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What you need is a medicine which is pure, efficiënt, reliable. Such is Hood"s Sarsaparllla. It possesses peculiar curative Dowers. WHT IS IT Tliat rlieumatism and neuralgia are "o prevalent? This question has not I satisfactorüy answered, but it is oerUÜn tliat tliese diseases are not only the mos! painful but among the most conimon, and soine meraber of nearly every fainily in the land is the victim of one of these dread tormentors. Ladies seem to be pevuliarly Hable to neuralgie attaeks, which, in the fonu of neuralgic headache, pain in tlie back, or nervous pains are of constant ccurrenee. Notuntil the discovery of Athlophoros had any remedy been found lor either rheamatism, neuralgia or nervous headache, and they were generally ODBceded to be incurable, hut Atlilnpl bas been proved to be not onlv a otrtain cure for these diseases, in all thcir varied forma, but a safe remedy. If, in the use of Athlophoros, the bowels are kept frr-!y open, its suecess is ctrtain, and to aid this, Athlophoros Pilis are recotnineDded, which, while providing the nao cathartie, will be found to 1 a raluable aid to the action of the medicine. Athlophoros is no experiment, it bas been tasted and has proved its wonderful ellicaey. Tlie Athlophoros Pilis were originally prepared as a remedy for use in coniu-t -timí with Athlophoros, for rheumatisni and neuralgia and kindred complainta. C7sed in connection with that remedy, they are a certain cure for either of vi t y ccmiiiidii and distressing diseases. They have tlao been found to beau invaluahle reuieily for any and all diseases arisingfrom ritiated blood or general debility. Thev are i pecially valuable for nervmis debility, blo il poisomng, dyspepsia. distrea aAet eating, iieaduche, constipation, loss of appetite, and all stomach or liver troubles. Kor diseases of women they are invaluable. These pills are perfeetly harmUss ainl innv ba safelv used bv adults orohildren. Testimoniáis of thoM who have been cured will be sent free on application. Kvery druggist slnul(l keep Athlophoroe and Atblo]ihniMs I'ills. luit where they cannot be bongfat of the druggist, the tblnphorost'n., lili Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular prioe, which is il. 00 por bottle fnr Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. Sore Eyes The eyes are ahvnys in sympathv with the body, and aflbrd au excellent index of its condition. Wheii thaeyes beeoma vc:ik. aiul the litis inHanicil and sore, it is an cvklonce tliat the system has become ilisordcrcd by Scrofula, for wliuli Ayer' Saraaparllla is the best known ri'UR'ily. Scrofula, which prodnead n painful laflammation In my eyei, caused me mucb ¦ufferlng for a number f years. By the ndvice v( a phytlcian 1 oommeneed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After uitng this medicine sliort time I was complelel; Cured My pyps are DOW in a splentlid condition, and 1 am as well and itroug as ever. - Mrs. Williaiu Qage, CoBOOrd, N. 11. For a niimber of yean T was troublod with a bumor In myeyes, and was unable to obtain any relief untll I eommenoed usiiiir Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has effected a completo euro. and 1 bolieve il to bc the best of blood puritiers. - c E. l'pton, Naahua, N. 11. Krom childhood, and imtil within a few niontlts, 1 have boon afflicted with Cak and Bon Evos. I have uscd for these comphklnts, with benefleial resalta, Ayer" BarsaparUla, and considerll greal lilnoJ l'iinlior. - Mis. C. Phillips, Ulover, Vt. I suffered for a yoar with inflammat ion in my left eye. 'Thrcv ulcera COTWed M the ball, deprlvlng me of si;ht, and eaoslng great iiain. After trylng many ether remedies, te no parpóse, 1 was Bnally mdueed to use Ayor's Sanaparüla, and, By Taking throc bottles of Uu's medicine, bave boen entirely cuied. My sigjkl has been restored, and there Is no si"n of Inflammatlon, sol-o, r aleef In my eye. kindal T. Uowen, BagM Treo Itidge, 'uhio. My daagbter, ton years old, was nfflicted with Scrofulom 8ora Evss. Duiiug the last two yeara ihe never law llght of any kind. I'hysicians of the hlghest standing oxortod thcir skill, but w iili no porni.-ini nt uccess. On the recommendation of a frlend I parehased a bottle of Ayer'a Barsaparllht, whleh my daughter commenced taking, üofore she bad used the tblrd bottle hor sUht was restored, and the ean now look stoadily at a biilllant light without pain. Her care is complete. Yf. r. Sutheriand, Kvangellst, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PreprJby Dr. J.C. Ayer &Oo., I.owcll, Mui. Sold by all Irug{UU. l'rice $1 ; eix butllc, 5.


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