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S.ivcd Ilis Life. Mr. I). I. Wilcoxon, of Bofm CaY6, Kv., saya he wns. for many vcir-, badly ifllicted wiih Phtliisic, also Diabetes; the palns weré almost unendurable and would Rometimet alinost throw liim Into convulsión. Se iri.-.i j;ii drie Bitters and got relief t rom fint imitle, spdatter t:ikin:_r si bottliS cntirely cnreil, and hul i;iiii(;i! In fli'sh ('ihtcen ponnds. Bnvshe posltlvel lelieves lie would have dicd h ui H nut leen for ilie relief afforded in Electrlc Bitters. Ko!d at fltty cents u bottle by Eberbaeh & Sou. Piteb, tar, anti puint can be removed froni clolhing by iiibbing witli spirits of turpentlne. ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATK Hardly a week passes without tlie mention by thenewspapersofsudden deaths,aii(i of late the alnrming frequency ot the statement thatdeath was caused by rheumatisin or neuralgia of the heartcanDot fail to have beennotieed. Inallprobability manv deatlis attributcd to heart disease are caused by these terrible diseases, which are far more dangerous than is generally considered. Is there any positive cure? The bebt answer to sucli a question is given by thosc who hare been cured ly the use of Athlophoros. Mrs. Carrie Lee, Kenoslia, AVis., snys: "I don't believe any one ever sufl'ered with rheumatisin as I did and lived ; in fact neither I nor my people expeoU d to see me walk about again, and at times dep pa i red of my life. 1 was 6tricken during the nionth of January. I liad taken a severe cold in the cars on my way to Chicago; I had returned home, when one evening I was taken so suddenly that in a few minutes from its first appe:u:iir I was so prostrated that I liad to be earried to my bed-roora, where I remained unlil the following May. During the interval of January and May the suflèring I bore could not be described. 1 was treated by the best pliysicians, also liad different om s in eonsultation without any material change. My arms and limbs were drawn in such shape that I could not lie down, and was helpless to assist myself in ai.y way. I was in the constantcare of a nuree bDth night and day. One of the nunca I had applied magnetism, but thaí tH a hilare. I eommenced taking Athlophon s and could feel its effects upon me as soon as I eommenced taking it. It was certninlv marvelous. I was soon able to traighten my liml)s, and whin 1 had taken live bottles I was free from rheumatism." Every druggistshould keep Athlophoroa and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they :u:not be boueht of the druggist the Athlophoros Co.112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt ol regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. For llver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia. in digestión, weakness, nervous dentuty, du-cases pi women, eonstipation, headache, impure blood, &0. Athloplioros Illls are nnequaled. 7 Day and Night Doring ra acute attaek of BronoUtls, a oeanltei tlckUng in the tliroat, nul au rxliau-tiiiL', dry, hacklng cuuuli, afiliit tlie Mifférer. Sleep is baniihcd, uulgrest Iraiiun follows, Tliis dlSCBM i- lS0 uttendcd with Hoarsenes, nud Bometlmei Loss of Votce. It la Habla to become chroolc, Involve the lungs, and tenninate fataüy. Aïit's irny Pectornl allbnls (Jy roöet and cure in cases of Broneliilis. It eontrols the ilisposition to cougli, and iiuluittl i cf i--hiug sleep. I lmve baeil a in'acticing plivsician fr twenty-foui' yenrs, mul,, for tlie part twelve, have Buffer from lumutl attaeki of BronchUi. Afur exbautting u!l tlie usual remedies Without Relief, I iriid Ayir Clieiry Pectoral. It belped mo iiiinicdiaifly. luid cfTected n Bpeëdy en iv. - Q.Stoveidl,M.D.,Cairo!)toB,jU8a. Ayn'-( lieriy l'cdoral i deeideilly the It-i' ïvineily, i.hin my knowledge, fmckronlc BióncIiUis. nnd nll luns dtwases. - M. A. Rust, M. l.. Boatb Paris, lia. 1 was nttackotl, last winter, w itli a ft Culil, nhicli, from exposure, prew worae iind flniilly scttlcd ou my Lnngs. By mveRtí 1 was reducëd aluiost to s ¦kulctou. M) Cough wus iucescant, oud 1 frequcntly q ii bloou. My physlclan told mo to grlvc up biiiittieu. or 1 would not live a moutb. After takfmr varioua reuw dloa w ithout relief, 1 w a flnally Cured By Using two bottlm of Ayert Cherry Pectoral. I ani lunv in perfect lnaltii, and ali'a' to rosiiuie buHineu, alter bavlng been i nounecd Incurable with Cousumptlou. s. 1'. lli oderoon, Saulxburgh, Penn. Fof yiaw I wan In :i ilecltae. I hml w uk li'ni-. mul MiiVered 1 1 . . 1 1 1 Uroucbítls inid Catiirrh. Ayer's herry Pectoral rcMi.i-ed nic to liealtli. and 1 buve beeu fof long limo toiuporativoly vigorou. I1' cute of u mudden eolil I bIwbví reoort t the PiTtoml, Hiid Hml speedj relief. Kdward K. (. urli-, Rutlmul, Xl'. Two rrnrs RJto 1 suffered from evi re rtronchltls. Tlie phvHlcinn attendlnr uie bermni: fi-nrfttl llml the dlsenne woukl terininaie in l'neuiuonlii. After trying: varioua medieluetc, without benefit, lic Bnallv pmicribrd ahm herry Peetoral, wblen lelicNed lile al uní e. I eolilillüed to t:ike tiii medicine a short time and was cured. - Erni i ' ulton, Logansport, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Peetoral, rillHll ! v I. .'.('. AvrrS. ü., Lowtll, Mam. BoM by all DrnggM. t'rico!; in Uoule, $i.


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