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The ni])i;rviors un; now sizing m your pile. The Saline W. C. T. U. holds a meeting to-inorrow. Mllan will Imve only two saloons the coming year. ('helsea's high sihool pupiU see stars, now-a-days ('helsea report! 1") foreign scholars In lier school. The Kcho says the ptgg liat craze has stnick Chelsea! Several of Saline's young men are oing into the onion business. Miss Xell Weston is teach in g the school n the Wm. Arnold district Üexter. The Manchotter high school ehildren ohsi-rved Arbor l)ay last week Monclay. Tliis county is evidently not very nmcli interested in Arbor Day, but It ought to be. Wm. Gauntlett of York and Miss Diantha Phillips, of Milan, tnarried April 27th. Patrick Sinith and Margaret Keelan of Chelsea, were married Tuesday of last week. Mis. Jnliet Cooley, wife of John Cooley, of Lima, üied April lötli, used 63 years. The South Lyon Picket calis upon lts council for cisterns or wells tor tire proteclion. The Waslitenaw Iiaptist Association meets with Uu; York Baptist cliurcli society to-day. The Saline school llbrary now numbers 383 volumes, some 20 new volumes being added receutly. Geo. Grny and family of Lake Ridge have recently retnined from a winter's stay in Florida. The young folks of the Siline M. E. churcb are making preparations for a l'IjihI May festival. Two cents per mile is enough for rallroad travel. Reduce the rate says everybody, umi tiit' sooner tb botter. - Chelsea Echo. Tlie North Lake people are n a bad way. They are advei tising for some one with authority to marry, and a - cow doctor. - Dexter Leader. Quite a prolitiecommunity down at Milan, we sliould Jndjre by the great list of births nearly every week in tlie Leader. Seven iu the last one. Mrs. 8. G. Iyes, of Chelsea will visit relatives in New York state this pring, and will remaia 6ometime. Mr. Ives proposes to rusticate in northern Michigan. Lindlord Bennett is improvinjt the Western Hotel by extending and putting on a new froBt, which will add mucb to its appearancc and convenience. - Dexter Leader. Burglars visited the residence of David VVaite In Dexter villaje, on Monday evening or' last week, taking that gentleman' pauta iwu with theui, and getting about 8 for their trouble. H. E. IJurnham, father of George W. Burnham, the manager of the Indianapolis team, met with ati accident by which hls knee cap was broken, by falling receutly at bis home in Milan. E. W. Wallage has purebased the Boetger lot just north of his lot on Ann Arbor Street, and will bulld thereon two more brick stores, making six new business places on that street.- Saline Observer. Mr. Watson Snyder has purebased the building known as Ciane's trannery, and will convert it to some good purpose. The upper part will be raised to a full story, and become a public hall.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Asot of meteorological instrumenta, ftirnished by the Michigan state weather service, bas been received and will be put up at the school house, and observatlons will be reported by Prof. Loomis.- Chelsea Herald. Mr. J. H Kingsley, a prominent young business man of Manchester wae here Tuesday getting points in paper mlll matters. the subject of establishlng a paper mi 1 1 at Manchester is being discussed. - Ypsilantian. W. II. Dillion and family, accompanied by MifS Kate Surridge, start for Idaho this week. Miss Surrklge will visit her brothers, James, Thomas and George, and siter, Mrs. Eliza Case, at &It. Idaho.- Milan Leader. Wtaen the villajte paper is fllled with the annoucements of the meichants, trade is brisk, money easy and everybody happy. No business that is legitímate can prosper in these days if it is not judiciously adveitised.- So. Lyon Picket. The robins, after tlghting all day to determine the boundariesof their individual emplres, hold hcavenly concerts in the evening, keeping them upas long as therc is daylijjht enougli left to enable them to Qnd their perclung places for the night.- Ohetoea Herald. Every newspaper in the state sliould erk out the railroad time tables from their columns. Country publishers sliould show rallroads that they wilt not be impoted iim and then do their advertUIng lor ïioihinR.- Pinchney Dispatch. Well, jerk ii out then. The reference of the Commercial to the complïints heard from ladies as to the rudeness and vulgarity of the crowds of yoiing rouffhs that conj{rerate in the f ou r tb and lifth wards wan timely ana fully justitied. The evil is one of long standing and has gained for localities In these wards a very uudesirable reputatlon. wliich can only M removed by prompt and decleive meosuies to stop the nuisance. - Ypsilantian. " Bob, 1'm groing to throw up my business and travel in the states. I want tosee soniethiujr of the world,"said Stepitoffto h Is room-mate. " Travel in the states, eh! Well, If you do, I can teil you what state yon wlll be travellng in sixmonths from now." " Wlilch one, smarty?" "State of penury."


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