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ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, XïXJE,O3ST ST 33. IE ZET, .Vexl door to the Knrincr's hmc! Mi-rlmtiic's BaDk HAIB CUTTING, 8HAVING, SHAMPOO N ING AND DYEING. The b of Wnrkmen mul HHtisfactlon Uuarantced. W BA'8 CORSETST ffiKO V COMFOIÏTABT.B A1 .X 1 í "l i í h l 'i ING. v-aaCk. - :' ' ' ] ïl bi-ttr d t.. un .ny corasí i "- , ' i-m Mtli! J ¦ ¦ wBMÜtei i W ; -''¦' nmii - i i m i. r 0m - - J 8huiu. i ui:i t 1 tak over Tri W: ¦¦ . . ïiie o ' fl TO1 K" o:d "A1XINÊ" ƒ w Ti ?;. ¦ ÜiorA'LNTTltirLElUl-lC, JkJÏJ Wïiich covers tho open epaco Y f 'BfiSB8ir . ïinitheiV.iHihiri:Ksi'Hft ¦¦V' vaïu.b STi:n. hich W V .mi'. luatantiytAkan r, ¦f Ont, WITlMfT CtrTTlKO OB ¦cBK i, i l(jlcs, aak fur ¦¦A MADVMK MOli.VSCOItVunnk M f s. N ( i.tlicrs h!ive th-t ¦ l Frii.-h nrrd y vKwlai BhikI. lieware of iniUr.tiotia M il BKMofT('n'rlto !,.,.. tli.' public. I SLI 1 For ¦"¦¦''" hv "M ''¦'":"- A -'¦ L h lMfli rB Jiamifactu Madame Mon's Contour. L. KKAFfl co.. Madame Mora's La Reine. Birniinpham. MadamO Mora's Aldine. J Flt#trtefc a Madame Mora's Comfort Hip. 71 tcoaard Bc, FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1887 Kow lrdj, contains 2 Colon-d rintc, Ininilnili of II. luitrations, nd nerly 200 pa(rm- 32 iKrtiuninB to (;irdrninft ¦tui Flower Culture, and ovpr l.'O cnntaimnir ao Illuntratcl I.iit of ntarly all Ihe FLOWERS and VEGETABLES growD, wlth dlrection liow to grow thnn, here the bent SEKBS, PLANT, nnd liri.ll-i can be procured, with pnces of eacu. Thia book malled free on rtn-elpt of 10 cenu, iud tbe 10 centa may bft deducted from the first order ent UB. Ererv one intprented in a parten or who deirefl (tood freih seetla, hould hve this work. We refer to the mllllona who hare ustd our eeds. Buy only Vn-k' s'c ds at Headquart. JA.HK.s VICK, MBO8MAH, Rocheiter, N. Y O The BCYKHS' GCIOK ImumI Sept and Marti, nth frar. - 319 nd' , - i 1 1 III, li. ." M h .... r 3,5OO tlliwii al I..H-. - m. ¦vlutF Picture Oallrry. UIVES Whulnalr Prlces direct to consumiera on all goode for pemomal or famlly ne. TelU hou to order, and glves exact coit of rvrrythtnjt yon use, rut, drink, war, or htTB fan ullh. Tilt I I.I II1.I'. BOOK.S rontaln Information liuiinl from the markets of the vorll. lVe wlll mail a copy FRKK to mny addrau UHn rrrclpt of 10 ets. to ilrfri}rxpense of raatllnK. Ijet os hear from yon. Rcspeetfoll, MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. 887 & ggO W abasta Aveaue, Chicaso, IIL THIS ï-TIIHU I fir bil KOWELL COS Kewapaprr AilvcrtUlng Bureau (10 8pruoe Strcet),whcri'iulv ¦¦¦¦¦¦ IMmif tlsluRcontnu-tsmay UEUI YflIZIf be rnuUo lor il in II kif UlïlXa SWRIBlfortlieWRIER:


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