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California Miners

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Our domestic life -as simple. Th general rule was that the oookingj wood-chopping, iire-inaking, water carrying and other kinds of bonaeboU work sliould be so divided round tlial each should have an equal share and all go out mining togetlicr and return together to the cabin, wbicL was lefl unguarded and unlocked - and indeed, many of the cabina had nothing for a door save a piece of tent cloth, an :mticipation of the fashionable portieres. Every one took care of liis own knifo, fork, spoon, tin cut, tin plate, and washed his own clothes. TJie underclothing was of course eolored cotton or wool; they hid the dirt and washed easih". Starched shirts, polished boots and stovepipe hats were neyer seen, and would have exposed the wearer to discouraging practical jokes. Sunday was a day of rest froni the ordinary routine of labor. Ttie piona Bpent it in reading, writing letter, conersationandwalkin;. The worldlj? washed and mended their dollies and went out prospecting and hunting. ïhere was no gathcring for religious purposes, and bo far as I recollect, na death or burial; certainly no wedding or christening. The routine of the week day was to rise, cook and eat breÉkiMt baforeday, by the light of the flre, as c:ndlis were very dear; cach put the bcd-clothrs on his owu bunk in order, and all itarted out for their claims, usually carrying with them materials forthcirown nieal. Whcn it became too dark to work in their claims they started back, cooked and ate their supcr, chópped ood, prepared for breakfait, and ihcn sat for several hours bofore a larga p'ii wood firc, conversing, or, rarely, ibiying cards, bnt never for moncy. - dr,rland Monlhly. - A peculiarity of Üio older orando treef in Florida this scasoii is s:iid tobt that most of the fruit is borne in clusters on th; tops of the trees, wlicre the branches were most completely deniiiid of their leaves last winter.-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News