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The Three Willards

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"The illards ' in ashington aro throüVermont brothen, Joseph. Henry and Caleb, nanied In order of their ages. The latter is proprietor of the Ebbitt, worlh one or two millions. Henry owns ruucli propcrty and bond. With Joscph, the oidor, ho is joint owner of tho Willard hotel, which they keptfor yoars. His estáte is avvay up in the millions and growing. Josepb is the richer as well as the oliler of tho three, and is saiil ti spend mucli of his time eutting coupons froui bonda. He is In no active business. He La a widower, anil one sou is the only heir. He lives tke life of a recluso, lf he is not a good lover he is a gooil hater. Ho has little to do witli mankind in general, albeit he has the appearaaee of a mild-mannered, benevolent-mindad gentlemau of sixty-live years. Hu and Caleb havo not ipokeó for years. Josoph does tho hating and Caleb the grinningand bnaring. The latterowns a long row of pro; rly on F street, beginnin with the Ebbitt. Only one strip of t .elve fee iniernipi.s hi.s continuous ownership from Thirteentli to Fourteenth street. It is net to the Ebbitt. Tliis strip Joseph owns. ('alrb bat tried every means to buy it. Josoph holds it solely to spite his brother. Jt is ocenpied by a tenantlcss one-story structure. Not a great whilo ago a suave, busincss-like gentl man called upon Joseph and stated that he was looking for a location to establish a candy maanfaotory. He was impreued witli the F et reet localion. and wantod to know if it was in the market. Joseph Wülard replie l that he wouM sell if he could eet hisprice. Then his visitor asked the ternu. Looking up and catching the busineM niau's eye, hesaid: "My prlce is foOO.OOO. ïou go back to C. C'. Willard who sent you tere, and teil him thai." lt is said that Joseph has so lii:d it ia his will that the proporty can never fall into ( 'alob's hands or the haads of his heirs. Tliathe is insane is not suspected. He loves his motlier, and niakes a dftUy visit to her in the house ol the brother he hates. He and Ilenry, tliough not alienated, bave little intcreourse. Xkere is nothing the mattei lietwuen Henry and Caleb. Tho singularity spoken ol is lodged speeially with Joseph. He dresses neatly, does not se. k intcu-course with his fellow.s, and only a few persons have dealingi with hiiu. (n'iieral Hoynton has his confidence and is soraetimes the medium of comniunication between him and others in business transactions. He appears to be as happy as anv one an 1 atienda the chureh of which heisa member, He is tall and handsonif and aetiv.v His wife was one of the handsomet wennen in Washington. Henry and Cal 'b are enterpi-ising citi.ens and loving brothers. Both cnitribute liberally to benevolent obects, especiallv to the ohurches to


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News