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WHO IS UNACQUAINTEO WITH THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRV, Wll.i SEE BY EXAMININC THI8 MAP, THAT THe TL$3jorthing. jpert Lea_ V, XJ L ; jvv: CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of lts central position, close relatlon to principal lines Sast of Chica rro and continuous lines at terminal pointe Weet, Northwest and Southwest la tlie uiiiy truö middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facü' .aates travel and trafflc in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Rock Island main line and branches include Chicai?o,Joliet, Ottawa, La SallePooria, Geneseo, Moline aud Koek Island, in Illinois; Davenport, :.- U ia, Washington, Fairneld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa City, I?:s ¦ ios, lndianola. Winterset. Atlantic, Kuoxville, Aadubon, Harían, Qtlthri6 Ce itre and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joaepli, Cameroi i 1 . i lis City, in Missouri; Loavonworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert 7 er. acapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Xakota, and hundreda of . ïtci-niediate cities, towns and villagea. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts voadlcd ii thorouglily ballaated. lts track is of heavy steel. I' bridges aro eoikl ötructureo of stono and iron. lts rolling" stock is perfect as human skiil can make it. It has all the safoty appliances that mechanical genius has inventod c?iperience proved valuablc. lts practical operatiou is conservativo and methodt :?A - ils discipline strict and exacting-. The luxury of its passenger accommodations is unocmaled in the unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS botween Chicago and the Missouri Itiver consist jf comfortablo DAY COACHES, inajiiiiflceut PULLMAN PALACE PARLült an-l ÖLEEPINO CABS, oloKaut DINÏNÖ CARS nroviding excellent mcals, and -botwoen Chicajro, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansus City- restful liECLXNINÖ CHAIE CAR3. THS r AIVÏOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE II tha direci, favorito line between Chicag-o and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Ovei' tlii.; route solid Faut Express Trains run daily to tho LUaunei rosorts, plotui'OECii o loclitles and hunting; and flshin? pri-oundj of Iowa anti Minnesota, lbo : -t iiolda and graziiii? lands of iuter.or Dakota. tire reached via . A short desirablorouto, via SendcaandKankakeo, offera saporioi'iuducuiiiciit to travelers between Cincinnati, Indionapolis, Lafaytto and Council Bi"flfe, Joseph, Atchison, LeavonworUi, Kansas City, Ilinnaupulia, 3t. Paul auu ini. xnodfatd points. iill classes of patrons, especially families, livlios and child'-en, receive iron-. ofilciQl and employés of Bock Isiand traiaj ViOtoction, rospoctrul courtosv i kintlly attention. For Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainable Rt uil pi-inuipal Ticket Otüce Li United Statu, and Canada- or any deaired iuforiation, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resid-'ntand Goneral Manager, Chicago. General Ticiot ;md rsscener Asrcni, CM


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News