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A rimious hall and wiud-storm on the 29th at Ackworth, Ua., demolished tiv dwellings and did other dainage. Advices of the 29th from soveral m ties ín Ohio say that tho wheat crop liad been badly f rozen out. The Pennsylvania road has been i imiimi passenger train between New Brunswiol and Jersey City for the past few dnys ii car heated by stcuni from the locomotive A jukt at Boston, in the casa agains Willlam Hogarty for keeping a barber-sho] open on Sunday, decided on tho 2!)th tha Rhaving on the Lord's day is not a work o necessity or charity. Josepb Sommers feil at Brooklyn, N. Y. last October and broke his neck, and sur vived, although completely paralyzed, uu til the 29th inst Tho surgeons attemptei to set his neck, and the patiënt at one timo hoped he would recover. O. M. Bate, supervisor of the town o Gardner, Ulster County, N. Y., üsd to Can ada on the 291 h. His liabilities were HO, 000, and he had forged notes for abou 115,000. Kkpoiits from rarlous points in Virginia and the Houtheast ou the 3Dtta Indloated se rlous damage to vegetables from snow, ice and f rost For the flrst time in tha history of San Francisco a vesel was chartorêd on the 29th for a cargo of lluwaiiun sugar foi New York. The Attorney-Genoral dtvidcd on tha 29th that there is nothiug in the Intor-8tat law which prohibits the prácticos horetofore prevailing as to the free travel of em ploye of the postal service. Focr packing-houses at Louisville, Ky., and the extensive cotton-nuUs near Wesl Point, Ga., were destioyed by fire on tho 29th. Emil Borck, aged ten ycars, and Gussie Borck, three years of age, who had been desertad by thoir mother in San Francisco, arrired atPittsburgh on the 29th en routs to New York, where they would meet their father. A tag bearmg the latter's address was attached to the coat of the eider boy. This was the iirst time that children ol such tender yeurs had crossed the continent alone. Advices of the 29th say that the schooner Harcus Davis was wrecked at sea and four of the crew died of exhaustion. Great excitement was caused on the 29th at Hammond, Wis., by the discovery of gold on a farm near that place. A TERRirio storm on the 29th at Ripley, W. Va., demolished several buildings and blew off the roof of the courthouse. The dry-goods house of Fessenden, Lambert Sc Tower, in Troy, N. Y., was destroyed by flre on tho 29th. Loss, $125,000. Owixa to the passage or the Inter-State bill the Southern Pacific Kailway Company was on the 29th discharging all lts baggage mas tors and imposing their duties on the express messengers. Fruit and vegetable crops in South Carolina were much damaged by a cold wave which passeJ over the State on the 3üth uit Tni Connecticut River ratlroad freight housa at Chicopoe, Mass., was burnod on the 30th uit. Loss, H75,000. The Colorado Leifislature on theSOth uit adopted resolutions of sympathy for the Irish struggle for home rule. Great excitement provailed on the 80th uit. at Warren, Ind., over the discovery of oü at a depth of 980 feet. J. Milton Buik, of Cincinnati, was elected president of the National Association of Builders at its sesión in Chicago on the 30th uit Elkvex inches of snow feil on the 30th uit. at Lexington, Ky. The total pork-packing in the West during the past winter was f,-i:W.009 hogs, against 6,298,995 the previous winter. Marino Lkyba, leader of a desperate gang of outlaws which hal been terrorizing Central New Mexico, was shot dead on the 30th uit while resisting arrest noar Antelope Springs. Mator Hewitt, of New York City, created something of a sensation on the 30th uit. by declaring that ualess tho pólice of the city aided him in suppressing the dives he would resign at once. As incendiary flre on the 30th uit at Indianola, Tex., destroyed about all that remained of the business portion of tha towu from a previous flre. Four Mexicansflred on two United States soldiers on the 30th uit at Fort Ringgold and killed one. William Miller hanged himself on the 30th uit at Erie, Pa This made the sixth person who had committcd suicide in that vicinity within a month. Two mixers were killed and nine others injured by an explosión of flre damp on the 30th uit. in a colliery on the ouukirts of Scranton, Pa. The congress of churches and Christians -the delegates to which are opposed to secret societies - convened in Chicago on the 30th uit, many States being represented. During the day speakers denounced the Masonic andkindred assoiations. In the Haddock murJer trial at Sloux City, Ia., on tha 30th uit a man namod Koschiniski testified that he saw John Arensdorf shoot the clergyman in the head. Betst Cook (eolored), Uring near Brook Haven, Mis., went to the field to work on the 3Oth uit., leaving her three small children in the house. On her return Bhe found the house in ashes and her children burned to death. Thk Connecticut Legislatura has passed a ten-hour law for women and children. The extensiva shoe factory of Pingree Sc Smith, at Detroit, was destroyed by Ure on the ;j)th uit, entailing a los of about ftÜV UUJ. Three flromen sustained fatal injurie. Ni Utica, N. Y., on the 30th uit. a man boarded a Lake Bhore train, shot Express Messeneer Lake, theu gagged him, rifled the safe and escaped. A TKAix lighted by electricity, the flrst in the United States, left Boston for New 5fork on the evening of the 30th uit. Charles Conklin was found frozen to deatn on the 3Oth uit near Plymouth, Ind. ('oi.n weatber and snow-storms in Southern Illinois had on the 30th uit done great damaga to budding fruit trees, and it was feared the wheat erop had been injured. The high-Ucense bill passed the New York Sonate on tha 31st uit, and now goes to the Governor. The special grand Jury at Chicago on the Sl3t uit returned twenty-three addilional indictments for robbing Cook County. J. B. Bolin'3 residenca at Cedarville, Cal., was burned early on the morning of the 81st uit, and his three boys, aged seven, ten and fiftoen years, perished in the flames. B. F., special agent of the General Land Office at Washington, who was sent out last yearto investígate thealleged frauds of a land company in Humboldt County, Cal., reported on the Sist uit that he had unearthed the most complete system of fraud ever known. Tui Inter-Sljte Commerce Commission met in Washington on the 31st uit. and ganlied by eleoting Judge Cooley, of Michigan, os chairman of the commlssion. Edwarb M. Miwmax, in the employ of Michael Lavlnson, a New York clothler, was arrestad on the Sist uit. on the charge Of embezzling (75,000. Qi'AitANTiKit was instituted on the Illst uit. at El Faso, Tex., agalnst cholera, which was traveling northward f rom Soutb America and bad reached Panama. Di-rino the last three months there wera 3,007 falluros in the Unitod States, with liabilitie of $32,161,000. as compared wlth 3,203 failures and lÜil.lWl.OOO liabilities for the same period in 18Si. William A. Ci.akke. a clerk in the New York post-offlce, coniessed on the 31st uit. that during the past few years he had stolen sixty money packages coutaining in all some 15,000. H. H. Warxkr, of Rochester, N. Y., on the Sist uit. renewed his offer of $100 in gold for any unexpected cometary discoveries up to April 1, 1888. Over $5,000 havo been awarded since 1830 for coméis discovered. Dr. Hodoks, who threw the bomb at Pattl in the opera-house at San Francisco some time agu, was on the 31st uit. fouud guilty of assault with intent to kill. The Vanee House at Elverson, Pa., was burned early on the moruinz of the 31st uit., twenty-five boarders losing all their possessions. Three men were fatally scalded on the Sist uit in Nagle's boiler works at Erie, Pa., by tha bursting of a boiler. The New York Grant monument fund amounted to $120,845 on the 31st uit. J. H. Cari. isi. k, of Abbeyville County, S. C, died of hydrophobia on the 3lst uit after enduring all the horrors of that terrible discase for three weeks. Samuel Meolane, a young merchant of Lexington, Ky., while fooling with a rifle on the 31st uit. accidentally shot and killed Francés Wilson, a eolored servant girl, nine years old. He did not know the weapon was loaded. A tract of land seven miles from Denver, Col., proffered by a committee of citizons, has been acoepted by General Sheridan for a military post Bt -rr am) Bill sailed from New York on the 31st uit for London with a steainshipload of Indians and wild animal. A HKAvr Bnow-storin prevailed on the 31st uit. in Virginia. An experienced conductor at Pittsburgh, Pa., stated on the 31st uit that nine-tenths of tho passengers over the Peniisy lvania lines on that day traveled on passes which were to expire atmidnight Willis Coxser and his three sons fired upon Captain Scott's State rangers while the latter were hunting timber thieves near Hemp Hill, Tex., on the lst. A flght resulted, in which three of the Conners and a ranger named Rogers were killed. A i.arqe party of British Blood Indians on the lst stola all the horses at the Dare & Kennedy ranch, near Coarad, D. T., and further depredations were expected. John Talbot, one of the most dangerous ¦nd notorious burglars in the country, was captured in New York on the lst, and $300,000 in bonds and securities belonging to Miller & Co., of Philadelphia, were recovered. A numbeb of saloon men were called f ar the defense in the Haddock murder trial ut tjioux City, Ia., on the Ist, to show that Leavitt, not Arensdorf, committed tha crime. The United States district courts of Western Pennsylvania on the lst suspended operation until the October term, lecause of the failure of Congress to pass the Deflciency bill. The public-debt statement, on the lst shows the total debt to be $1,708,307,513; cash in treasury, $21,859,983; debt less cash n treasury, $1,313,223,558. Decrease durng Maren, $12,S08,4ti7. Marshall ét Co., agricultural implement dealers at San Francisco, fied to Canada on the lst, taking FJOO.iXXl belonging to creditors. The business failures in the United States during tha seven days ended on the lst numbered l'Jü, against 229 the previous seven days. David Ltxch, who had served seventeen 'ears of a life sentence for murder in the Jhio penitentiary, was pardoned out on ,he lst by Governor Forakor. Because of a boycott by local unión mtchera at Akron, O., Armour & Co., of 'hicago, on the lst opened half a dozen meat shops in that city and were selling meat at half price. Heavy frost on the lst at Waco, Tex., killed growing vegetation, cutting corn down to the ground. Cattlb oq the ranges of New Mexico, ndianTerritory and Colorado have coma hrough the winter in excellent shape and with but slight losses. Lewis Stewart (colored) was hanfjpd on the lst at Laurens, B. C, for wiie niurder. The rjlnage of the mints during March was Í5, 106,906, of whioh J2, 030,380 wan in standard silver dollars. The i-otton factors and buyers of New Orleans resolved on the lst to employ no members of the labor unióos. As association for the maintenanca of a uniform selling price was formed on the st by the coal op;ratora of the Pittsburgh istrict who ship to Western points. Cowboys took the town of Anselmo, ïeb., on the lst They charged through he streets, firing right and left, and three men were killed. Maxaqek A. M. Stantox, of George K. Sistare's Sons' Bank, at Detroit, flcd on the lst with $29,000 of the bank's funda. Over two thousand carpenters in Chi. cago struck on th lst for an advance in wages. They now receive twenty-flvo cents an hour, but want thirty-flve cents. A uKSTi.KMAN in Washington received advices from England on tha lst that the ondition of Secretary Manning was worse han when hs sailed from New York. Theri was before the General Land Office in Washington on the lst3t,105caaea awaiting adjudication. During the past week 1,388 land patents were approved. It has been determined to unvail the Schuyler Colfax statue in Indianapolis May 8. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. John P. Pettit, the vetran printer of üincinnati, died on the '9th in his eightyifth year. General Roswell 8. Riplkt, who diected the fire upon Fort Sumter, died in ¦lew York on the 29th. He was sixty-sevn years of age. Hos. James G. Blainb left New York on he 29th for Bt. Louis and th far West ¦LUI B. Usher. of La Crosse, was on he 29th elected chairman of the Democratie State Central Committee of Wisconsin. Ei-Coxoressmas James Matbews, of Knoxville, Minn., died on the 30th uit, aged eighty-two years. Thomas C. Retxolds, formerly LieuJ tenant-Oovernor of Missouri, thrêw himself from the elevator shaft in the customhouse at St. Louis on the 80th uit and instantly expirad. 111 health was the cause. Samuel M. Turnes, a partner in the Grand Pacilic Hotel at Chicago, died on the 30th uit, at the age ot Hfty-three years. The Nebraska Iegisluture adjourned sine die on the SUt uit, after a sos-uon of Rixty-one days, the longost in the histcry of the State. Ji ix ik KnAxris P. Currr, who at one time serred in the Ohlo Legislatura with General Uartield, dlod suJdenlyon the :l it uit. at Hot Spring, Ark. Thb certiflcstes of election of uil tixë members of the Fiftieth Congres had baan received at Washington on the ::ist uit. with one excoption, that of H. C Howon, of Virginia. John G. Saxe, the poet, died at Albany, N. Y., on the Slat uit. He was boni in Verniont in 1816. For over ten years hi had been practically a recluso, tho manv family boreavements ivhich he suffciv 1 undermlning his reasou to some degre i Rïv. Nat O. Taylor, falhcr of the Bovernor of Tenneasee, died on tho Jsi ia Carter County, aged sixty-oight y n-.. He was Commissioner of ludían Affaira under President Johnson. TnB President on the lst appointed Martin 8. Montgomery, of Michigan, toba issociate Justico of the Buprome Conrt of the District of Columbia. COI.ONEI.R.G. Inqersoll wasadmitti'd to practico in the New York Supreine Ccurt on the lst He refused to be sworu, but afflrmed. Tim Presllent on the lst appointed Charles B. Fairchild Secretary of the Treasury, and Isaac H. Maynani Assistant Treasurer. Both are from New York. FOREIGN. A train on the Intercolonial ruilroad In the Provinco of Quobec had on tho Mth been atuck in the snow for ono hundred hours. The Canadian Paciilo was seudui out no trains from Quobec. Thb Lord Mayor of Dublin and Archbishop Croke led a vast procession vhi h on the 29th escorted Fathers Ryan aml Slattery to jail for refusing to divulgo details of the plan ot campaign. lx Montreal on the BOtk the current rata of interest took a sudden jump from threo to seven per cent William SMirnE, Premier of British Columbia, died on the itOth uit. Advicïs of the 30th uit from Constantinople say that a mob of Greeks attacked with stones the residences of American missionarics in Smyrna, and soveral wers injured. A fresh attempt on the life of the Czar of Russia was made on the 30th uit. at tho Gatschina Palace, but he was uniiijuiv 1. Captain Bamukls, of the Dauntless, on the 30th uit ascribed the defeat of th;it boat by th Coronet in the ooean raca to the interference of Mr. Colt, owner of the Dauntless. Captain Nauiucls and live of the crew had left the yacht At Ottawa, Ont, the thermometer rgistered 10 degrees below zero on tho :i M b uit. and there wero from four to flve feot of snow en the ground. 1t was reported at St Johns, N. F., on the 30th uit. that the whaling steamer Eagle was wreckel owing to an explosión, and that lts crew of two hundred men perished. Awmt.TnT wholesalo merchant of St. Petersburg, Russia, was shot dead on the SOth uit by a woraan for refusing to give 80.0U0 rubíes to tbe Nihilist fund. In Cunada the business failures for tho fiist three months of this year vn against 3S9 in 18S6; liabilities 18,602,000, against 1, 442.000 in 148G. Tu news was confirmad on the 31st uit of the loss of tho sealing steamer Kaglo, of St Johns, N. F. There wcre 250 men on boavd, and there was nothing to show that one had been savod. Lokd Haktisotdn on tho 31st uit implored the Liberal-Union members of üoth Houses of the British Parliament to stand by the Tories and keep Gladstone from returning to power. The Chief-Justlce of Montana deoi led on the lst that 'commercial traveleri representiug foioign houss could not be con.pelled to pay the Territorial license. Advices of the lst from Moncton, N. B., contain news of trains Malled iu inowbanks, and hundreds of passengen wen suffering from cold and huneer. In niany places the snow-drifts wero thirty fest deep. Princü Bismauck, of Germuuy, was seventy-two years old on the lst. Mr. Pakneli,, in bisspeQch in the British Parliament on the lst against coerción in Ireland, made the master effort of his lito. LATER NFWS. At twenty six leadlng clearinghouse in the United States the exchangcs during the week ended on the 2d aggregated 11,029,684,111, against Í9Ü5,574,543 the previous week. As compared with the corrosponding week of lSWi, the laurease amouuU to 20 9 per cent. Thk Federal grand jury at San Francisco on the 2d indicted forty-one men connected with fraudulcnt survry in California. Thb magnificent Hotel de Monte, erected at Monterey, Cal., by the Southern Pacitic Company at a cost of $350,000, was totully destroyed by an incendiary Ure early oii the morning if the al. Three hond red guestg we re rescued, but most of them lost their effects. i A sEiiioi o drought prevailed througliout Texas on the Ld, affecting in a large moasure its agricultural as well as its live-stock in teres ts. Tbi special grand jury in Chicago which flntahed its work on the 2d returned tetween forty aud fifty indiutmeuts against members of the Cook County "boodle" gang. The charges are bribery and coupiracy. Thk United States Pension Bureau lamed 10,313 pension certificates during the month of Marca, 3,084. being for ncru.ise.i pensions. Thb town of Boswell, Ind., was almost entirely destroyed by lire on the 2J. Thï roof of a church at Linscuaglossa, Sicily, feil without warning during the services on the 8d, burying bcncath it one hundred persons, iorty of whom woro killed and injured. Atebkific blizzard prevailej on the 31 at Bismarck, 1). T., with the thermometer at zero. Clakksvii.ï.e, Tenn., suffered the most destructiva tire in its history on the 3J, there being four lires in three hourj, detroying twenty-four buildings, the losses ¦ggregnting $250,000. Thk Inter-State Commerce Commission organized on the 2d at Washington and began active work. Thk steamer Mexico, plying between San Francisco and Puget Sound, was wrecked on the 2d, involving a loss of f150, 000. It was denied on the 2d that ex-Sretary Manning was in a cntical conditiou. On the contrary, his health was said to bo greatly improved since his ftrrival in Eugland. Om of the worst storms ever known at Chatham, Mass., prevailed en the'id. Trees and fences were blown down, housos unroofed, and the roads wero blockaded by ¦now. A KBRO9BNB lamp exploded in the Consolidated Street Railway's C'ompany's stable at Halden, Mass.. ou the 3d, aud the building, with üfty norses, was burned. All the timber on the Midland and Chorino lengues in Mexico, amounting to 20,. 000 acres, had been destioyed by a prairie fire on the 2d, and s"veral houses had been burned. The damuge was already tlO0,CO3 and the Ure was spreading rapidly.


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