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"Aml then, penllemefl ol the jury. I mu-t appêl I" ynur s.-n-c of Jnntlre Yim must remeiulier that yon are uvelvc stronjr, well-tVd men. opposed to thisonc tni-cruMe, puiiv (IcftMMl.iiil."' CoiisiiMipiioii Cureil. Au nld physieiati, letired IVniii prnctioe, Imviiii.' had placed n bis hanila hy iin Kust India inis-iiHiiu v the foflWlla nf K limpie vegetable i cniiily for the peedy and permanent cure uf Ounauiliptioll, Bronchitis Catairli, Asllinn, aml all tlirotii nil huig Affeetions, nlso a positive and radical euiv for NVrvous Dcl'lliiy and aml all Nervous Coinplaihls, aftel' lia inr tusted is wonderfnl cnntlTe injwert in tbouHUÜb of cases, 11 telt it liis dnty to eaake t Itnown to hls mffprlng (ellowa. Actimti'd hy this motiVO and il llfftlri' to relieve human sullrriii'í, I will s'iil free of charge to uil wlio dewire it, tillé recipe il (ieriimn, Freocll or Esjtllull, tvltli luil diiectiuiis lor preparintt and Unlug. Snii by mail by adünwalng wltli itarap, nuiulujf tliispapt'r, V. A Noy, 148 I'owi-i'.Block, Roohaster, N. V. 11 is Bheepskin. A JupHiiee student in Hldligaii univeiHity, linving iniiriieil an Amerlonn f Iri, muy be said to have compleltd tbc tlnesl educatlon that ever a Japanese yoOllff umn had. - Judge. Chronlc Cougfhs and Tolds, And all diseases of the tbroat and Liuifr-' . can be cured by the use f Scott's l-miilsiim, ns it oontalm lb heallng vlrtues pi Cod JAvtr (til aml Hypopbospliites in their fullest forni. Ia a beautilul iicamy EmulsioD, palutable as niilk, eaiily digettMl, and can be taken by Ilie most itellCHt. Picase rciid : " I conaider Seott's Kinul8oti the reinedy pui-excclleiue in Tuberculous and ötruinous All'eclions, to say noihing of nrdluary oolda and tbroal troubles."- W. K.S. Connell, M. I), Minichester, O. "Motlier don't tlm angels went any clotbear' aaked a San Antonio, Texas ;_'irl of her mollier. "No, iny daugbter.'' "None at all, motlier?" 'None ut all." There was a patlM, and the little cliemb usked: "Wbere do the BDgerS pul thcii pocket handkerchiefs?" - Texa SifUngs. Uucklen's Árnica Sal re. The líest Salve In the world for ütits, I5ruisi. Sores, l'lcers. Salí liliciim, Fever Soraa,Tetter, Chapped Hantlo, Uhllblalna, Coms, and all Skin KiiiplKnis. aml positlvely cures I'iles, or uo pay reqülred. It Is {fimranteed to IVS perfect MtllfaCtlOD, or ïnoney retunded. l'riee 25 cent per box. For Sale lv Bherhaoh & Son. "Do yotl know, my fncnd,"' said the temperiiuce DUID, solemnly, "what it costs you to clrlnk whist y. It costs yon y. mr health charactcr, home. happlnef - " 'Yes, by Jlnps ! and it costa me tour dollars a üullon besides. That' the wuat of It.'1- KostOn Courier


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