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invite DiRKCTüKï. A.NN AübobCommaxdkiiv, No. )i meots flrst Tnosüay of eaeli moiitli, W. G Doty, E. C; W. A. Tolchard. K.'oonU-r. WiMirRSiií CiiviTKit, No. 6, R A. M.- Menta Hrst Moaday e;i-h inonth. Isaac Handy, H P.; 'í- Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARD8. M w.i-:it i K CLOTH CASKET5, METALIC And Comimm Oofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght Kmbalmlng a ipeolalty. Htceroom on E. Washington streel. Resldence Cor. Lltierty and Klfui. . II. JACKSOSI, ID;iES;ilPiTilII!S!ITl. OFFICE : Orer Baofe & Abcl's Dry Good Storo. B a trasca next to National Bank. WILLIAn IIERZ, Bouss, Sig'n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! IfcMri m, (ili7.ini;, (illding, nd Calcimlnlne, and work u: every McriptuÍQ done in the best style. and warranted to give natieíaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor, W. W. & A C. XICHOLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Saviiigs Ilank, Masonic Temple Hlwk. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A-lmuiii.Tc 1 ror thc pa4deM citraclim í tee'h. STATE STREET ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DearSik: Ií yira want a neat Snlt do not order antll you liave seen josEPH bi:hkv, Mercliant Tallor. Btata itreat, Ann Arbor, Mloli. Yon will fin. I a very ñue Une of Knsfilsii Tontedi ír i)r..v, Balta, iwl all the Newet Hha Lei and Weavei in Back sultingK and trowseriugs lu st ck and 8'iinples to orOur lon'itexaerience In Cottlng enmbloi UM toglveyon :i neat and perfto Ot, and Clotba made In ttrt-olai order at Lowe! Living pr, ni ee ror yoorse . Ki'spectfully yours, JO4EPII UE&UY, Merchant Tallor S - CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity kolil fcir the protactton of the pollcj CHRISTÏ&N NiRCK BepreaeDts ihc Miowlnz fir-cU'C compnuien, of nhicb one, the Kt na. liao alone md Í56,ÜI1O,CHHI tire latttT-lT7a: litna, of Hurtford í ,1M,644 r'rankiiii ot Phlladelphla 3,118,713 (iennania, N. Y 2,700,729 i ,.11111111 American, N. Y 4,060,968 Lonüoii Aasu ranee, Loarlon.. . 1,416,788 Micliffn F. tt M., Detroit... 887,608 N. Y. Undsrwriten, . Y 2,596,679 National, Harttonl 1,774,505 Phoeuix, Brooktyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally atljvisled and promptly paid. Polioies issucd at the lowet ratcs of premium. ímtf LUMBERÏ LUMBER! LÏÏMBEK! it you contémplate building, eall at FERDON Lite Yard ! Corner Fimriii and Depot Sts., aml iro our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarautee AERY LOW PRICES 5í-Give us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and wcll Kraded stock fully tustains our assertinn. Telephone Conncctions Khh Office. T. !. K.KECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjiistments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS ¦PWJIAIi ATTKNTION QIVRN TO CoLLECTION or Rknth amj Manaukmknt o Kkai. KsTATE INTKRKSTS FOK ItKSI IIKNTS. ENTIBE ÜATISFACrriON TO OtTMBBI ÜIAKANTBED. A. DeFORKST. 1 1 1 1 UT m"n' mme1 than at anythlns ele tr tafc 11 I V Ing an aRcncy for the bent selllng book II lil '"" "'"Slnner acrecd grsndly. None "¦' rail Terras Cree. Hallett Book Co., Portland, Miine. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPreecrlption of a physician. who has had a life lonj experience la treatini; female diseases. Is used monthly -with perfect sucress by overlO.OOülad'. s. ïleatant, safe, cffectuaL Ladica askyourdrugptst for Pennyroyal Wafere and tako no Bubstitute, or fnclose postoeeforgealedparticulars. Boldby all drniT;kts, $1 p:rli ix. Addrosa THE EUREKA CUKMIUAL cd. Diuorr, Mich. S.ildlu inn Aibnr, Mich , nv Klie rbich & bon 13ns-i3fil) ViiIT ct" llvi;' hoinc.aiid make more moncy at I I III w"rk u" "" inan at nnythlng elie In thin 1 U U Capital not naedfd; you are eturiedrrw. Uoth MZe ; til e. Anv one can Aa tlie work. LarM enrnlnL'8 sur.' from uttHrt. Ootdjr outilt and temu nree. Btter not dclay. Cwi yua nolhlnif to eend ua jronr addross and Urd out ; If you wIh yon will do ?o t once. H. Uallktt Co.. I'ortliuid. Mali. TELECRAPHYüïïSiiS. ruii.i,l,,.i wntt .kiitlnt Uro., Janovllle, Wl


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