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The Sunday Ordinance

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As considerable excitement has been rahed over the strict onforcemeiit of tlie Smiday law, under the iwolution (if tlie council, at its last meeting, it m ijrlit no t lie mit OÍ place, to let the ]eople knnw what tlmt ordiniiiice is, conwquentlv ve reproduce tbo sanie Tur llie benefit of our readers : si CTIOH 1. T!mt no per8on símil keep opeo or pe rmlt to be kept o[it:n hls or her stort-, ordmary, saloon, bar-rootn, hier hall. rosl&Qmnt. pleasure KmideD, vlotaaltna booM tillluul room. buil ulley, grooery, barber shop, or otlier place of buslues, pIc-uKtire or amasement, or gtve or ninke or be present ut or talle part lo ot permit on iiny premis, s oorupled by liim or her, uny pabilo diversión, show, ttientrlcal rouroontatUip. bail, , gaine, or plny.fiii the Hrsl Uay of the week, cali tlie ttabbatb or Suinluy. This neotion Nhall not be construed to prevent druraUU lrom furnlshinn medicine! and preserlptlons, nor to prevent the Jutnlsblng or nn-als und ImlglnKs ti travelers and boarders. Hut noltilng herelo oontHlned shall autliorlze me furnlahlug of lmuxlcating lhiuors to any persoD. Si: ¦. -i. Any vlolatlun of tlie provlslons of this ordlnance shall be punlshed by a Qua not !esn thiui ten dollars, nor ezoeedlogona liiindrril dolíais, or bj Imprlonment In ihe Wasliienaw eminty juli, or In tlie Detroit house of correction lor a term exceeülug ninety davs. TlilHordiniiiico shall tuke Inimeiliute eflbet, Another orilinanee iievent.s all ilie-iplacet l'rotn kcepiny (ijx-ii nl'ler 10 o'clock in the evening ir before (i o'cluok in the mom I ng.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News