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Animal Report Of The Superintendent Of Sewing School

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Marrh doses tlie second year of our sewing school anü tlie superintendent and teachers wish very mnch to enlist the the nUeution of the friends of Ann Arbor to our work. We began the year "86 with sixteen cents In the treastiry. At At h meeting of ;the Ludles Charltuble Union in January '86, it was votcd the unión buy the doüllng made in the school and distrlbute among the poor of the several wards. This lias been a great help to us in our school. We have been able to provide many children with new garments beslde giving them instructlon in sewiug which they would flnd difflcult to leceive at home. The re are at present ten Iudie8 assisting in teaching the children. We meet every Saturday afternoon iu Cropsey's Hall, to cut garnients and iustruct the children iu their work. TMtflrb are not the only ones intert'Sted. We huve a class of boys who are given instruction in drawing. This brancli was introduced two years ago, but the teacher left the city and It was discontinué. Hecently Miss Mulian has kimlly oft'ered to asslst us and now the beya have a special invitation to come to our school. We must again cali on our friends to help us eitlier with iiiouey to buy our material or furnUh us with the material. If our friemls will visit ud at the school thev will see fur theinselves our needs. school oannot support iUelf. During the past year we have received tinancial aid trom Mis. Real, Clieever, Caily, Childs, Falkner, Frothiiiffham, Harvey, Ni.ble, Kathbunc, Tripp, Wheeler, Walker, Washburne, Worden, Page, Royer umi Koot. The largest donatlons received are fiom the Congregational Sunday School, ten llolliu, and frorn Mrs. C. B. Andrews, tive dollars. We have received from the Lailles Charitable Union, for ganm'iits made, fll 50, niakini; in all 37.4G. DisbuisemenU, $80 91. Leaving in the treasury 55 cents. A fornitr teacher, Miss Flora SeyiiKiur, now of York State, has given us a HWtug machine which we value very mtich. Mr. 'l'oms has sent us several dollars worth of liierature. Gentlemen are not exchuleiJ from helpiug us. We have received liberal reductions on the material bought from our merchants, but no inoney has been hancled us. May our appeal for ln:lp not be iu vain. We need it mmeiliately. Will not other churches ¦end us ¦ donatioii ? M S. Brown, Supt. Mc-ms 1). and Ford of Ypsilanti are In the city to-ilay. J. A. Brown lias sold his rocery üusines-s t V II. Wiualis. Tlie.Bicyele Club last evening elected Clarenoa Berry as captain. StiniMín Bros. will put a fuiintaiii in front ut thelr groceiy storu on iluin ureet. Ennim Hill, of YpMlauti.has petltioued the circuit court to grant lier a divorce from her husband, Ernest A. UiH, on the aroand of üeseitiop. The minimum aunount ol share9 in the Co-opcrative Savings Association has been subscribed and puyinent on hures commences Salurday evening next at A.bei t Sorg's store. Morman Gnliok, claiming to buil trom C'ass City, was urrested it Detroit and taken to YpMlauü ytsterday, on a charge of havinj; foied the uauie of EJwai'd Mclnlodi, a farmer living near Uellville, to a note for $125. He endeavored to sell note in Ypsilunti but was nul successtul. Mr. (ülf? H. Sttbbiug, of Detroit, will speak at the Unitnrian church next Sunday morniiiji, on "Evolution as a Hi'lp to Religious Thouaht and Life." Mr. Sunderlaitd will be present and vonduct the Opealng service". In the evening the subject of Mrs. Sunderland's historical lecture will be, "The Jesuíta and the Catholic Ueantion.' Angeline, wife of Solomon Armstrong, of the litih ward, died last evening of a stroke of apoplexy. Yesterday was her (Hst birtlulay. She was in apparent good health until about 1U o'clock in the evening, wben she feil out of her chair. Her fainily put her in bed wtiercshe died just before midnight. The funeral takes place Thursdny afturnoon at 4 o'clock


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News