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Who is to dance the "Irisli Solo? " The LUtemann Concert Company next Friday. Joe Einmet as "Fritz" at the rr:i nl opera house, Saturda}' evening, April 23J. The closing event of tlie season, on Thursday and Friday, April 28 and 89. Look out for the Kirmess. At the urgent request of many friends, the pantomime, which was so successtully given Monday night, wlü be Kpeated on Thursday evening, April 21. Do not miss it. Reserved seats for the Listeniuiin concert on Wednesday next at 1 p. ni. "The delicacy, relinement, unity aiid beauty of the 'ensemble' playing of the Listemaun Company is wouderful."- Xew York Sun. The amusement lovina; people of A 11 11 Arbor wiil be fíreatly pleased over the engagement of Joe Einmet in "Our Germiin Cousiu," at the jfrand opera boUM, Satunlay evening April 23tl. He wil! have a crush. Dr. Studley will deliver his sparkling lecture "The Yankee Illustrated," In the M. E. ühurch, May 0. Dr. ötudley is too well known to requlre an introduction to the people of Ann Arbor, thonfh few have heard this delightful lecliiri. Don't forgct the time. Read what is said of the nrtist in the Benhard Listeman n Company, at univi rsity hall, April 22d : Mr. Llstemunn played the first movemeut of I'aganlni'B Vlolin Concerto No. 1, In a marnier whlch deinonstrated lila perfect comniaud over its dlfficultles, whlcli were overeóme wlth au ease that wassurprlslng. Both In thlsandhls encoré number he gave renewed proof of abilltles of the highest onler. Ttaeflexlblllty ofhls wrlst, hls perfect uuistery of the teohnlcal part of liis work, lus clear-cut tones nover confused In the most trylng and lntrlcate passages, won Instant recogoltlon, and ghowed concluslvely tluii he has not mauy rlvalsas a solo vlolInlst.-Cliieago Times. The Baptist Ladies hold their annua! Flower Festivnl on the afternooti and evening of Prlday, May 6, opening at three o'clock. Thcy will have on band a good assortinent of pansies, verbenas and geraniums and otlier bedding and blooming plants. The ladies hope their former patrons will remember.them and MMtpone bnying tlieir planta n n til the festival. The usual display of artlcles, uwful and faney, will add to the attractivetu'ss of the occusion. MSTEMANN CONCERT COMPANY. Thefollowini; is tiie program arranjted for the concert to be given in University Hall, on Friday even ing next, April 22d : Symphonlc, No. 9, In B flat Ilayden (Arrnnged for aextetl by the coinposii . (a) Lurgo- Allegro Vlvaoe, (ft) Adagio, (c) Prssto. Song- "Message d'Armonr Gounod Miss Anna Cliitbrd. Andante frora Concerto for Vloloncello. Molltiiie Mr. Adolf Salüer. Vlolin Solo- Hungarlan Fantasie, Jens Hubay Mr. lieruhard Llstemunn. Leporello- Aria frora Don Ulovanni Altzarl Mr. llonconl. o) Entr'act to Klug Manfred .' (6) C'anzouetta Qodford Song- "Who Knowsf" Con en Miss Cllffbrd. Dance of Death tUtt'Samt Of Etninet in " Fritz," the Boston Jouruul of a recent date says : The brlght, merry faco of Fritz, Our CottBlD ii -1111111, appeared In-lui thp large Kathe ring of spectators In tlie ISostonTiiealrelusl nlght, and the clever, g' od-liearted Uerman lad wa again carryiug on hls houest ways. Emmet uever tieerus to grow old. Hls stop Is ligfat, lis volee as gay and hls fnce as young as ever. In Frlu lm ha a part luily suiliug llm. He Is able to picture most exctellenlly .he noble man who sacrliices hls own torlune tlmt hls brother muy be happy willi that wealth, and who even glves up without a nurniur to that game brother the gtil win mi ie luves, because he thlnks she loves hini. tut when events brlng around the happy settlrinent willen every oue desires, there is afeellDgof p lea ure to see "our Krltz " Mili unspoiled by prosperíty. One íorglvos the eccentrlclty and incongrultles of the pkiy )ccause lt glves a chaace for Fritz to ishow iimsrir in niiiiiy colora. He is jolly and ïappy ; he is sorrowiul and dowucast ; hut at all times he is the frlend of all and all are lis frlends. The songs that he sings are no mail additlon to the enjoyment of the au.iijrs. Pleaslng in thelr melody, they are tlll morecaptivatlne by the cherry manncr of their rendering, tor Fritz dancing aboul hestage, smllingand gesturlngas he warbles vill curry any song home to hls Ustener. He was the lile of the play.- Boston Journal. BiTiihard Listemann is one of the few 'loIiiiUtt of note. Now tliMt the danoers of the KirmeH re leiirned, tlie youug ladles are buy vith mlllfnen and diess-makers. It is estiiUHted that there ure 400 -tnlents In the various univeisiti.'S of tlii- ountry prepariDg tliemselves for missionary work.


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