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Advices of the l'Jch stato tliat slxtoen live had been lost by tho prairie BrM in Norton and (iraham Countics, Kan., uiul tho lires wero otill raging. Ono entiro family, father, mother and fur ohlldren, woro burnod to death. Countless horsos, hogs and poultry had perished. Fhf.siikts were doing groat damage on the 12th along the Merrimac and Nashua rlver, in New Hampshiro. A largo numbor of milis had suspended oporations and near Boltoa many farm houses wero flooded. It was reported on the 12th that the snow was still ten foet doep at Cooko Cuy, M. T. The fourth game for the world's baseball championship, piayed on tho r.'ih at Louisville, Ky., resulted: Chicago, 16; Kt. Louis, 15. i A littlb over throe-fourths of an average yield Is expectod f rom the greut wheat belt of Illinois. Undeii a recent enactment of the Ohio Losrlslature husband and wife aro distinct individuáis in their rights to aoquiro and dispose of property. A negro living noar Greenvllle, Ala., went off on tho 12th, leaving üve ohlldron, the oldest eleven years o'd, loeked up in a house. Whíle he was absent tho house caught flre and tho children W8N all burned to death. Miss Shafer, the possessor of a luxuriant head of hair, was Mixed on the 13tb at her home in Pittsburgh, Pa., by ¦ ped' dier, who compelled her to inhale ohloro form, and whilo she was unconscious out off her tresses close to her head. At four o'clock on tho morning of tho 18th the extensivo paper house of J. J. McGrath, in Chicago, was destroyed by flre, causing a loss of 1300,000. One flreman was killed, ono fatally injured, and another had his leg broken. The business portion of Jancsvillc, Minn., was almost destroyed by Ure on tho 13th, twenty-one buildings boing burned. At a crossinif near Waverly, N. Y?, on the 13th J. P. Taylor, aged sixty years, his wife and his seventeen-year-old son (tho entire iamily) were killed by a train. Advices of the 13th report the destruction of the villageof Karnham, Va., by flre. Among the structures destroyed was the old Protestant Church, built in colonial days. A firk on tho 13th in the laundry of 8ing Sing (N. Y.) prison destroyed tho roof and upper floor. The convicts rendered aid in extinguishing the fiames. MinseaI'olis millers claimed on the 18th that the general condition of the flour trade was never more discouraging. Fifteen stores or houses at Hickford, Va., were burned on the 13th. ' Mk. Williams (colored), a Baptist evangelist, was taken from his home at Do Boto, Mo., on the night of the 12th by flve masked men, who scourged hini for an hour with hickory switches. Five cattle infected with pleuro-pneuion ia were killed on the 13th on the farm of John Frye in Marien tovvnship, Pa. At the Metropolitan Opera-House in New York on tho 13th Columbia College celrbrated the one hundredth anniversary of lts establishment under lts present name. The forests in the Indiana hills along the Ohio river were on fire for several miles on the 13th, and several dwclllngs had already been burned. John Thomas, acoloredtiian, waslynchcd at Union City, Tenn., on the 13th for asaulting Berta Turner, a white girl aged ten years. The report was confirmed on the 13th of the purchase of the Von Kanke library at Berlín, Germany, by the Syracuse (N. Y. ) University. The library contains 35.0UJ volumes and 75,000 painphlets, and is considered the fiuest historical collection in the world. In Central Illinois the absence of rain was alarming the farmers on the 13th, and the wells and streains were drying up. Bolomom Lewis, a rich fartner living near Wabash, Ind., was swindled out oi $0,000 on the ISth by three-card monte men. The gross postal receipts at thirty of the larger poit-offlces of the country for the flrst three months of the present year were H74ö,046, an ineroase of $381,431 over the corresponding periotl last year. A list of forty houses in Pittsburgh, Pa., in which property stolen from Panhandle trains was concealed, was in the hands of the company on the ISth. In the lifth ball game playeJ on the 13th at Cincinnati for the world's championship the Chicago nine defeated the Si. Louis Browns by a score of 0 to 3. Dkoi t.iit in Wabash County, Ind., was on the 13th killing the wheat plant, and the meadows were reported brown and bare. Dr. K. H Williams, recently appointed postmaster at Cope, Ind., became disgusted with the position and forwarded his resignation to the Postmaster-General on the Ulth. HU salary for March was forty-five cents. Because of the low stage of water and the soarcity of boats work ín the mines between McKeesport and Brownsville, Pa., was suspended on the 13th. Ei.ijah Walteks and T. Wagner fought with bare knuckles on the 13th at Napa, Cal., Walters dying soon afterwards from the effects of a tlow on the head. Mk. Switzler, the Commissioner of Statistics, in his quarterly report issued on the 18th says the people of this country expend annually for strong drink $700,000,000, and the drinking portion of the population Is given at about one-fourth of the total. The sixth game in the series for the world's championship, played on the 14th at Indianapolis, resulted: Chicago, 19; St. Louis, 9. All the prisoners in the Charleston (W. Va.) jail escaped on the Mth by tunneling out. Thb Navy rpartment at Washington received Information on the Hth that tho trial trip of the United States steamer Atlanta was entirely successfuL Joseph Bukch, a farmer near Lima, O., killed his sick wife with a hammer on the 14th and then hanged himself. Clai'p Sc Davies, of Chicago, Wholesale jewelers, failed on the Hth for $137,557. The Michigan erop report for April indicates that the wheat plant is in poor condition. In Chicago on the Hth Joseph Bertrand fatally shot his wife and himself. At Springfleld, 111., on the 14th the remains of Abraham Lincoln were romoved from the spot where they were concealed in 1878, after the attempt to steal them, and deposited by the ide of Mrs. Lincoln in the vault in the north hall of the monument. The cofSn containing the President's remains was opened and the features were easily discernible. Mrs. Sarah E. Howi, the Boston female of Woman's Bank fame, absconded on the 14th with $50,000 belonging to other peoplo. The sheriff at Akron, O., by means of a confession by a burglar, capturcd on the Mth two of the chief members of tho Foster gang who for two years spread terror througb three counties by robbingand torturinif farmers. Tm Treasury Department at toa rotunos to accept trado dollars In paymont ot dúos bocauso thoy aro doprlvod by law of any legal tendor quallty. Thb business portion of Trom poaleau, Wis., and thoWilliums Hotol nt Montosano Springs, SIo., weru dostroyed by Uro on tho ,14th. Destructivo confiagrutlons also occurrod at Onaneock, Va., and at Ainsworth, la. Rev. S. BnmUX, a rabbi of St. Louls who was a Lioutenant in the Florida war, and was woundod in a llght wlth tho Seminóles, was on tho 14th grantod arrears of pension amounting to (tí, (XX). Edwakd W. CODT, nlght diatributing elerk in tho Toledo (O.) post-oftlco, was arrested on tho 14IU for riflinir the mails. A fire on tho 14th at Camden, N. J., dostroyed a soap factory and Jamos Baird'a livery atable, eight horses porishing in tho llamos. A contract for furnishing steel-gun forgings and arraor platos to tho amount of $4,512,938 was awarded on tho 14th by Bocrotary Whitney to tho Bothlohem (Pa.) Iron Company. Ir was roported on tho 14th that ton men had lost their lives by a rockslula in a deop cut near Buena Vista, Col. Thb twonty-second anniversary of Ho doath of Abraham Lincoln was observed in New York City on tho 14th by memorial services at the Madison Square Theater. Walt Whitman, the poet, the priiuipal speaker. JüDdE Dykersox, a distinguished attor ney of Northern Indiana, lO3t his power ot speech in a courUroom at Delphi while arguing in aninsurance case. At Lebanon, Pa., on tho 14th Raymond 8hay, aged flve years, burnod hls brother, two yoars old, to death by sotting fire to his clothing with a lightod stick. Increasid froights to Chicago sinco the Inter-State law took effect havo disastrously affectod one hundrod ice-houses at La Porte, Ind. The advanco on tho 14th was four dollars per ton. Tuk Knights of Labor in the Pittsburgh district formcd a National Assembly of iron and steel workers on tho 14th. Daniel Jkwell (colored) was hanged in the jail yard at 8t Louis on the 15th for the murder of his wife December 3J, 18S4. Ben Brown (colored) was hanged at Nashville, Tenn., for the murder of Frank Arnold. An oxtensive firo was raging on the 15th oi Brush mountain, near Altoona, Pa., and a largo amount of valuable timber was bcing destroved. In Chicago on the 15th Frederick Kemler committod suici.lo by taking poison and Conrad Niebing shot himself dead with a pistol. A shohtaoe of Í20.000 in the general freight oftice in Chicago of the Pan-Handle road was discovered on the 15th. 8. J. Doggett, the cashier, was charged with the theft. Br the premature explosión of a blast on tho 15th in a mine at Buena Vista, Col., six mon were killed and seven wounded. The Bureau of Statistics at Washington on the 15th reported the export of wheat for nlno months at 73,000,000 bushels, against H,(H)0. 000 during the same time last year. Flour, 8,000,000 barrels, against 5,000,000 last yoar. Memorial exerclses were held In Uie House of Representativos at ftpringfield, 111., on the l"th, it beingthe twenty-second anniversary of tUe death of Abraham Lincoln. Charles Nash and Michacl Butler, ot Arcanum, O., were fatally injured by a train while driving across tho track at Eaton on the 15th. Theue were 146 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 15th, against 1UB the previous seven days. Michail H. Mi'itpnr, for nineteen years registrar of the water department at Hoboken, N. J., was on the 15th said to be a defaulter to the ex tent of töO.OOO. He had left for parts unknown. Acïclone on the 15th swept in a narrow path through St. Clairsville and Martin's Ferry, O., a distance of ten miles, wreckiug nearly three hundred houses, but causing little or no loss of life. The damage was estimated at 11,000,000. A OOimnH for the purpose of discussing the best methods of dispensing charity commenced at Baltimore, Md., on the l.ïth, distinguisheü persons from all portions of the country being present. The Cocheco print works at Dover, N. H., were destroyed by fire on the l."ih. Los3, Í200,000. Over six hundred persons were thrown out of employment. A Boii.EB exploded on the 15th in a sawmill near Lancaster, O., killing three mon instantly. A stokm, together with a large waterspout, destroyed a lnrgo amount of farm property near Wellsville, O., on the 15lh. Dl 'kino the month of March there were eighty-seven strikes throughout the country, the total numbor of strikers being 10,965. , At the leading citios in Indiana, Iowa and Minuesota business was on the l.ïth said to be almost at a standstill owing to the interpretatiou put upon the new Inter-State Cotnmerce law by the railways. Bixtt meat-dealeis at Akron, O., recently refused to handle carcasses shipped thither from Chicago by Armour & Co. The firm opened throe retail markets in that city, and the boycott carne to a close on the iith. A fire on the lfitb destroyed the whole' sale drug house of the Charles Baumbach Company in Milwaukee. Loss, fl?J,OOü; insurance, $90,000. Ono clerk was fatally and another badly injured. Mits. Michael Mai.onet, aged forty years, during a severo hail-sturm on tho ]"th at Niles, O., was struck by lightuiug and ir.stantlv killed. A. J. CnAPMAN, a wealthy farmer in Holmes County, O., was burncd to death on the 15th while burning brush. Lightnino on the 15th destroyed a barn at Summit, Pa., and another at Kast Randolph, TS. Y., three horses and nine cowi perishing in the fiamos. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. ALrRED Lee. Bishop of Delaware, died on the 12th at Wilmington, in his eightieth jrear. He was born at Cambridge, Mass., and was made Bishop in 1841. Thb Michigan House on the 12th defeated by a vote of 52 to Si the bill conforring suffrage at municipal elections upon women. Goverxor Hu.;., of New York, on the 12th vetoed tho Crosby High-Licenso bilL During the election on the 12th the entiro election board of a precinct in Jersey City was arrested for tarapering wili the baüot-boxea. Lieutenast C. V. MouHis (United States navy, retired) died on Ihe 12th at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. He was a grandson of Robert Morris, a siguer of the Declaration of Independence. An Anti-Prohibitifin convention wU be heid at Dallas, Tex., May 4. A joint resolución proposing a woman suffrage constitulional amendment was passed in the Pennsylvania Seuate on the ISth. At an election in California on tho 13th on the adoption of three proposed amendments to the State constitution the rcsult was adverse to all of the propositions. Jim S Dki.ano, of Illinois, furtwentyüve vears conuected with the Troasury Department, diod Ín Washington on tho 15th of hoart-dlsease. Hrmiï Ihmek, tho oldost looomotlvo envineer in tho Unitod Statos. diei on ilia S?th at Whistlor, Ala. Tur Deluwaro Sonate pased a bilí on tho 15th prohiblting nbsolutoly the mauuf act uro and salo of bogus buttor. Wii.i.iam Quimil Vioir General of the Roman Catholic diocoso of New York, iIíimI i n Paris on tho l.rth. Ho was on his way home from Italy. Nine Bishops and ono hundrol elergymen took part on tho 15th in tlie funeral of Bishop Lee at Wllmington, DeL Both liouses of ti; WiMQMin Ijfgislature adjournod ím df on tho IBUl Duriuff tho sesslon 576 bilis were passed. Coli.ins Huowx, aged nearly 102 years, diod on tho 15th at Fitchville, O. FOREIGN. Fite TnorsAND immigrants loft Liverpool for Now York on the l'-ith. The peoplo of Amsterdam, Holland, on the 12th celebratcd tho seventieth annivorsa;-y of tho birth of King Wilhelm. Tho King and Queen entored the city iu state mul iwn-wed a long procession. Russia was on tho 12th collccting larga commissary and othor stores on tbo northern border of Afghanistan. Ahvices of tho lStb from the Dutch E&st Indiea say that tho Dutch hadan encountor with nativos in Acheen, and that the Achínese flod after a sharp engagemont, leaving thirty-three doad. Tho Dutch loss was twelvo kiliod. A sekvant dischargod by Count Andrassy, of Hungary, administered arsenio to a largo number of his horses, üvo of whichdied on tho lSth. The official returns of Irish agrarian crimes for tho last threo yoars are given asfollows: For 1884, 78; 1888, 944; 1886, 1,068. The packet steamer Victoria went ashore on the rocks in tho English channel near Dieppe on the 13th in a dense fog. Seventy passengers and tito crew wero rescuod and twenty were drowned. TiiE Oerman Oovernment, after experimonts by the war office, paid $250,000 on the 13th for an invontion for steering balloons. The arrivals at Quoenstown of emigrants on tbelr way to the United State were on the l.'ith onormous, ani many wore compelled to camp in the streets. In areordanco with the report of Cardinal Gibbons, tho congregation of the 8acred Col lego at Rome decided on the 14tti to recognizo the Knights of Labor. 1t was reported on tho 14th that many prominent manufacturors of Cunada opposed reciprocity with the Unitad Btates as iuimioal to their interests, and would resist any such schome with all tho meant in their power. The Governor-öenoral of Canada at th opening of Parliament on the 14th exprossed the belief that the flshory negotiations would end In an arrangement honorablo and satisfactorv to both nations. The language used by Mr. Chamberlaia in speaking at meetings in Ayr ha inflamed the Irish against him, and te had on the 14th reccivod numerous letters waming him Ihat he would not leave Seotland alive. McLellan & Co., bankors, of Ht. John', N. B., iailed on the ISth for T00.000. A hotel was destroyed by flre on the 15th at Amsterdam, Hullaud, and fourlives wi-'ro lost. In the Dominion ParlUmont on the lVh Mr. Weldon sai i the ('anadian relied not upon their mijitary strength for a settlament of the flshery dispute, but upon tha good judgment of thi people of the United States. The public debt of Canada was on tha 15tb sa.'l lo be BS8, 100,00a A TKRiiiFic gale on the ISth along tho westcoastof Newfouiuiland i-aused serious loss of lite and gieat destruction of property. Dt'KiNO a debate in the English House of Commons on the 15th on the Coerción bilí Messrs. Hcaly, Redmond and Bexton called Major Saunderson a liar and coward for saying that the National Irish Leagua derivod its chief support from dynamiters in America. There was a very excitinif timo for a few momcuts, but order was ünally rostored. LATER NEWS. Is the cate of John Arensdort, triad ut Bioux City, Ia., for the murder of Kev. Qeorge C. Haddock, the jury was dis :harged on tho lïth becausi; of dUagreament. Eieven of its members were iirra for acquitt&l and the other was just as Brm for conviction. The entire business portion of Crescent City, Fia., wa dustroyed by lire on tha 16th. It was announced on the 16th that thouands of dollars' worth of spurious Virginia boacis had been disposcdof iu Bostou and New York. The freight depot in New York of tha New York Central railroad was burno 1 ou tho 16th, causing a loss of fciW.OOO. The Mississippi river is opeu from St. Paul to the Gulf. Mns. Mahtha J. Ryckmax, a widow lady residing at Thodford, Unt., was on the ltith charged with having caused the death of flve relatives by giving them poison. Tiib exchanges at twenty-six leading clearing-houses In the United Statosduring the weok ended on the lüth aggregated H,124,400,255. The base-ball season of tho Amoricaa Association opened on t,he lfith. Bukolaks at Coshocton, O., adminislered a fatal dose of chloroform to Mrs. Amanda Murphy and her young daughter on the 16' h. The President on the lfith appointed A. R. Lawton, of Georgia, Minister to Austria, and N. W. McConuell, of Tennessee, Chiuf Justice of Montana. Texas was again suftering on the lTth from a drought, and the local committee of Ban Antonio reported four thousand families in destitute circumstances. Thkee men lost their lives on tho Kith ia a burning coke pit uear Connellsville, Pa. The ycople of the recently cyclonowrecked towns of Martin's Ferry and St. Clairsville, O., sent out appeals for tluancial relief on the Kith. By tho burstiitg of a largo water-tank on the 17th at Palatina, IU.. flve mon wera kilk-d and four others were criously injured. Romnsox Bros., boot and shoe dealer at Boston, failed on the ltith forli:i,973. It was reported on tho 17th that an English steamer had founderod off Bonifacio, Corsica, and that 150 lives wero lost. Mk. and Mrs. Jamis (kkk, of Lafayetto, Ini, colebrated their sixtieth uddwig anniversary on the 16th. Mukiadiek-Gknkhai. WlLOOI was on tho löth placed on tho retirad list, ba having reoched the age of sixty-four years. i'niuiii F. Rexne, cashier of the brokerage lirm of H. H. Carr & Co., oi Chicago, confessed on thc lttth that hú had stolen $10,000 from his amployan. Thihtben houses at Konnobunkport, Me., were swept away by firo on the 16th. Advicbs of the ICtU say that a body of the Ameer of Afghanistan' troops mado a night attack upon a forcé of tho Ghllzal rebels and killed two hundred of them. Bsveral villages in tho dlttnrbed dlstriot of Alf,'liiinitan had been destroyed by Ure.


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