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" She tu out with her Easler bonnet, Wltb a flower garden on lt." E. H. Scott sports a new horse and dog cart. Oeo. Isbell bas M his house on west Hurón st. Twenty bicyclists tock a run to Ypsilanti Sunday. Wm. Lutfon, of Webster, is building a new residence at a cost of $5,000. There is quite a slrife to see wbo will sprlukle our screets tbis suutmer. W. B. Warner, tlie State street grocer, will build a new store tliis suiiuner. Mrs. J. J. Ellis lias sold her famous trotter, "Dutch," to Ypsilanti parties. E. D. Kinne will not begin hls duties as judge of this circuit until Jan. 1, 1888. The name of Jacob Zeeb, of this city, appearg upon the list of new pensioners. Rev. A. F. Bourns will prcacli at tbe lower town church, on Suuday evening at 7:30. F. L. Parker, has rented the lower story of nis Main street 8tore(?) for a tish market. A valuable gray horse belonglng to Robison & Sod, t'ied Saturday while being unharne&sed. A. V. Robison & So and Alvin Wiltey are building two brick stores, on 8. Fourth street. O L. Mattliews has secured pensions fur Jacob Zeeb, of tliis city, and CUis L. Downer of Superior. The Ferguson Road Cart Co., lias receiyed a large order for carts from San Francisco, California. It takes quite a long time to get the cold out of the atmospbere this spring. A heavy fall of snow last Wednesday night. Joe T. Jacobs has comnienced clearing away for bis new store to be built on Washington street, noxt to bis present location. Burglars Httempted to enter the Arlingtou heuse, Saturday night, but were discovered by the clerk, who shot at tliem but faili'd to hit tbem. Mrs. Jus. B. Angelí has been re-elected president of the Womans Board of Mis8ÍOU8 for the Interior, wbicb held its aunual meeting in Detroit last week. A large amount was subacribed ut the inorning session ot St. Andrew's church last Suuday. The full amount to pay oll' the mortgage on the cburch is now promised. The pulpit of the Presbyterian cliurcli last Sabbath was vcry tastefully decor8ted witli plants, cüoice flowers and einbletus. The Easter service iu tlie evening was well rendered. If yon meet a young and siirightly appearing man wlm looks aa if he hud lost something, donU pass him by without noÜce. It is Justice Frueuutf wlm has liad UU wlii.skcTs ühaved uff. Game and Fish Wurden, W. A. Smith, has appoiiited as deputies in this county Artbur H. Rouse of Snline, and Juaper Imus of Ann Arbor. Tht-y will keep a sharp eye out for trespassers. Andrew Springsted, a briikemaii on the Michigan Central, was cauglit belwe:n the cars and severely injured at Ypsilanti Friday. He was brouglit to the university hospital and is Imprortng. The old council ilrew its last breuth in a very respectable marnier last Kriday evening. But witli "all its fault"' tliere have been few better couucils. It has been a little too geiieruu?, perhnps. Next Sunday moroing, Kev. Dr. Ram aay will dellver the eiglith of liis serit-s of lectures on the Lord's Prayer. In the eveuing liis suliject will be " tlie destruction of Sudoiu and Qhomorra. A valuable liorse and curriage belonging to Jumes Traynor, of Horthfleld, were stolen from In front of Deihl's hotel, Saturday eveiiins?. As yet, no trace has been seeuredof tlie missing property. A large audience liatened to the lecture on "Sky Wonder" delivered by Hev. Dr. Ramsay on Monday evenlng. The lecture was very nteresting and will compare favorably with any delivered in this city. Dr. Steele astonislied his congregation last Sunday, by annoiincing nis resignatlon as pastor of the chiirch. He will retire next August and muy live in Ann Arbor for aome years tocóme as a private citizen. Mr. H. E. Relm, the artist has a handsome, large oilpaiuting on exhibí tioa at at Watu' jewelry store. It representa the "Arrlval at the Dance" anU the expressions, colorlng, etc. are very fine. The picture ia vulued at $300. Again the fact has been demonstrated that the lat and 2d wards need a building In which to hold registration, eiection aud meetings generally. Tlie sooner the councll jioes to work at the matter in a practical wy the better for the people of those wards. The Novelty tea conipany made a short tay only, in Ann Arbor. They opened last Thursday, advertised giving away watches, diamonds, etc., dld no business Qd quietly slipped away on Monday. Our cltizens hud read of sucli thnr before and did not "hite the hook." The Sault Ste. Marie boom, and that at Findlay, üliio, wlll be nothing compared with the Ana Albor boom when gas shall have been struck here. lf yon waut to jfiiinle n that way just buy up Ann Arbor real estáte note before the great craze commences. L N. Huntsberger, the orator of last year's law class has joined with Chiirles 8. Ashley In Toledo, and they are tlie attorneys of the T., A. A. &. X. M. railroa.]. Mr. H. now lilis the professorsmp of Medical Jurispru.lcnce in the N. W.Oluo Medical College. The need of a sldewalk on the north end of N. StKte street is a howling neceslty. It is soinetliin; tlmt should not be neglected or put off. If individals ownlng the abuttinjí property are not nble to hulld this walk then let the city build it. Uut let it be done at once. The parish of St. Andrews held a meeting Monday morninp, re-electing the followine offlcers: Q H. Kichmond, mIm warden; J. M Wheeler, junior warden; vestrymeu, Prof. Geo. A. Morris, Dr S u. Kinne and Wm. Cousins. Only 92 iumatcs of the county poorhouse at present. Klmer Colllns has moved f rom Marión, Livingston county, to tliis city. The Web9ter Farmer's Club held an interesting meeting last Saturday. The Egan Truss Co. is prospering and scnds out another agent this week. Rosa O. Cole is the director of the Glee Club at Uiiiversity Hall Thursday April 14. Reuben Kcmpf haa sold liis hnuse on William street to Mr. Clancy. He intends building another one. Frank Hungsterfer hasconcludeil not to be frozen out of the ice business and will run it as usual this suminer. W. lï. Henderson of this city is one of the offlcers of the grand council of the Royal Arcanum of tliis state. Julia A., youngest daughter of John and Ellen Burlye, of the Fourth ward, died Fridny, at tlie age of % year?. J. H. Nlckels broke ground Momlay for two new brick stores on State street between Hangsterfer's and Warner's. Prof. O. B. Cady resumes this week lus work as director of the M. E. cburch choir whileProf. Ix)yejoy continúes to preside at the organ. Simon O. Ball of Milnn died last Saturday afternoon and was buried yesterday at Forest Hill Ceraetery by the Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T. On Sunday tbe remains of Mrs. Mary Geisendorfer were removed froni the yault In the Leiand cemetery and iutered in Forest Ilill cemetery. The records in the office ot the register of deeds shows that property to the amountof $113,098.00 has changed luneta In tliis county within the past week. Geo. A. Douglas has been home for a short vacation, but leaves again this week on another trip for the Egan Truss Co., with which he is liaving good success. The 1887 mmiber of the Michigan Manual has been recelved from the Secretary of State, lt is full of Information about everything in the state and is complete. The wife of Louis Koininger, son of Dr. Kominger, of this city, died at Louisyille, Ky., on Wednesday last, of consumption. Deceased had been a wife but a little over a year. Miss Julia Uominger lelt Thursday for Loulsville to attend the funeral. By mls-spelling of the name of Uamp on the returns of election from Freedom and Bridgewater, the county board of canvassers is still in session to-day, al au expense to the county of over $100. Some method should beadopted whereby these mistakes can be prevcnted. Libbie Murray, aged 15 years, died it the residence of her father, Willhiui Murray in the fifth ward, yestenlay. Since reeovenng from the measeis a short time ii.". theru had been trouble with her thruat and tongue and she had not been atile to speak sinre. The case is a mrticularly s;ul one. Eugene B. M irsh, one of the employees of the auction store on Main ¦treet paid $ü 03 for committiiiff au assault on John Pfisterer, on S;iturdny evcning. Mr. PfMenr was oxplaininx to the audience ihat they could pnrehase cheap goods at as clieap prieel at other places. Marsh objected and fired him out. For this reason, Justice Frueaullasked him to pay the above fine which hc dld. Elijah Patterson, colored, was arrested early Friday morataffon a charjeeof bur(tarixlng Ginney .t WaK-h's saloon, Thursdy night. He cut out a pane ot K'a8S1 entered and stole about$G00 and a bottle of whisky. He was seen ly Mr. (ibney, who noiitied the ofticers and they arrested him, Patteraoo ncknowlcdjrlng the theft. It II (juite probable that the tnany petty burglaries will now ba dlscoiitinuecl. Several weeks ijro a Gerin:in living in L"di was robbed of quite a siim of money while in Detroit. He notified the offlciall Ihere of the f;ict, jilvinir liis name as Joliii Volz. Tnesday the tliieves were caught and tlie Detroit ( flic-ials MtifyiBg Mr. Volz of tlie íact, he left for thut city la-t niglit to appear as a witncss in the case. About $40.00 in frold, part of the stolen property, was found on ihe parties arrested. If the young men Irom Ann Arbor whu visit Ihlg city in carrlages on Buudays, do nut w to be regard eii nud treated as roughs and law-breakers, th.-y UI need to conduct theinHelvea wlth more decency and proprlety Ihau they have been credited wlih lieretufore. The forbearaace of our offleers is linaliy exhaUHted and theyoutb and evident Ignoranee of tbe young men wi II excuse i In-m no longer. Ana Arbor papers p'ease oopy.- Ypsllantiau. There is no excuse for Sunday rowdyism, ot rowdyism auyway. But if our ofücers will do their duty, there will le some Ypsilanti prisoners to exirhange for those arrested down there. Ypsilanti papers please copy. The proprietor and clerks at D. F. Schairer's dry good store were ;reat]y surprised on Saturday evening when Miss Nettie Gregg, oae of tlie clerks fered her resignation and stated that hereufter slie was to be addressed as Mrs. E. L. Drake, she liavinj; been mairied to Mr. Drake since last September. Mr. Drake graduates from the dental department in June and Is the popular mtnager of theChequamegon orchestra. Although a little late, the Couhier unlte? with inany friends in offering thelr best wishes to llie happy couple. The board of director of the Slar Mountain Mining Company beid a meeting on Monday. The report of the ollicers and committees wero received. A resolution was passrd appointing a committee, witli power to act, to purchasu and have set lip and running by spring, a new stamp mili wltli all Improved maeblnerjr for crushing am.: wperating the different kinds of ore, at au eetimated cost of $5,000. A Lendville miniiig expert was appoloted luperlntendent of the minea at a salary of $4.00 Ier day. Edwanl Duffy, treasurer of thecompany, rtpoitcd amount on hand, f 20,000, consUtiiig of cish and securities. Cbarles J. Kintnt-r has resigned liia position as Chief Clerk of the Eléctrica] Bureau in tlie Patent oflice at Washington and . opened an oftice in Philadelphia as Bol iel tor of I'atentï. As Churley is so well knowo in tlns county liis friond will be interested in reading his indorgements: United Statks Patknt Office, Washington, D. O„ Marcli 17, 1S87- C. J. Kintner, Esq- My Dear Sir: Your resIgnatlOB has been received and transniitted to the Secretary of the Interior for npproval. I need hardly gay that I slncerely regret that you teel compellcd to retire from the service of this office and shall always gratefully HMiieinber your diligence, taitlifulness and very valuable eervict's M the hcad of your DMMt important división during niy whole btay liere. I Ciirne.stly hope that you may meet with Hbundaiit (acoeM "out In theworld" and be treatcd as well a.s you deserve to be. Very truly yours, -M. V. MoNTuoMwir, Commissioner. looitcurln the within, and have aften ln-iird CommiMioner MootgonMrj speak tn tlu; higliest terms of Mr. Kiutner as an ofHcer conspicuous for his learning, intelligelice and skill.