposed to the prnhibitory amendinent last Sunday p. m. Sunday meetmgi teem popular on botU pides of this quettlott. One of the members of the Congreeatioiml church tells us th:it Rev. Fairfield did not presi'iit one new Idea on the atnendment question, or make a single polnt lo its favor, n his sermon list Sunclay. Judge Thos. M. Cooley has been appointed by President Cleveland a member - for the Ion? term - of the inter-state nüiwmy oommission. Thls is a hl?h compliment to our fellow citizen. He wlll probably accept. E. Baur, 8ecretary, announces the Waahteaaw County pomological society meeting Apr.2d, at the court house at 2 p. ra. Every fruit grower is invited as ehenper rates of transportation and other matters of general interest will be disussed. Some of our citizens went down to Detroit Stturday, paid a dollar for the round trip, then went to hear Modjeska for 50 cents. Here in Ann Arbor it took $1.50 to hear that oelehrity and each man had to pay his own hack fare besides - if he had one. Lyman W. Wallace, formerly of this city, and a brother of E. W. Wallace, of Silino, in which place he was bom and snent his boyhood days, died at his home No. 153 Lexington Ave., New York city, recently. His remains were brought to Detroit for interment. Mr?. D. F. Giles, of Fuller st., has a good erg story to offset that of Mr. Smith, of Chelsea. Having 30 hens Mre. GUes has liad 79 dozen ergs up to last evening, March 22d, since Jan. ltt flhe now pets over 20 ejrjrs daily, and some of the chickpiis are last August pullets. The fortieth anniversary of the organization of the Congregational church will be celebrated this Wednesday eveningr. Of the oiiginal 48 members only flve are now living in this city. C. Blissand wife, Augustus and Frederick Hall, and Horace Carpenter are of this numbcr. The estáte of the late Dr. E. C. Rogers will probably be probated In Ann Arbor as tb is was bit place of residence at the time of his death. It is altogotlior urobable klto, thnt the singular and erratic will, that places a premium upon drunkenness will not be held valid. The legatees mentioned in the will will undoiibtcdlv reoelfe their legacies and the balance go where it belongs to the blood rcl;itives of the deceased, several of whom :vrc worthv DOOF people, if not drundard's wivcs or children. The funeral services of Lewls C. Risdoii were held Sunday afternoon instead of Saturday as announced last week, a change haring been mad after the Coühikk ni tened, 'l'lie Knights Templar asseuibled at their asylmn 47 stroni, and marslied to the funily residence where a ihort service was held. The remains of Mr. Hi(loii were then taken to St. Andrew's church, where the service of that churnh raa performed by Rev. 8. Earp. The Knlgbta then marched to the grave in Foreat Hill Cemetery, whore the full Entfrht Templar ceremony was perfonned. The funeral was one of the Inroest held in Ann Arbor for a long time.