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High School Items

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The CiiWlofzues will be out May 20. Work on t lic oew building wil! toon be commenccd. The gramiiMr school no louger enjoya cliapel exerolses. Examlnatlon In Arithinetio Wednesday, the 27ih i list The lael chance to up the ucond term work in geometry uill lu girvii on Wednesday, May lih.' DoobtleM membera of the Delt Jp.silon society prefer n incmiun ol the trouble u tfaeir lasl meeting. ChrUtlan A.8soointlon social ni tbe regIdence of Prof. Perry, No. 01 E. Washington street, Prlday evenlog. All art iiivlleil. The persoo flndlng a small silver watcli wltti gold ehain attached wlll liave ii restored in the owner liy leavin; it with Prol'. Perrj . Ou Frichiy cveiiing the members of Lyceum No. 1, wlll urgue the question : erf, Thiit i Limitad Monarca; wotild lc preferablé tu the Republioan forin of Government in the United Status. Hereafrer the questiou box will cuutaio only scichtilic questlons. A new feature of the work is a novel In. four ehajiters, difl'eieni mem ben writing different chapter, and each attemptiog to so arrangthat the next writer caunot inake the purts of the story hurmonize.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News