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11 cbeam Sprices: S SPECIAL fAKlMg I V(nT--- _--?? J NATURAL FRUIT Lj7 I FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad .. ;,h strlot rnrd toPnltr, Stroncth, an.I Hauthfalneaa. Hr Pnca's Baldng Pov po Ammonl,Tilme,Aliim or Phwpnate. Pr.Prlce't Extracte, Y anula, Lemon, etc., flavor (k'liciollüly. MANYÍ.AMP CIIÍHM offtored lor sal renresented as gooé as (be Fauious ïEiLRL. TOP BIT TI1KY ARE NOT! And llke all Counteríct lacle tlso Kt-iuarkublc LASTING dnallU or tbie oEirviNB ASK FC3Í TI2E; PEARLTOP Pat.Oet. 8O,1SS3, The PSÁRÍTtOP i? .fia ii ¦¦ i uil ii red ONLY by GW. A, MACPTH v oa PITTSBUKGH, P OrST.CLAIR&SONS IIANDFACTDREBS OF ScöoolanflCüurcli FORNITÜBE. opi:it nousfi mm N D - WIND-MILLS. Are now preparé lo manufacture Bchool and Cburcb FurnUnu', and Opera Honse Ctiairs, Lawo sttfs. Camp Talilns aiul the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best nnd s mplcsi and niosi rellable Ín use. Kepairlnu done i tbort notice. Also tU'alrrs hi PUMPS, C1 I.I.VDERS. l'Il'KS. ETC. TANKS MADK TO OKDKR. LA.DDEB8, PtSACH BOXE8, BEBRT CUATES, In tact, any artlcle ruad1 to ord( r. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANX ARBOB, MICH. FOR DYSPKPSÏI MENTAL A N 1 1 physical exhaustion, nervousness, weakened:enercy, indigestión, etc., etc. ƒ m flonjoré ACIDPHOSPHA1E. A llquld preparattoii of llie pliosphates ii 1 phospliorlc ai'i'l. Recoinmended by Phyfttcla tt makes a deliclouH drink. Id vigoratlng and strengthenin. rainphlel free. FOB SAI.H BY ALL DSALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, l'rorldcnre, - Khode Isuiud. VW BEWARE OK IMITATIONs. BEAL ES1A1E INSÜRANef' AGEN0Y, O F J. A. SESSIONS. ATTORXEY ANI) NOIAKV PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reusonable termR. None bat oíd :ml llrst-class Insurance CompanieK rapreMDtd - wiih Insuranee ( qiItal of $10,u0,)0. RatM :is lowaaany othet i usura n re corapany and losst's promptly unid. Office over American BxpraM offloe, Main street, nn Arbor. MIcb. R. TJ I TTJ n. JES. tEO N'H IMPERIAL Tl:i S]iinii Spring, graded trom i tu 8 ponnda Ín preunre. WORX DAY AND MGIIT, by su lnfant a weck oíd, (ir an iidultsllyearg. LadlM TrnMei a perfection. BnoloM itampt for teitlmonlali of cures, etc. EOAN UfPEBIAL TIíIISS CO., AMN AKIli'U, Mlcil. INSURANCE" REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON omce. No. 2, First Floor, Harallton Blook. FarlleB deslrlng to buy or sol] Real Batata wlll flnd ltto tlielr advantage to cali ou me. ] repressnt lSflrst-class Pire Insiiranc Companles, liaving un aggregate capital over 80y 000,000. Rates Low. I.osses llberally adj usted and promptly pald. I alBO l.s-im Life nnd Uivestraent Pollcleü In the New Vork Mutual Life Insuram-i' ('cinipaay, ABsetts, $75,000.0. Persons deslrlng Accldenl Insuranct', can h:tve yt-iily poüclcs wrltli-n tlicrn ur Travrlcr'.s Coapon ' anee Tickets Iwned :it Low ratcs. Mom . U Loan al Curren! Hniiw. otice honra froin 8a. I ni. lo i] m, aad 3 to 6 p, ni. ALEX. W. HA Mil. TON, Hamiltuii lilock. 1


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