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Resolutions Of Protest

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At a meeting of the Ann Arbor Turn Verei, holden at their huil on Monday evening, March 22, 1887, the followinj; preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Wherkas, The Legislatura of the state of Michigan at lts present susitlon has paxsud a resolutlon to submlt to the volers of tuis state for adoptlon or rejectlou at tlie Impeuiling spring election to be held ou Mouday, April 4lh uext, an amendment to the tnte Conslltution prohlbttlug the manufacture and sale of of spirltuous, vlnous or malt liqours, except for medicinal or sclentlflc purposes; and Whebkas, The adoptlon of suoh an araendinent 1h contraryto the spirit and lntent of the Constltutlon of the United otates and iu dtrect vlolallon of the rlghts of free American cltizensulp; would result In the destrucilon of very vaJuable property, wbich lt has taken years to acqulre; throw raany thousaods of families out of employment ; necesĂ­tale the lncrease of all olher taxos for run ning state, municipal and townshlp governmeuts, and result la strlfo and bltterness unbecomlng free and enllghleued peonle therefore be lt Resolved, That we, as cltliens of the United States and the state of Michigan, do most emphatlcally protest against and eondemu the poHSlble adoptlon of thlsamendment, orany and all measurescalculated lo Infringe upon the rlghts and privilegesofa free, euligh tened and law-abldlng people. JitĂȘotved, That we are opposed to any and all sumptuary laws, whether they be of a rullglous, polltlcal or social nature Uetolved, That we wilt to a man use all honorable means at our coramand.and cordlally Invite the hearty oo-operatlon of every voter who loves llfe, llberty and the pursult of happluess, to defeat thls amendment, whlch savors too much of lntolerance, blRotry, knownothlnglgni and fanatlclsm. Xrsolvrd, That these resolutlons be InRcrl bed on our record and Dubllshnd In thn


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News