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Chunks Of Comfort

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Last Momlny was a charactcristic elcctlon day. Tlio wind blew and howled, the lust filled tho cyes of pedcstrians and riders alike, as if running opposition to the various ward workers, nnd the air was lilled with flakes of falllng snow duiïng the latter part of the day. The re wus inuch excltement at the polls, and a larger vote was polled than ever before in the history of a spring election, and iu sonie wards even surpassed the prealdeatW election. It was not the can .Hílales, however, tliat called out the peo pie. Tiiose iiulividuals seemed to be o minor considation except in one or two iiii-tances (circuit judge for insUnce) atu the entire contest was upon the prohibí tory ameudment. Something entirely new to the people here wus the serving of lunches and ho coffee by the ladies of the city, honing ii thnt wuy to quench the thirst of the aver aj;e voters and to thus gain votes fur the prohibitory auiendineut. Tlie result upon the city ticket is quite grutifying to the republicans as they elee mayor, recorder, and five out of seven aldermen, niaking a majonty of six on the council. Tlie supervisors stand the same as last year, Messrs. Gardner and O'Hearn being re-elected in the lst and 2d districU without opposition, and P.utts bcing successful in the 3d district. Heie are the figures, taken from the official returns, wliich teil their own story : MAYOR. Ward. Smlth. Oeorge. lst wm.1 247 161 21 ward 90 228 3d ward 242 1U7 4ih ward ltjti 138 5th ward 104 73 Oth ward 171 54 Total 1000 759 .Majority 241 RECORDER. Ward. Pond. Merritluw. lst ward 278 13U H wurd Hl 178 3d ward 202 120 4tll ward 148 157 Slh ward lïl 59 th ward 158 5tf Total ltól 701 Mnjorlty 350 JLSÏICB AND SUPERVISORS. - i Is U i H feas ?ia Ss S lsl ward 410 890 2d ward 315 li ld ward BI M 4ih ward :H) 'öOi SUiward 178 81 121 titliwurd iS! lij 11 Total 174 5j li)2 liW 2.J7 -Majorlty 41 ALDERMEN. lat ward... Nelson Sutlierland, R.. 289-170 Morgau J.U'lirieii, O... 191 2d ward... Clirlstlan Martin ü 315 .'id ward... TlioioaN KearuH, Ii 3 UU ward... M. H. (oodrlch, H lua Miii'Lln M. Heaboll, L)... Itf9- 96 ölli ward. . Amarlab Hammond, K 177-114 Chas. A. Polaud. L 8-i (llliward... Levl D. Wines, K 1B- 103 llildixm '1'. .Morton, !.. L3 Fi cd Barker, K., lo all vacancy 139- 46 A. J. Mummery, 1)., to nil vacancy 93 lstwanl... Dan. W. Amsden, K.... 2:9-68 JolinHtoll, U 173 2d ward. John Zlegler, lt Ti Paul Schall, D 242-169 3d ward... Jasper Imua. U 3ü 4ihward... TI108. F. Leouard. D. .. i'MS ütliwurd... Ja. D. Wüite, U 100-24 t lias. Sohott, U 76 Bthward... E. B. Gldley, K M KLECTION SLIPS. There were plenty of slips, and many of them regular stiikers. They are voting yet for Judjje Kiune in mie of the precincts - so rumored. There were 13. straight republican city tickets in the 3il ward and 5!) straight democratie. The board of canrassers meet next Tuesday to declare the result in tlie eounty. The second ward was the flrst one to iinike returns to the Kecorder's office, ill'l the -ixlll tllu la-t. There were a dozen or so proliibltion city tickets voted. They were wiitlcii :ut. None were iirinled. A f'ulr d.-iy COtÜil not have brought out inore votéis, M llic rrgtrtraUon lists were (jiiite rxbautted at lo'clock i. ra. In the llrst ward there were 17!) straight repuMic ui city tickets and 180 state Laai t 'II Lliee liad 21 majority, thU s[irMjí Campbell received 44. Pot tlie ürst time in the history of tlie city ¦ reeorder has been given tliree terms. The nmyuralty lias been glven to the same person tliree times fieijnently, howerer. It lias liten intimated tbat both tbe Ponds were runninr on both t lie tickets. The Sute ticket received very little nttentioii troni ellher Me, and were left to tln-ir file. Tlie most thoroogh orjumization evtr Hen in the city was that of the ameinl ment wolkers. Kvery voter Coming to the polls in the different precincts were asked to vote tor the amendment. The Uni'ti labor ticket received 9 votes in tl 1 mud, 1 in the 2d. 40 n the 3d, 89 in tlie 4tli, :tl in the ötli, and 5 in the (Ml, :i total of 121 in the city. There was very little eftoit iu behalf of the ticket, however. The city editor of tlie Couhieb ngain comes before the people and makes his bow. The compliment of an election three times, and each time by an increased mujoiity is sometliing to teel proud over. We feel frratef ui also to the many warm personal friende, in all partics, wlio have ;iven 119 their votes, and lübored tor oor interest. Worda fail to expresa oneV feelings adequately upon suc-li an occasion.


Ann Arbor Courier
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