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Terms In Cookery

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Asiiie - Savoiy jelly for cold dislies. Au ginlin - Ptiftn prepared witli sauce and cninilis, and Boucbees - Verv tiny paltiis or cakes, as Dame Indicstes - motithfulc. Babn- A peculiar, MPMt Frencli yeast cake. Ikchaniel - A rlcft, white s.uce made wit li stock. Bi-qm - A wl (té oup made of sbellfish. To blandí - T pi ice miy article in the lire till t blls, thfu plunje it in coltl water, (o wliiten poultry, vegetables, etc. l'o ivmuve thê fkin by riniTMiig in builiug water. lioiiiüon - A clear soup, stroiifier thaii broth, yet not so stront s consommé, wliicli is "reduced" oup. BrutM - Meal couked iii a clcisely covii d siew-pau, so bal it retüins lts own tlavor and tliose of tlie vcttubles aml Ilavcwings put willi it Brlocue - A very rlclii uuiweetened Kreiieh cake made witli yeast. Cauiielon - Sllltïfd ioHrd-Ui meat. Coiisoiuinc - Cler soup t Houillmi bolled down tili very rich, i. e., CDii-mned. CnKjuetre - A wvorj' tu'nce of fish or fow I, uind Witli sauce luto lll.-ipes, and Iritd. Crouctadfg - Friid tonus of bieud to -irvi' i ii 1 1 if (ir incats ti p tl . E:iir e- A sin; II il -h usually served betwi un coiiiset. at ilinner. Fondue - A liglit preparutioa of melled ebeen, Fondant - Surar boiled aml beaten to ¦ Crcniny puta, llnlleiidaise S iiu'e - A ricb sauce, soinetli'mj; like a bot ma) onn ii-c. Mateleh - A, ricb iish siew witli wine M ivunnaisc - A rieli sahul dressing. Mertngue - Sajror and white ol egg beateu tu sauce. Mannacle - A llquor úf splcei, vinegar, etc, in which flsh inents aie Iteeptd be tore coiiking. Miroton - Ciold meat, wanned iu varlous wnys, :iinl dished in circular foini. l'ur.-e - This name ven to very thick soup--, tbeingrtdi ntsfor tliickenluji which have heen rubbed througU a sieve. l'aulctte Sauce - A becbainel sauce, to which white wiue aml sometimesegtis are addi-d. Ragout- A ricli, brown stew, wüh inu-lirooms, vegetables etc. Piquinte - A sauce of several flavors, acid predominating. (Jucnelles - Forcemeat wltb bread, yolk oft-ffs, biglily seasoncd, mul furtned wltli a spcion to au oval simpe, Uien poaehed and uscd eitlicr as ¦ dish by tlieinaelves, or to gariiish. Remoulxde - A salad dressing difftirluf from muyonnslw, hl that the esgs are ba'd boiled and rubbed in i mortar wkli iini-iai'il. licibs, etc. Kissolc - Kich minee of meat or lisb, rol led in tbin pastry and frlecl. Houx - A cooked m Ixl tl re of butterand flour, lor thlckenlnx soupa and stews. Sibnia - A ricb stew of game, cut up and dressed wben half' roasted. Sauter - To toss meat, etc, over the tire, in a little fat. Soufflé - A veryllght, rnucli-cblpped up piid'linir or omelct. Timbale - A Bort of pie in a tnold. O1 au vent - Patties of very üglit puff paste, made without a clislt or inold, and 11 lied witb meat or preserves, etc. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News