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t nisiiiiiil i iircil. An oíd ihysici:in, rctirnd fnnii prncttoe, liHviiii.' luid placed in liis lianils hv an Eam India QtÍMlonry the formula of (Imple vegetable íemedy fur the tpeedy ntul perm ment cure of Gonfumptlon, Brouobltil Catarrb, Astlnni, and nll throat and lung AfTeetions, also a positivoand radiml cure for Nervous Dehiílly und and nll Nervous ComplaiiitS, after liav injr iisleil lt woinleifíil curatlre powers in thnusands of case?, lia telt t liis dnty to mnku ii known to lil suirerinp fellows. Actnttted by this motive and n desirc ti relieve lio man sufferinir, I i 1 1 send free nf churre tu all wlio delire it, tliis recipe in (ícrniHii, Frcnch or En}rlish, with full direcliims lor preparing and iisin. Sent by mail by addressinj; with stamp, naniï ii ir tliis paper, W. A. Noyee, 149 Power'i Block, Rocliester, N. Y. Mr. Kaintheart - Do yon think t would ba -iitc for me to npproitch yur pa mi the subject Miss Fiiirlady- O, perfectly ; he li.-is the gout a.uain. 'Isn't Mr. Criimsonheak riven to drlukf "O, hiena you, yes! If he's ftiven a drink be alw.ivs drinks, but lie never pay for it bliMelf." Knckien's Árnica Salre. The Ilest Salve in the world for (Juts, liiuiscs. Boros, Ulcers, Salt Iíheuin, Fever 8ore8,Tetter,Chapped Hands, ChllbliilM, Corns, and all Skin Kiuptioiin, and potltively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It Is jruaranteed to jfivu perfect satisfaction, or nioney relnnded. Trico 25 cents per box. For K;ile by Kberbacii & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News