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J'cBEAJlfT' lOEPRlBES . SPECIAL gAKlNg MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared ..n arrlrt nearrt to Pnrltv, RtronRth, and Heakhfulm'fls. lr. Price'elíakiui: f'owdHri-untains no Am ni iniii.1,ini Alum or Phosphatoo. Dr.Prlce' Extracta, Y anilla, tomón, etc., flavor deliciously. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS AIíK offered Cor sal represente] as grood as tlio lamen-. Bl'I THFY ARE NOT! And lihc all Countcrfcits Imk tlio Rcnmrkablc I,ASTI( ((ualll lea OF 'lili: tiEXlIE. askfoFthe PEARLTOP And Insist ¦ft'UTy THIS lipón O IhJ@L Exact them Yjt Wm&MWj on Eacü OK Êry with NJJUJ CHIMNEY Pat.0cU3O,lss:j. The PEARÏTtOP is .Tluiuifacturrd O:vi,Y by oto, a. macpe:th & co„ P1TTSBUKGH, PA. C.H.St.CLÁÍRTSONS M ANCFACTl'HKHS OK Söliifccli FURNITURE. un im norsE i ii ii;s WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manafactare School ani ( 'tiureh Furnlture, and Opera Ilouse Chaira, Lawn Setlees, Camp Tables auü Lhe TRIUMPH WIND-MILL fhe bétt and smplest and most reliable Ín use. Kepairlag done on short notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CTLINDBR8, l'IPKS, ETC. TANKS MADE TO OBDER. LADDEB8, PBACH BOXES, BEKRY CKATES, ín íacl, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANX AHI3OH, MICH. FOR DYSPKPSÏI MENTAL AND physjcal:exh a ustión, nervousness, weakenedenercy, indigestión, etc., etc. u ffOiïlÖflÉ CID PHOSPHflTF. A liqtilii preparatton of tlie phosplmten nd pliosphoric acld. Ilecomraended by l'h sni.m-. It makes a dellcloQH drink. Invigonting and strcUKtliening. Pamphlel fre. FOK SALK BY ALL DEALEKS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProylUence, - - Khode Isiand. laTBEWAKE OK IMITAT1ONS. BÉAL E&2A1E insürangb" agency. OP j. o. a. sessions. ATTOUNEY AND NOTAHY PUBLIC Real KstMte s.lrl or rented and rents collectei on reasonable terms. None but oíd and íirMt-clasn Insurance Companles represented- wlth Insurance capital of ÍIO.UOO.ikxi. Hates as low an any other Insurance conipany and loases promptiy pul ti. Office over American Expresa office, Main street, Kna Arbor. Mich. R.UPTURE. tEGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRD8S. Splral .Spring, graded froni 1 to (i pounds Ín pressnre. ORN DAÏ AND MGHT, by an Infant a week oíd, oran adultKOyeari. Ladles Trusses a perfectton. Endose stamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRU8S CO., Ann Ahbok, Mich. , INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Block. Parties deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte , wlll flnd it to tbelr advantage to cali on me. I repros. int 15 flrst class Fire Insurance Com] panies, having an aggregate capital over {30, 000,000. Rates IíOW. Losses llberally adj usted and promptiy pald. I also Issue Life and iovestment Pollcles Ín the New York Mutual Life Insurance ComI paay, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslring Ac' cidenl Insurance, can have yearly pollcies f wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Inaur' anee Tickets isnued at Low rates. Money to ' Loan at Curreut Rates. Office hiiurx froni K . ( m. to ÍS ni. and 2 to 6 p. m. , ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. c


Ann Arbor Courier
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